We will go over all the Planets, their aspects to each other, the Houses and Signs in your chart and clearly explain the meaning of each and how it may be showing up in your life. I will send the recording to you via email so you can go back through it at any time for further insights.

This waxing MOON starts off with a stage magician’s flair this time. As I mentioned last week, mystical NEPTUNE is all over this next week with its conjunction with the SUN exact on the 17th along with the waxing square. Things could be trickery, could be real magic, or a mazy combination and we won’t really be able to tell unless we are carefully clarified in our intuitive faculties. Or we can just wait a few days to check ourselves.  We might feel a bit spacy or tired since this last week. It’s been a hella ride lately and Neptune is asking us to slow down and rest, to contemplate deeper. We would all benefit from some time in the forest or the beach or immersed in art. Either inspiration or confusion, a lot might be stirring because of the approaching JUPITER-URANUS conjunction.
The next day the MOON squares MERCURY as MERCURY conjuncts the NORTH NODE urging us to think about and speak of our life direction or the direction of our world. It’s also trine SATURN and sextile JUPITER during that day adding in a dash of self-confidence and responsibility to the mix.

The 18th the MOON trines NEPTUNE as that planet slowly falls behind in its walk with the SUN. Perhaps some creative insights might flash up if we give it some space to do so. Perhaps we’ll sleep in.
MERCURY conjuncts CHIRON on the 20th and VENUS conjuncts SATURN the next day. Neither are likely to be light and breezy, but actually good days for talk therapy and self-care activities. There is an itchy half square from the SUN to JUPITER going on too adding a subtle compulsion to “do something”. Such a great time for taking responsibility for our healing and integrating the lessons learned from our past wounds, both collectively and personally. This will be facilitated over the next few days with some helpful lunar trines with the approaching JUPITER-URANUS conjunction on the 23rd and an oncoming lovely sextile between JUPITER and VENUS. There is also a developing quincunx (an energy of “not quite comfortable”) between JUPITER and the SOUTH NODE of our past, so be prepared for some more old karma to be dealt with as we close in on the FULL MOON and its Eclipse.

The MOON opposes NEPTUNE a day before the FULL MOON suggesting a day of art, spiritual practices and soothing time in nature. Get your kit together to honor the eclipse in Libra. There will, no doubt, be a lot to say about this eclipse season in the next few weeks. One day a time, as the old 12 step saying goes as we cleanse ourselves and prepare for what’s to come. I wish for you all to find hope and anticipation in the changes we must go through now. It’s an exciting and harrowing time to be alive. Holding back won’t work in these rapids and we are far down the river from where we all started. Keep paddling.

A friend of mine called this period we are in “The Quickening”. Sure feels like it! As if we all thought the flow was accelerated as could be, but it seems the tension, the lessons and the opportunities just seem to keep ramping up. Everyone will be experiencing this according to their own chart and circumstances, but I’m betting you are all collectively feeling the buzz and rumble of “something coming”.

To wit, the Pisces NEW MOON conjunction on MARCH 10 is sextile Uranus while Uranus is square Mars. This is a pretty volatile configuration of energies. It sets a tone of forcefully busting down walls and making moves for some kind of liberation. Not for just that day but during much of this period we may be dealing with the ramifications of this as we head towards a culminating eclipse at the FUUL MOON. Change is in the air for sure, as PLUTO is also sextile to MERCURY later that day so we won’t be disposed to subtle about bringing up ideas and communications erupting out of our depths and shadows. Limiting and conservative SATURN and imaginative and unlimited NEPTUNE are also in Pisces adding their pretty much opposing archetypal energies to the proceedings. Finding balance might be challenging, but it could auger some practical steps towards some idealistic or spiritual ways through it all.
Chiron is still somewhat conjunct the North Node continuing giving us an opportunity to move through old wounds and patterns. It can be uncomfortable to say the least, but hopefully we will be motivated to reach out for wise council and outgrow our victim conditioning.

The MOON will sextile SATURN just before it sweeps over JUPITER on the 13th hopefully settling us down a bit in preparation for JUPITER’s inevitable boost as the moon sweeps over it. JUPITER is within orb of URANUS now and that oncoming conjunction (exact April 20th ,so we get to work with this juice for a while) is bound to be fomenting some surprising action on the world stage as well as in our personal lives. JUPITER can auger good fortune and lucky breaks if it doesn’t overdo it and build the fire too high and hot. We can already feel that train coming around the bend, so aim high but also double check you have a good landing spot. A lot of similes all mixed up there but I hope you get the picture. It’s a powerful opportunity to break free of stagnant, outmoded and toxic patterns and we have plenty of that shit to deal with in the world for sure!

The Moon hits its waxing square to the SUN on the 16th giving us a potential burst of inspiration and/or frantic confusion because the SUN will also be exactly conjunct dreamy/ambiguous/ mystical NEPTUNE while the emotional intuitive MOON will also trine zealous MARS. Another good day to look before you leap to conclusions. Wait a few days to let your intuition clear before moving on anything major if you can.
Epic days for sure. Some of us will be sailing on these high seas and some of us will struggling in deep waters, so help where you can if you can. Ask for help if you need it.  As many of us as we can muster need to be heading to the light in these dark times and this year has a bunch going for it compared to the recent past. Call me for a reading if you want a clearer schematic of what ship you are sailing and how best to navigate these times with it.

Well as usual, it’s been a big week for a lot of us with the Mars-Venus conjunction and JUPITERS’s square-dance with it coulda gone beautifully or trainwrecked for you. Its still a happening thing, though waning, so we all still have chance to get in flow with good fortune.

This week when the moon comes square to the SUN on the 3rd, it will also be nearly squaring SATURN and MERCURY which are finishing their conjunction with the SUN in Pisces. Squares are aspects the compel us to make a choice, to do something either unconsciously (and so often seemingly pushed from outside ourselves by fate) or consciously and in alignment with our dharma or souls purpose (and so in closer harmony with the flow of the universe, not our ego). Kinda a big deal that happen all the time, so common we often don’t notice the choice points or resist and resent the external push. That’s why they are labeled a malefic or unfortunate aspect. Then we have to deal with the downstream ramifications of the choices or non-choice we make. Lotta pressure to wake up and make wise decisions in right timing. This square is no different, just might be a bit more noticeable because of the MOON’s (emotions, intuitions, moods, memory) square with MERCURY (mind, thoughts, movement, communication), the SUN (self-identity, ego, consciousness, vitality), and SATURN (time, structures, limits, maturity) in Pisces (dreamy, imaginative, spiritual, escapist, delusions) all close together. As you can see there is a wide range of potentials here, but likely a good time to make and share plans that align with your higher ideal life and face those serious conversations that need to be undertook while those three planets are still more or less conjunct all week.

As you can see from the chart the MOON’s NODES will also have some flowing trines and sextiles with the MOON and MARS-VENUS this week adding some assistance for dealing with “uncomplicated” subjects such as relationships and major life directions. Lol. Since VENUS and MARS will also be square to disruptive, innovative and freedom seeking URANUS all week there is a lot of juice for perhaps experiencing surprising, and (in the long term) beneficial changes in those MARS, VENUS realms where we may have felt stuck or unsure for quite some time. That is if we responsibly lean into the pressure instead of away.

Monday the 4th the MOON briefly squares NEPTUNE giving our imaginations a boost if we don’t just get confused and deluded by our fears and desires. The 5th the MOON does a sextile to SATURN and trine to JUPITER lending a bit of the wise ruler to our MOON-ish intuition and emotions. A good day to invoke the inner sage or perhaps find a supportive mentor of some kind. The 6th the MOON starts its monthly series of planetary conjunctions. PLUTO comes first giving us some brief possibility of exposure of our suppressed emotions. Or an overbearing vibe because aggressive MARS is next, with its aforementioned square to liberating/explosive URANUS still active. If there isn’t a wise outlet for this energy we could find ourselves (collectively) angrily and foolishly punching holes in our walls or something like that. VENUS and the MOON on the 8th soothes things a bit: Romance, art, dancing etc. are all accentuated. MOON conjunct SATURN on the 9th ostensibly settling things down a bit more because Dad is in the house before the NEW MOON augers on the 10th . Well, except the SUN will be sextile to stir-it-up URANUS that whole time infusing an electric feel to our inner selves and initiating a likelihood of revelations or revolutions in our way of being. Processes that we may not really see the full fruition of until the Sun reaches Aries and JUPITER closes in on URANUS in April. As usual, your results may vary, lol

Fairly active this moon-th as we should be getting used to by now. It helps to see the true nature of cycles as everything that is happening (And has been happening) is set-up wave for the next wave as we are all in a decades long global and personal renovation project whether we like it or not. Its all about seeing the ocean as it is and getting good at surfing, accepting effort and wipeouts as part of the process of learning.

Well, that was an interesting few days last week, eh? V-day seemed to be pretty dramatic for some of you, and it would be, considering the way the stars aligned for it. One of the advantages of being an astrology nerd is you can watch the sky dance and see how it shows up on Earth and in the lives nearby. Shit happens, but the way it happens is because of the music that is playing AND the way you are dancing to it. Astrology gives us a window of the past, present and upcoming rhythms. Forewarned is forearmed. Lol

This week of the FULL MOON, initiating on Friday Feb 24th, is going to be interesting too. The MOON is still doing its rapid strobe-like changing of aspects in often hours instead of days. With so many planets crowded together in a few signs there is a lot of variability in our emotions and intuitions. This might all feel a bit schitzy and confusing at times, if we can stay chill, we can navigate it gracefully.

While the Virgo FULL MOON exactly opposes the Pisces SUN it will also be closely opposing MERCURY and SATURN since these are all nearly conjunct the each other. This opposition cluster will possibly feel a bit crunchy that day, but it won’t last more than a few hours before JUPITER gives the whole thing a positive boost, as JUPITER will be exactly trine the MOON and still be finishing a helpful sextile to SATURN. If you don’t like the weather…. Try not to take anyone’s (especially your own) moods as gospel in the moment for the next 5 months or so (!) until the planets begin to spread out a bit and the emotional MOON has some breathing space between energies. Astrologically, this annual clustering of planets has been happening for a few years and will happen for the next few years more because of where the big slow-moving planets are right now. I look at it as being schooled in the necessity of becoming more objective and less wrapped up in the moody reactivity indicated by the MOON during what may likely be some of the most challenging times of our lives. We are all on the advanced slopes nowadays.

JUPITER will be compellingly square to both MARS and VENUS as they are still more or less conjunct, around the FULL MOON, giving us the urge, confidence and energy to make dynamic moves on things like our relationships, our finances and our life path no matter what it takes. It can be awkward only because it’s a strong pushing energy that might clumsily overdo it.
The MOON swings around conjunct the SOUTH NODE by Tuesday, thereby also opposing the NORTH NODE and CHIRON. This will emphasize our ongoing healing/healer energies of this aspect, as it will each month until CHIRON moves away from the NORTH NODE later in the Spring. This is good time for receiving or giving healing therapy concerning our deep wounds. We all need to compassionately support ourselves and each other more than ever these days as best we can. The NODES will also be Trine and Sextile respectively to MARS-VENUS for much of the week adding a touch of karmic destiny around relationships, money etc. and those healing energies.

The SUN, SATURN and MERCURY conjunction in Pisces which is as close as it can be around the 28th will definitely be in play through the end of the month bringing us some steady, mature and serious energy to get things done, especially around our long-term visions. Keep your eye on the prize of your best life, despite any of the transient distractions.

The MOON squares dark-n-deep PLUTO on the 28th. Then it goes on to form a back-to-back T-square series with MARS to VENUS and JUPITER  to URANUS on the 29th to the 1st, while also sequentially Trine the SATURN, SUN, MERCURY conjunction. This may set us up for some dramatic, but likely forward, feelings and actions on those days. Just sayin’.

We get a leap day this year which has no astrological significance other than to point out that the universe does not conform to only rational numbers that divide evenly and we are chronically (pun!) out of rhythm with the true cycles when we think clocks and calendars are real. Even astrology is only an approximate mapping to help us navigate reality. Use the best maps you have, but don’t get the maps confused with the actual territory.

The Waning Square MOON will be on March 3 which has some flowy sextiles and some feisty or discordant squares too. More on that next week.

I know things have been a bit intense lately, but realistically, when are they not? Astrology shows us the current alchemy but how that feels for you is, in a large part up to you. We’re still in the churn for sure, but hopefully you’ve been taking care of business and juggling each ball as it’s been handed to you with as much grace and power as you can muster. This is certainly a potential for this challenging time. The WAXING MOON on the 16th squares the SUN in its last few degrees of its journey through Aquarius. The MOON also trines VENUS conjunct PLUTO later in the day so passions may run high with MARS still close to PLUTO too. This can go either way as passion will, so watch your temper and mind your consent.

The world will all be feeling the intensity, but near your own center is where you can have the most influence. MERCURY will be exactly square to URANUS on the 16th as well, giving an electric “finger in the socket” feel to our thoughts and communication that day. Could be genius and flow, could be arguments and blurted thoughts.  For best results make plans to avoid belligerent situations if you can, and surround yourself with inspired people if at all possible.

I know: easy to say, and everyone has their own karma through these times. I have found if we diligently aim for the best of things, we will often hit something near it in the long run. The planets always auger possibilities of both shadow and light manifestations in the archetypal universe, so a lot of range of outcomes is always possible. You are an agent in your experience, though not in complete dominion of course. It’s a symphony of complexity, paradox and chaos. Astrology essentially gives us the chord chart outline of that music so we can play along as best we can.

MARS and VENUS are essentially conjunct through this whole period though exact on the 21st. Yin and Yang energies dancing together. Romantic passion and balance between beauty and desire are certainly possible, but so is experiences entanglement and engulfment. Be aware JUPITER adds some risk of overdoing things from around the 21st to the end of the month because of its long square with the MARS-VENUS conjunction.

By the 23rd has the MOON is square to unpredictable URANUS and it also trines CHIRON. This could lead to a somewhat excitable day full of healing emotional catharsis, as if we haven’t had enough of that all week. We finally get the FULL MOON on the 24th. The FULL MOON in Virgo opposes MERCURY, the SUN and then SATURN all within a day or so. Oppositions that hopefully help us see our feelings from a more unattached perspective. It’s the Pisces-Virgo axis: Water to Earth elements, 5D to 3D viewpoints.

It’s been a hella ride for over a month since we started this roller-coaster with PLUTO and the SUN entering Aquarius together. The good news is by the FULL MOON it looks like we have probably done some serious clearing of our collective and personal septic tanks and can now get some traction on our higher aspirations with less unconscious baggage.

We’ll see in the FULL MOON report when it comes around.

Ha! “Turbulence at the beginning” as in Hexagram 3 of the I Ching is very relatable at this NEW MOON. “Difficulty at the Beginning works supreme success, Furthering through perseverance.  It furthers one to appoint helpers.” Hexagram 3 paints a vivid picture of initial struggle and effort, much like a seed struggling to germinate and break through the soil.” So persevere towards your highest offerings to life as the necessary strengthening stresses and releasing ground tremors occur.

The MOON continues its staccato roller coaster through all the planets from Aquarius to Taurus creating the turbulence. As in last week’s report, our moods and attitudes will be rapidly changing throughout the day and week.  We are in a collective emergence of a lot of subterranean material as PLUTO dramatically introduces us to some of its new themes in Aquarius by being conjunct first with MERCURY (Feb 5), then MARS (Feb 13) and finally VENUS (Feb 16). We will all likely be feeling and experiencing a lot of deep (shadow) material coming up in our lives and consciousness for the next week or two at least. It may feel very personal, but it is also collective. MERCURY-our thoughts and communication (secrets revealed), MARS-our courage and assertive/aggressive nature (conflict and belligerence) and VENUS-our heartfelt values, money and relationships (obsession, betrayal, loss). All these will be in a churn during this NEW MOON period. PLUTO is a powerful mover of change and renewal, so keep in mind that no matter what is happening, it is a revealing of where we have been playing things out unconsciously, and cosequently an opportunity for correction. Some of these experiences can be very positive and empowering if they are not destructive. Its just PLUTO doing its death and rebirth thing, big time.

URANUS, the planet of surprising changes, is also adding plenty of electricity to this, as it is in a provoking square to the NEW MOON. All of this agitation may be stressing everyone out to a noticeable degree for a few days, probably already has been this month. Best have your sense of irony and humor handy. It’s a bumpy ride for us all. NEPTUNE is going to sextile MARS and then VENUS for a few days which may give us all a strong urge to run away or escape to some romantic dream land, but that would only delay and add power to the lessons to be learned if we do. The lesson will likely be something about exposing or expressing what people hold in our unconscious and how we handle our own and others power. The gift of this is getting to become conscious of our unconscious programs and knowing that the more we hide and repress this stuff, the more it runs our lives from behind the curtain, for good or ill.
CHIRON, the healer and holder of our wounds has been conjunct the SOUTH NODE of our past for months and is exact on Feb 19th,  This may feel like a fateful time for things from our past or past lives that need to become either a useful asset or be let go of so we can move into our life’s dharma more gracefully.  The MOON swings around and gives this a short center stage on the 13th    SOUTH NODE to NORTH NODE is a lifetime journey and this is a beautiful data point on where your life lessons and potential mastery is pointing you  and where you are at.

Fortunately, SATURN is still in its long-term sextile with JUPITER for a couple more months so that, hopefully, will be a mature and steadying influence on any impulsive reactivity during these volatile and days. Live and learn as we go through the crucible of the 2020’s.

More to come in next weeks FULL MOON report. This was possibly a hellacious February for you so far. Be comforted, it will likely mellow some by then and you can take a breath.

It is a lotta MOON dance this week. The Moon’s waning square with the SUN on Feb 2, 7 days before the NEW MOON, is in Scorpio, accentuating our deep feelings and intuitions through Sunday when it enters more carefree Sagittarius. Especially as MERCURY is also smoothly sextile to intuitive NEPTUNE during those few days. All the planets are crowded into one region of the sky these days, from Capricorn to Taurus. The MOON is consequently moving rather quickly through all the various aspects (trines, squares, sextiles, etc.) to all the planets. This is likely making for a highly variable and perhaps confusing emotional atmosphere for us all to ride through. If you don’t like the way things feel right now just a wait a bit and it will change, sometimes to a completely opposite flavor and subject. The advantage of this time is if we don’t attach to strongly to any one mood, we can begin to collate a more balanced and nuanced perspective on we how feel and intuit about things over all like an emotional strobe light.

MERCURY enters Aquarius on Monday and immediately conjoins PLUTO there. This starts a parade of inner planets passing into Aquarius and hitting PLUTO over the next couple of weeks. Pluto will be bringing out the darker and suppressed sides of each planets energy so it’s bound to be an interesting month, to put it mildly. This week it will be our mental space that gets a trip through the underworld. Secrets exposed, hidden documents and repressed thoughts revealed, that kinda thing. Hide your private journals and lock your phones, lol. Or at least be prepared for unexpectedly blurting out what you really think.

We still have SATURN sextile to JUPITER giving us a steadying hand in our aspirations which should be pretty ambitious because JUPITER is pretty rockin’ right now as it shares Taurus with shocking and innovative URANUS until late May. MERCURY will briefly sextile NEPTUNE during the last few days of this week, giving us access to our higher consciousness or our bewildered delusions. Wise discernment and equanimity will see you through.

CHIRON, near the SOUTH NODE squares VENUS and the SUN on the 5th bringing us some blasts from the past to be faced and perhaps transmuted into elements of our collective NORTH NODE lessons learned. The MOON swings into Capricorn initiating a quick series of conjunctions with VENUS, MARS, PLUTO and MERCURY before connecting with the SUN for the NEW MOON on February 9th.  URANUS is forming a trine with VENUS and a near simultaneous square to the SUN, peaking Wednesday, indicating some possibly electric or disruptive changes around what we hold valuable in our lives: money, relationships, valuables and the Earth etc. but likely for the good in the long run. Just watch your spending, K?

NEPTUNE will be subtly fogging things up with a sextile to MARS making it a challenge to take the right actions in the moment, but it will mostly pass after the NEW MOON on the 9th when MARS  will conjunct PLUTO where we will need all the clarity and equanimity we can muster. More on that next forecast
All and all a very full time. Life feels accelerated right now and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or pushed. Be sure to take time out, turn off your devices, take a walk and let the wheels spin free for a few minutes daily. Try to stay on top of the wave and we can all go far this month.

Full Moon Aspects 1:25:24

Anyone else feeling that this month went by really fast? Every day seems so filled, it may have been hard to keep up, but we are sure making progress as long as we are staying focused on our goals.
This FULL MOON in Leo keeps that trend going with emphasis on boosting our self-image and self-confidence. The MOON’s opposition to the waning, but long term influential, SUN-PLUTO conjunction with its T-square to JUPITER will likely impel us to expose any unconscious shenanigans we have with going on in our lives, hopefully for positive outcomes. The MOON in Leo is pretty exuberant as it is and as with any Jupiter square, overdoing it is a foreseeable problem. Embodying confident nobility might be your archetypal aspiration for this week. Especially since some of the energies will be coming from the plutonic underworld. Just be willing and able to repair whatever breaches that might occur from any projection or conditioned reactions. !Engage the Four Agreements, my friends! SATURN, still closing its long sextile to JUPITER, will help you ground and stand strong if you let it.

VENUS, the planet of what we hold near and dear to our hearts, is stepping into a trine with lucky JUPITER over the next few days, completing the series of planets in Minor Grand Trine to JUPITER and sextile to SATURN we’ve all felt for the last few weeks. This time emphasizing love, money and harmony building. A pretty good time for relationships to grow. Once again SATURN is supervising the trine from behind the curtain of the sextiles in the Minor Grand Trine so that will help it all stay on track for a responsible outcome.

Later this week, the MOON swings through a beautiful Kite configuration with the aforementioned Minor Grand Trine on the 27-29th, opposing SATURN. encouraging us to get done what needs to get done with power, grace and style. Don’t waste this opportunity to grow, heal and move forward with your true Dharma. Though it only lasts a short time, this all sets the tone for the first part of 2024 if you use it wisely.
URANUS, the planet of innovation and sudden changes, is strongly emphasized this week too as it stations direct on the 27th at 19 degrees of Taurus, initiating a juicy period when all the planets are direct. This will be getting extra oomph by URANUS’s trine to the MERCURY-MARS conjunction especially on the last few days of the month, which can incite us to think outside the box, change our minds and make inspired moves if handled well.
Sabian Symbol for Taurus 20 (19°- 20°) is “Wind, clouds and haste. SPIRITUAL FORCES. Energies and beings from other realms expressing themselves through our willing participation. Willing participation with unseen spiritual forces”. Its been in that degree since mid-December retrograde and now direct. It stays theremoves into 20 degrees on March 14.

CHIRON, the mentor, healer and teacher through suffering will also be starting a square to the oncoming MERCURY-MARS conjunction in Capricorn. This can provoke some inspired healing, or expression of old wounds this week. It’s an opportunity to see how far along we all are in our healing journey.

The MERCURY + MARS conjunction that goes on into early February augers witty dialogs, inspired ideas and actions if it does not get us into arguing or tantrums.   The conjunction is squaring the MOONS NODES as well as CHIRON, so it’s a great time to set sail for what your soul came here to do and learn in this life, letting go of the past wounds that have held you back. Hopefully you’ve been mapping that out this last 6 months or at least getting clear on what you don’t want.
So all-n-all, it a kinda epically archetypal start to this year. I’ll be doing an update with Phina Kemper on my YT channel on the day of the FULL MOON and continue next week with the WANING MOON report here .

Well, I hope it’s been a busy week for you all since the NEW MOON and in a good way. We are still in the chute as this week of the WAXING QUARTER MOON from Jan 17th to the FULL MOON on January 25th starts out with the Minor Grand Trine I mentioned in last week’s report. Since it consists of a neato Trine between benevolent supercharger, JUPITER and communicative MERCURY both traveling through the Earth signs of Taurus and Capricorn respectively, there is a positive activation of the mind, communication and travel grounded in the aesthetic, practical and material plain. Business, tasks, building, thinking, planning and creative endeavors all get a boost. This is reinforced and facilitated by the dual, flowing and complementary, sextiles that the pragmatic and authoritarian planet SATURN is forming between each of those planets. Saturn is not so sure of itself in Pisces, so these potentially positive energies can alternatively slip into crankiness, impatience and/or bullheadedness if we’re already bent that way. It is always good to try and keep an internal witness on our reactive tendencies. All this is especially true on the 18th, when the MOON passes in front of JUPITER lighting up the perfecting trine between JUPITER and MERCURY.

VENUS will be exactly square NEPTUNE on the 19th so there is the possibility of inspired co-creation or, unfortunately, temptation to overspend or unreasonable overcommitment to some idealized, exaggerated fear or romantic situation. Just wait a few days until VENUS enters more sensible Capricorn on the 23rd before impulsively buying that bauble or joining that cult and you’ll likely be clearer on what’s correct and true for you by then. Lol.
Meanwhile, Big News! The SUN conjuncts PLUTO on the 20th then magically, mystically they cross hand-in-hand conjunct together from Capricorn into Aquarius on the 20th, initiating PLUTO’s second transit in Aquarius until September. This will give us another preview of what is coming in the 20 year PLUTO transit of Aquarius. I suspect, more powerful transformative technological and societal changes than we can shake a stick at for that whole time as demonstrated by Pluto’s first brief dip in Aquarius, March through June last year: More AI, dramatic politics and secrets revealed anyone? Sounds fun. Having the SUN there this week initiates this transit with a revealing light on our plutonic collective and personal unconscious proclivities. With PLUTO’s usual death, rebirth, power, transformation and exhuming of “buried bodies” gig and it’s easy to see that this all will require some deeply aware consciousness to moderate the ride. “Tray tables in the upright and locked position and the seatbelt light is on.”  Of course, it will be a mixed experience as usual. Aquarius has its upsides for sure. Its Uranian innovation, uniqueness and electricity make it an exciting and progressive time too; Collective wellbeing, agape, big ideas, inventiveness and big societal aspirations all are in its purview. Pluto will just be doing its thing to bring about powerful cleansings, initiations and transformations there like it did with our institutional structures and traditions in Capricorn since 2008.
A few days later on the 23rd VENUS enters pragmatic Capricorn grounding some of our more romantic and dreamy ideas. The ongoing Sextile between SATURN and JUPITER keeps business rolling until VENUS perfects with them, in another facilitating Minor Grand Trine just after the FULL MOON. Finally, there will be a developing Square between Healer CHIRON and Doer MARS conjunct Mental MERCURY as the FULL MOON in Leo shows up on January 25th, giving it a therapeutic flavor, one way or another.

All-n-all a busy, productive week if you want it to be. Also, potentially dramatic for good or bad. But better than being stuck waiting too long for new things to get going as in the recent past.

New moon aspects Jan 11th 2024Well, this should be good. The initiatory and inspirational energy of the NEW MOON, SUN combination on the 11th will be synergistically trine innovative, inspiring and shocking URANUS, supercharging possibilities and plans. As I mentioned last week, the NEW MOON on the 11th is in the mix with a Minor Grand Trine that started earlier in the week involving an amplifying trine between happy-go-lucky JUPITER and Get-er-done MARS. Both are in creative and 3d manifesting Earth signs: Taurus and Capricorn, each of which is sextile to responsible and disciplined SATURN, (the ruler of Capricorn). Minor Grand Trines are one of the talent triangle geometries in astrology. The potential is there but one has to go for it, use it, or it will just pass with very little effect.

Now, in the best vibe this augers an opportunity to get a lot of shit done and feel really inspired and productive. The caution is that the shadow side of all this is stressing out by overdoing it, taking on too much and getting all grumpy or defeated (SATURN in Pisces), impatient or angry (MARS in Capricorn) with any glitches, holdups or delays. Stay centered, get organized, focus on authentic priorities and make yourself slow down occasionally to enjoy the ride. Don’t let yourself get too wound-up. You will likely see others around you and the world in general going through the same gyrations and things can easily escalate. With an attitude of gratitude for playing in a big exciting game that is finally “on” and a stepped back sense of humor, you’ll be able to get the most out of this period and assist others in keeping their balance at this accelerated pace as well. As Always, your experience is going to be channeled by what houses these aspects fall in for you from your Natal chart, how it all aspects you personally and, strongly, by what response patterns you are running.

At the NEW MOON, VENUS will be strongly trine to CHIRON, which will tend to be about healing interrelations with something you value or maybe invoking some welcome TLC for yourself and/or with others.

That auspicious beginning goes on all week as MARS smoothly hands off the Trine with JUPITER for a Trine with mental and talkative MERCURY over the week, peaking in ANOTHER Minor Grand Trine with SATURN and JUPITER, that perfects just after the January 17th WAXING QUARTER MOON. This will potentially emphasize articulation of practical ideas and step by step planning. The caution with this one too is to not overdo it or under do it. VENUS is coming on to Square dreamy NEPTUNE so watch for things like impulsive spending, shady deals or ungrounded beliefs. More on that in the current Bi-weekly YouTube forecast  with Phina Kemper and I, and the WAXING QUARTER MOON  written report next week.