“O snail
Climb Mount Fuji
But slowly, slowly!”
― Kobayashi Issa
Yay, 2024!…Oh..Sigh… After the lift we may have felt with the turning direct of MERCURY and JUPITER at the end of the year, there is, unfortunately, a little drop at the beginning of this period. The groovy and activating trine between JUPITER and the SUN fades away by Wednesday the 3rd as the MOON squares the SUN and VENUS has both an awkward and irritating quincunx to JUPITER and square to “Mr wet blanket”, SATURN. A possible minor let down that leads right into another the next morning on the 4th as the MOON triggers another annoying quincunx that’s happening all week between the SOUTH NODE, (our past) and URANUS, the great disruptor.
This week there is an oncoming square between the SUN and CHIRON which is potentially pushing old hurts and lessons to the forefront for ourselves or those around us to be attended to. Also, a developing, 3rd and last time, square between MERCURY (our mind and communication) and foggy, imaginative NEPTUNE will perhaps make us all a little spacey and dreamy again. Sorry, if you feel a little out of sorts off and on this week. All this is hopefully minor and fleeting for you but it’s hard to say without your birth chart overlay.
It’s all just some choppy waves that are leading up to a powerful and beneficial Minor Grand Trine that has SATURN easefully sextile to both JUPITER and MARS which form the base harmonic Trine in between. This really augers around the NEW MOON on the 11th, but is building from the weekend onwards. SATURN in PISCES lends us a practical slant to our dreams and aspirations, that is if we keep its pessimistic Eeyore vibe at bay. Venus is in enthusiastic JUPITER-ruled Sagittarius trine to expansive, lucky and optimistic JUPITER which is at last going forward through tasteful, tenacious, and earthily primal TAURUS, all looks to evoke some inspired manifestation we all should take advantage of. Uplifting and fortunate JUPITER is set to give us a pretty good run through most of 2024, so keep your chin up and think big. VENUS swoops into a healing trine with CHIRON at the NEW MOON too, so it’ll likely be a shinier end of the week than beginning. Just be patient with yours and others moodiness or negativity. We’re all a bit sensitized from all the shit we’ve been through in the recent past. Finding rest, equanimity and being responsibly accountable are key. So even though MERCURY direct has likely amplified your social calendar and to-do list, cut yourself some slack and do some soothing behaviors this week. it’s just a few days and the slow start, long term, general trend is forward into new territory for us all.