As the MOON squares the SUN on the 27th we are harvesting what was sewn on the last NEW MOON. Integrating what had come to fruition at the FULL on July 21st. We also are beginning to formulate what seeds will be planted at the NEW MOON Aug 4th. What that all actually looks like for you will be quite individual and indicated by the aspects to your birth chart. But in the general mundane aspects we sure have had a ton of disturbing and disruptive stuff go down since the last NEW MOON on July 5th. PLUTO’s aspects and the MARS-URANUS conjunction have been denoting rude awakenings in our lives and we’ve been literally feeling our way through it all with the SUN in sensitive Cancer. Now we are in LEO season, a more outgoing and expressive time but we are still processing so much that came before, so it certainly feels like progress but not all “party on!” fun times. A lot of serious work still needs to be done.

WE have the SUN and VENUS transiting in exuberant LEO now, lending us some radiance and MARS is sharing  open minded Gemini with optimistic JUPITER though they won’t actually be conjunct until near mid-month. This gives us a lift of a certain “can do” energy we definitely need. MARS is sextile the SUN until around Aug 1st adding to that energy as we try to figure how to move forward with our lives. IT can manifest as a bit self-centered though, so be sure to work on win-win goals.

By the 30th of July we get a beneficial cradle configuration of sextiles and trines for a couple of days anchored by the SUN-MARS sextile and connecting to the MOONS NODES. This could kinda smooth things out for getting some progress on our soul goals. Of course, there is always “something” and this time its VENUS making a fussy square and a half and a half square to the nodes as well as a strong trine to CHIRON Rx. Venus is also approaching a square to URANUS. All that VENUS energy will likely point us towards something that is needing and getting abruptly changed in our close relationships over the week related to healing our old wounds. Might not be comfortable but definitely a corrective surgery. The more you lean into it the faster it gets done.

PLUTO Rx and NEPTUNE Rx are easing back on the transformative demolitions, unfocused bewilderment and the mythopoetic inspirations they have been signifying the last few weeks as they cease aspecting so many of the inner planets for the moment. They are still in sextile with each other and harmonically aspecting URANUS more or less for the next few years though, so epic shifts in consciousness are still in the works long term. This is why the recent aspects made with the inner personal planet archetypes have been reflecting such self-shattering, or at least distressing, evolutions. We are in the “great revealing” time of the cycles now: apocalypse and the end of Empires and it is both personal and collective. As above so below, as within so without.

On Aug 3rd the MOON comes by on its monthly rounds and trines NEPTUNE Rx then opposes PLUTO Rx just as it moves into Leo, briefly stirring that pot once more before it moves on to conjunct the SUN in a NEW MOON Aug 4th. MERCURY stations to go retrograde that day so the NEW MOON may have some of the trickster show up, though my guess is that has already been happening for at least a week.  Little glitches that seem big in the moment but turn out to be storms in a teacup only amplified if we over react.

VENUS is poised to change signs at 29 degrees of Leo at the NEW MOON which coincidentally puts it into Yod (finger of God) configuration with a vexatious pair of quincunx to both NEPTUNE Rx and PLUTO Rx which, as mentioned above, are in sextile to each other. This might indicate (with all the other VENUS stuff) that the last week of July and first week of August may be a more-than-interesting time in regards to relationships or finances in our personal lives and on the world stage. This has been likely brewing for a long time. Don’t let it get you down. There is always a way to bring our attention to the beauty and perfection of the rhythms even as we trip over our own shoe laces.  Karma is what it is and chickens will come home to roost. If we act with integrity, compassion and a nuanced sense of irony of how we take everything transient so fricken seriously we will pull through ok. The music never stops…

More on the NEW MOON next week, of course.