Tag Archive for: astrological forecast

As the MOON squares the SUN on the 27th we are harvesting what was sewn on the last NEW MOON. Integrating what had come to fruition at the FULL on July 21st. We also are beginning to formulate what seeds will be planted at the NEW MOON Aug 4th. What that all actually looks like for you will be quite individual and indicated by the aspects to your birth chart. But in the general mundane aspects we sure have had a ton of disturbing and disruptive stuff go down since the last NEW MOON on July 5th. PLUTO’s aspects and the MARS-URANUS conjunction have been denoting rude awakenings in our lives and we’ve been literally feeling our way through it all with the SUN in sensitive Cancer. Now we are in LEO season, a more outgoing and expressive time but we are still processing so much that came before, so it certainly feels like progress but not all “party on!” fun times. A lot of serious work still needs to be done.

WE have the SUN and VENUS transiting in exuberant LEO now, lending us some radiance and MARS is sharing  open minded Gemini with optimistic JUPITER though they won’t actually be conjunct until near mid-month. This gives us a lift of a certain “can do” energy we definitely need. MARS is sextile the SUN until around Aug 1st adding to that energy as we try to figure how to move forward with our lives. IT can manifest as a bit self-centered though, so be sure to work on win-win goals.

By the 30th of July we get a beneficial cradle configuration of sextiles and trines for a couple of days anchored by the SUN-MARS sextile and connecting to the MOONS NODES. This could kinda smooth things out for getting some progress on our soul goals. Of course, there is always “something” and this time its VENUS making a fussy square and a half and a half square to the nodes as well as a strong trine to CHIRON Rx. Venus is also approaching a square to URANUS. All that VENUS energy will likely point us towards something that is needing and getting abruptly changed in our close relationships over the week related to healing our old wounds. Might not be comfortable but definitely a corrective surgery. The more you lean into it the faster it gets done.

PLUTO Rx and NEPTUNE Rx are easing back on the transformative demolitions, unfocused bewilderment and the mythopoetic inspirations they have been signifying the last few weeks as they cease aspecting so many of the inner planets for the moment. They are still in sextile with each other and harmonically aspecting URANUS more or less for the next few years though, so epic shifts in consciousness are still in the works long term. This is why the recent aspects made with the inner personal planet archetypes have been reflecting such self-shattering, or at least distressing, evolutions. We are in the “great revealing” time of the cycles now: apocalypse and the end of Empires and it is both personal and collective. As above so below, as within so without.

On Aug 3rd the MOON comes by on its monthly rounds and trines NEPTUNE Rx then opposes PLUTO Rx just as it moves into Leo, briefly stirring that pot once more before it moves on to conjunct the SUN in a NEW MOON Aug 4th. MERCURY stations to go retrograde that day so the NEW MOON may have some of the trickster show up, though my guess is that has already been happening for at least a week.  Little glitches that seem big in the moment but turn out to be storms in a teacup only amplified if we over react.

VENUS is poised to change signs at 29 degrees of Leo at the NEW MOON which coincidentally puts it into Yod (finger of God) configuration with a vexatious pair of quincunx to both NEPTUNE Rx and PLUTO Rx which, as mentioned above, are in sextile to each other. This might indicate (with all the other VENUS stuff) that the last week of July and first week of August may be a more-than-interesting time in regards to relationships or finances in our personal lives and on the world stage. This has been likely brewing for a long time. Don’t let it get you down. There is always a way to bring our attention to the beauty and perfection of the rhythms even as we trip over our own shoe laces.  Karma is what it is and chickens will come home to roost. If we act with integrity, compassion and a nuanced sense of irony of how we take everything transient so fricken seriously we will pull through ok. The music never stops…

More on the NEW MOON next week, of course.

Yeah, you’re right, it’s been a wild ride this July. The FULL MOON onwards isn’t promising much of a relief either. We need to accept that we are in times of major shifts and it will not feel easy or comfortable. It is never all bad news though, and even challenging aspects are fingers pointing at the moon of right living.  We are wired to focus more on danger and uncertainty than the things that are going right, as well as generally not being able to see the bigger long-term consequences and arc of the narrative. Its commonly pretty personal to us humans and when things get churned up like this, our anxiety and reactivity can easily take over. Let me assure you that though this FULL MOON has some challenges to it, overall its showing us that the universe is just revealing to us it is time to change our ways of thinking and being in the world whether we like it or not. Ultimately, this change has to start from the inside out. The good news is there are more humans responding the call than ever before on the planet. It Is mycelial in nature, so you likely won’t see it much with your everyday perception or in the MSM. Keep your chin up and your hearts open as best you can.

PLUTO Rx in innovative and future oriented Aquarius is opposite the SUN this week and the MOON conjuncts it just hours after the FULL MOON. This is bound to bring up more collective unconscious material to be dealt with. We’ve had a parade of personal planets oppose PLUTO this month: MERCURY, the MOON and VENUS, so we’ve likely had a lot of heavy stuff come up to be processed, hidden things revealed and power plays enacted. Having the SUN there now will probably give us more of the same, challenging us one more to dance with the dark, what we are afraid of and take accountability for how we each contribute to the circumstances around us.

MARS having just done a shocking number, passing over URANUS last week, now moves into a synergistic trine with PLUTO soon after passing from stubborn TAURUS into more flexible GEMINI on the 20th. That may add some lubricant to the PLUTO/FULL MOON perhaps facilitating some action to address what has been churned up. Hopefully not just impulsive reactions and doubling down on the mindset that created the issue, whatever it may be.

NEPTUNE Rx is all up in this too because it is sitting in sextile to both PLUTO, MARS and just slightly to URANUS. This indicates we will likely be experiencing heightened dreams, intuitions and imaginations and abilities to take inspired actions in sensitive regard to the flow of our lives and environment. Conversely, this configuration can also mean a time of confusion about how and when to proceed, deception, loss of stamina, avoidance and passive aggression. Its kinda always messy with NEPTUNE as it removes all boundaries so things can melt and flow into new configurations or receive divine inspiration. It represents the higher realms though, so it really is just a messing with the fearful controlling ego and our materialist certainties. The SUN is trine NEPTUNE for the next week or so too, exacerbating all this. Let your courageous authenticity lead even while being confused or unsure. Rest when you can and eschew overindulgence in intoxicants.

We may feel there are too just many layers and paths to express easily because our minds are likely to feel a bit overactive this week with MARS (now in mental Gemini, ruled by MERCURY) spending a few days square to MERCURY in expressive Leo around the FULL MOON. Some possible strategies to manage all this would be daily meditation and yoga type practices, long walks and saying no to scrolling or news. Poetry, music, dancing are all appropriate responses. Try not to make any LT life decisions for now or if you must, just stay loose about the expected outcome. Everything is in flux. Having the SUN move into Leo on the 22nd and MARS move into GEMINI will likely loosen and lighten us up if we let it.Once they get done with their heavy PLUTO aspects in a few days, that is.

By the 25th or 26th the SUN moves into exact sextile with MARS which has been hopefully giving us a needed and welcome boost of energy and courage. MERCURY flips into Virgo on the 26th, its other home sign, where it feels empowered to do its exacting, direct and perhaps over-analyzing Virgo thing. Of course, as with all the other planets changing signs this week it will aspect PLUTO Rx. This time the aspect is an awkward quincunx (150 degrees). It is forming a Yod (finger of god triangle) by a simultaneous quincunx to NEPTUNE Rx and its ongoing sextile with PLUTO Rx. This augers for some important communication, inspiration or information probably not getting through very clearly or come out sideways. That’s ok because by August 4th MERCURY will go retrograde and form this same Yod two more times over the next 2 months. So by mid September whatever that message may be will finally become unambiguous.  Also, on the 26th CHIRON goes into its slow Rx after hanging out at around 23 degrees of Aries for a little over a month. It will be about 9 months going over 23 to 19 degrees Aries and back to 23 so we can complete our healing work in those degrees whatever that my be for you.
On the 27th we’ve made it halfway to the NEW MOON…WHEW!

I’ll talk some about that on our FULL MOON YouTube video coming out soon and of course in more detail here next week as we get closer to the waning Quarter Square MOON.

I pray you all are navigating all this OK. Its epic times, as I and every other astrologer, have been saying for years now. We all wanted change, now it’s happening (and pretty much for the rest of our lives). It is both fascinating and harrowing to go through this no matter who you are or what you know. Sending blessings to you all.

We be trippin! Well, we all may have been over this last week, but it looks like the turbulence and effort will pay off in the long run and we might feel some positive movement and support for whatever deep journey we are on as we get closer to the FULL MOON. On the July 13th QUARTER MOON we are just finishing up with a VENUS in the first degrees of LEO opposition to PLUTO. This has probably stirred up some powerful disturbances in things we consider necessary for a good life; our relationships or finances for instance. Relationship dramas this week anyone?.

PLUTO has been doing oppositions in sequence over much of the month: MERCURY (Thoughts, Communication, Travel), the MOON (emotions, intuition, caring), now to VENUS (beauty, harmony, desire, romance) and then the SUN (our self and Self, ego and soul) around the time of the FULL MOON. Its been playing us hard for weeks as it retrogrades back through the first degrees of Aquarius, disrupting the status quo of our lives so we can experience any flaws and make the necessary adjustments. Not fun or easy if we resist and try to hold on to the past way of things or repress things we would prefer to keep hidden. Well, that is PLUTO’S role in the archetypal dance and it never really stops. PLUTO is also now close to 1 degree of sextile to NEPTUNE (imagination, spirituality, idealism, vagueness and deception) and just beginning to come into orb of a trine to URANUS (sudden change, innovation, destruction) which it will dance in and out of for the next number of years. As you can see from the archetypal energies involved, we are in for an evolutionary ride and it is just getting going. We are being asked to majorly upgrade our discernment of true reality including the fundamentally sacred nature of existence. PLUTO is reflecting that universal pattern of dissolution and rebirth to us and we have no viable choice but to collectively evolve somehow. It’s an eternal trip, Yo. This month has certainly had its share of Plutonic challenges for our own good. Whew!
JUPITER is trine the SOUTH NODE and sextile the NORTH NODE this week showing us we’ll likely have some confidence and optimism and perhaps a hit of good luck about the arc of our story despite PLUTO’S shennigans. MARS will be thrillingly conjunct URANUS on the 15th. Its been coming on for a bit and its indicating we may impulsively or explosively make moves for freedom from any restrictions or conditions we feel are stuck. That could clearly get out of hand if we don’t temper it with some strategic wisdom and compassion. We might happen to be on the receiving end of some surprising event and our instinctive response also should be tempered for best outcomes.
The SUN will be square to CHIRON for a few days early in the week, invoking our psychic and physical wounds or the wisdoms gained through those wounds. It’ll likely be a time for some catharsis or positively supporting someone’s catharsis

Overall this may be another challenging week for all of us tempting us to feel put upon, though there are certainly better ways to navigate it than taking it as a personal affront or battle or excuse to go into escape mode. Fortunately, as the MOON flows through Sagittarius for a few days midweek we’ll get a preponderance of trines and sextiles in the chart. This indicates the prior intense experiences will likely have beneficial outcomes. Trust and equanimity in the face of adversity is key. “Be like water” if you can, lol. NEPTUNE and SATURN are retrograde in watery Pisces opening flowy opportunities to correct our intentions and path and the SUN is still in water element Cancer, emphasizing our intuitive, perceptive and sympathetic characteristics for a few more days before the Leo party ramps up.
MARS enters Gemini on the 20th allowing us to open our minds to communication and alternative ideas of how to proceed until September when it will cool its jets in Cancer.

On the 21st we have the FULL MOON just hours before the MOON conjuncts PLUTO and the SUN slips over into exuberant Leo, its home territory. MERCURY will be square URANUS and MARS that day too, so be prepared for possible unexpected changes of mind. More on that, of course, in the IntimacyArts forecasts on YouTube and in my written report here next week.

This week as we move from the NEW MOON on the 5th to the WAXING square we get to experience a different vibe than we have during recent months. With PLUTO and now SATURN and NEPTUNE in their retrograde phases we may sense a slowing down and remedial feel to the bass rhythms that underlie the buzz and swoosh of the inner planets. Retrogrades give us a chance to rethink, revise and reappraise what we manifested during the times of direct motion. NEPTUNE Rx particularly indicates a period when we can see our illusions, delusions or fantasies get a reality check. We are also still in Cancer season for now, which has opened us all to a more sensitive and softer demeanor. With all that going on we may feel a bit more introverted, overwhelmed, touchy and/or insecure no matter what our circumstances. It is time to address and correct things that may have been idealized or tighten up some necessary details that were glossed over in the rush of events of the last few months.

On the NEW MOON we have disciplined and stodgy SATURN Rx in a harmonic sextile to assertive and impulsive MARS setting a tone of either focused determination or perhaps feeling held back and frustrated by the way things are going. It depends on 1. how it lands in your chart and 2. how you handle facing hard reality and responsibilities. CHIRON the keeper of wounds as teachings will be exactly square to VENUS the planet of love and financial wellbeing, encouraging us to face any fundamental problems we have in those realms. NEW MOONS represent new beginnings and set the tone for the next lunar cycle and this one looks to have something to do with the way we relate to each other, both collectively and personally.

Something challenging may come up for us around the 6th as the MOON, after sweeping across VENUS, briefly opposes PLUTO and trines NEPTUNE Rx. It is brief though, and may just flare up and pass, especially with NEPTUNE indicating we may want to just avoid any confrontation because we aren’t clear on what exactly to do or say. It’s a fact though, if these kind of PLUTO aspects are not dealt with up front they will often just fester in the background only to come up later with even more strength and disruption. JUPITER’S half square to VENUS that same day will energize just this kind of flare up to possibly be about power struggles in relationships, money or other things we hold dear. MERCURY just went through the same configuration to PLUTO and NEPTUNE last week and so this may feel like a bit of a continuation of that. VENUS itself is due to step into that same space as it enters LEO on the 11th and hits the same spot a day later. PLUTO stirring the muck and NEPTUNE Rx revealing where we may have deluded ourselves. It  is a time of necessary course corrections for sure. Let your highest principals be your guide; Do the right thing as best you can and you will likely look back in the near future and see how it was all a good and necessary trial.

The 7th to 9th may offer up some more forward movement and clarity as JUPITER and MERCURY both move into easier aspects with the NORTH and SOUTH NODES of Karma, perhaps inspiring us with a clearer path towards our goals or at least ideas to that effect. We do still have some more glitches to deal with before hitting the gas on those ideas though. As I mentioned above, VENUS has its time opposing PLUTO and trine NEPTUNE Rx on the 10th to 13th  revealing some deeper truths.

MARS is getting dangerously close to disruptive URANUS. It is due to exactly conjunct it on the 15th but it is likely already lighting some fuses here and there even before we get to the WAXING MOON square to the SUN on the 14th. MARS conjunct URANUS happens every couple of years and it’s not always a big conflagration but then sometimes it is.

Just before VENUS jumps over into “all-about-Me”, LEO and does its thing with PLUTO and NEPTUNE on the 11th the SUN synergistically trines SATURN Rx so we may have our feet on the ground as VENUS opposes PLUTO. Perhaps we can responsibly wrap up some of the dramas PLUTO has likely stirred up lately. PLUTO is constantly reminding us we can never get completely away from the underworld.

Overall it might feel like a challenging time we did not expect and may not feel we are quite up to dealing with. Yet if we do step up we should be on a less misdirected path by the second FULL MOON in Capricorn, July 21st. That’s gotta be a good thing. NEPTUNE RX will certainly be revealing any wishful thinking we have until it goes direct in December, so it is kind of a theme for this Summer and Fall. That way we can be oriented properly for whatever new inspirations that come in 2025 and not be lost in some kind of fictional Wonderland.

Well, this is going to be interesting. This week as we head towards the NEW MOON we get a couple of major players go retrograde, shifting the energy to a more inward, restitutional and remedial vibe in a couple of major archetypal realms. SATURN and NEPTUNE are both essentially stationary in Pisces as each gets ready to backtrack in the sky over the portion they covered in the last few months. This week may unfortunately feel a little like wading through mud trying to get things done.  Perhaps we’ve been feeling tired and spacey and a little frustrated with the pace lately. We are being asked to slow down, allow the flow to be what it is and trust that the universe has things well in hand, timing wise. Retrogrades are a powerful opportunity to REview, REvise and REorganize. In this case it would be plans and structures we have begun to build and responsibilities we’ve taken on (SATURN) and the visions, inspirations, and delusions (NEPTUNE) we’ve experienced since the eclipses in April that might need some correcting before fully implementing them. We get a chance to tweak all this into a stronger alignment with truth and beauty until late Fall when they each again move direct. SATURN is hovering at 19 degrees of Pisces for many weeks giving us an opportunity to be in gratitude for all the simple blessings we actually do have in our lives. NEPTUNE is stationed at late 29 degrees Pisces sextile to PLUTO. It is flirting for the next year or so with crossing over into Aries and the next 165 year cycle of our collective idealism, visions, dreams, spirituality and perpetual struggles with delusion, confusion and deceit for humanity. Of course, this retrograde dance happens every year as the orbits of these planets do their thing relative to earth. It just seems like this year has been full of such initiations, changes and powerful aspects that everything feels heightened in significance.

MARS is sextile VENUS for the next few days which could open us to romantic passion except MARS is also half square to NEPTUNE, sapping some of MARS’s energy and focus. Perhaps just passion in a lower key for a bit, if not downright slug-a-bed laziness. Don’t worry it passes and MARS moves into sextile with SATURN by the NEW MOON which may light our fuse again.

MERCURY will be square CHIRON during the last days of the month likely poking our wounds a little, especially as CHIRON is also annoyingly half square to inflationary JUPITER. We are perhaps feeling more sensitive these days as the SUN, VENUS and MERCURY transit through touchy CANCER. Since the SUN will be squaring the MOON’S NODES of fate this week, in the best case this will be an opportunity to feel into and release some of our deeper and more repressed emotions around relationships or events. Another fucking opportunity for healing, lol. Lets not miss it, eh? Because by the 30th MERCURY moves on into a sextile with the planet of radical change URANUS indicating we will experience a smooth but quick shift in our consciousness that may resolve the way we think about the wounds recently activated.

On the 2nd Neptune stops and turns to go Rx just a couple of days after SATURN did the same. NEPTUNE will be exactly trine MERCURY on that day which augurs either spaciness or inspiration depending on which way you lean. Probably a good day to let yourself drift and dream a bit. But do keep focused on your highest ideals and do write down your dreams. Resist just spending the whole last part of the week mindlessly scrolling or escaping into getting high. MERCURY will also be opposing PLUTO then which could help with that focus being into our deep and penetrating into our collective and personal psyche. Be wary of engaging in communication that comes across as a little “Too deep and penetrating” though. PLUTO has a tendency to let the cat out of the bag in disturbing or destructive ways. Though finesse, restraint and diplomacy may be a bit elusive for the last few days before the NEW MOON, it will behoove you to watch your step especially with the SUN exactly squaring the MOONS NODES making this time a possible crux point in our shared destiny. Truth will out.
The NEW MOON is on July 5th , A new beginning with MARS sextile SATURN Rx which will help us with our determination to get whatever came up in the last week done and move forward more organized and disciplined.

P.S. I am traveling in Europe for the next couple of months with Phina Kemper. We’ll be doing our bi-monthly YouTube video forecasts as usual on the NEW MOON and FULL MOON and I will still be available for readings if you want to know more precisely and personally how these general aspects are going to be showing up in your life.

This week starts off with another in an undeniably endless series of opportunities to be exercising and honing our clear discernment. This FULL MOON, just a day after the Solstice, is barely edged over into Capricorn. The SUN, in opposition, of course, is just squeaking into Cancer. This is combined with the SUN and MOON forming in a t-square with nebulous NEPTUNE as the crux affecting both luminaries. It looks like we’ll all be called on to use our innate sagacity to separate truth from delusion on this one. NEPTUNE might give us a bit of an “Alice in Wonderland” feel for the whole Summer.

Capricorn where the MOON will be is ruled by stodgy SATURN and so has a certain impatience with any tomfoolery or emotional distractions from The Mission while the SUN in Cancer ruled by the MOON has its moth antenna fully extended to fully feel all the feels. It’s an interesting mix for sure, as opposing signs usually are. Yet when combined well they can create a mission that is practical, ambitious, loving and safe. Combined poorly; Stubborn, neurotic and fearful dramas may ensue. With NEPTUNE doing its murky push/pull t-square thing this week we may have trouble deciding which story we are in; the best or the worst. We my even have trouble rousing enough chi to focus because NEPTUNE loves to sleep and drift and dream.  This could be a long-term theme for this summer onwards as NEPTUNE is a major player for the next number of years. As I’ve pointed out previously, it is locking into a synergistic sextile with PLUTO, lord of the underworld and also sextile to URANUS, the planet of innovation and radical change until the late part of the decade. So as many of us as can manage it are going to need to become expert at the wisdom game to not let our worst shadows decide our fates.

Speaking of PLUTO, It will be in a brief but vexatious Quincunx (aka: 150 degrees or inconjunct) with the SUN on the 21st after doing the same disturbing aspect with VENUS and MERCURY last week. This may be indicating some subtle and deeper issues showing up around power dynamics in our personal lives, either as the perpetrator or recipient. It’s a fleeting but potentially revealing window on some usually hidden or repressed dynamics.

On the 22nd the MOON moves into an opposition with he messenger, MERCURY, and so into a Grand Cross with the MOON’s NODES of fate. In consequence the next couple of days may lend themselves to conversations or contemplations about important aspects of our collective or your personal past and future. Perhaps some debriefing about whatever PLUTO has been stirring up for us lately.

VENUS moves into a square with the MOON’s NODES on the 25th while MERCURY trines SATURN, lending us some determination to deal with any stagnant issues in our relationships or finances. On the 27th that VENUS vibe gets a push to assertive action as MARS moves into a synergistic sextile with VENUS around that same time. Be aware this could potentially create some more volatile reactions if progress feel blocked. Also, our aim for that progress might be less precise than we would like because MARS is also awkwardly half square to spacey NEPTUNE at the same moment, tempting us to shoot a bit wild.

The MOON arrives at its WANING QUARTER square to the SUN on the 28th centered between the NORTH NODE and CHIRON wrapping up what may feel like a sort of personal “make and mend” week after so many big aspects in the last few months. A chance to wrap up some loose ends.  Don’t let it just drift by in a summer dream. There is plenty of deep work ahead of us this year to hold our vision clear amidst all the distractions and misdirection.

astrology forecast

As the MOON makes it way towards full and comes into square with the SUN on the 13th we will have an unusually synchronized conjunction between the SUN and MERCURY the planet of communication, mind and travel. Seems like we’ve had a lot of these unusually coincidental conjunctions lately, eh? The universe is certainly reflecting the profundity of these times here on Earth.

The WAXING SQUARE MOON always indicates a time of feeling pushed to complete the next step in whatever we consciously or unconsciously initiated at the NEW MOON. Having MERCURY right there this time adds a mental angle to it: Cogitation about our progress with plans and projects. When a planet is exactly “combust” the SUN it is also said to lose its power until it is past that point, so with MERCURY there we may be briefly spaced out on the morning of the 14th (9:22 AM Pacific Time). Check it out for yourself and let me know what you experience that day. The other close aspect at the QUARTER MOON will be CHIRON sextile to the SUN/MERCURY. CHIRON directs our attention to our deeper problems, dis-ease or chronic patterns. The sextile helps this flow with ease.

NEPTUNE gets involved over the next few days as it starts to square the oncoming conjunction between MERCURY and VENUS and begins to square the SUN. Our dreams may have become more vivid and personal during as these aspects come into orb this week. NEPTUNE can also signify a wide range of characteristics: deception, confusion, lethargy and spacey-ness or inspiration, imagination, ideals and spiritual revelations. Notably, the last few degrees of signs (where all 4 planets involved are right now) is noted for being a particularly influential (anaretic) degree. So, right? It can go either way for us all as we use those days to contemplate our relationships, finances, aesthetic choices or travel plans with those in mind.

On the 17th both MERCURY and VENUS cross over together into deep feeling and sensitive Cancer, followed by the SUN on the Solstice June 20th. That should mellow things out a bit and bring our focus more inward and increase our sensitivity to the subtleties. Hopefully nurturing, comfort and peace will be a bigger priority with Cancer and not its extreme shadow side of hyper-sensitivity and emotional dis-regulation. As with all transits, it will probably manifest in some mix of both.

Don’t overlook that PLUTO Rx in Aquarius is as ever, pushing our evolution without consent (Cue maniacal laugh). Its extended sextile to NEPTUNE is still in effect signaling years of true epiphanies and false prophets. This week PLUTO moves into an awkward Quincunx (Inconjunct, 150 degrees, whatever) aspect with VENUS and MERCURY just as they enter Cancer, indicating a temptation to the more neurotic, obsessive and/or controlling expressions of those planets for a few days. Then it does the same aspect to the SUN right on the FULL MOON on the 21st giving us a crux choice to dance with the dark or the light forces in our personal and collective psyche. Doing the deep work to become consciously aware of our shadows is the only way to ride that dragon otherwise it just shows up in our lives as “bad luck” or fate and PLUTO is the archetypal signifier of all that. Just ask Carl Jung. Stay sober and awake through the FULL MOON this time and watch what you let in to your field. Shields up!

new moon forecast june 6 to june 13

I gotta tell you all, I’m pretty consistently getting  my mind blown by all the ongoing astrological epic-ness nowadays. Every week is bringing such an unusual intensity to the times that is reflected in the stars that it feels consistently mytho-historical/archetypal. This what a real apocalypse (from apokaluptein ‘uncover, reveal’) looks like, and because of the dualistic balance intrinsic to existence, this can manifest in our lives in a polarity of ways, positive and negative; in actuality a bewildering mix of both. This NEW MOON on June 6th is another fine example of this.

Though the conjunction between the SUN, MOON and VENUS is majorly beneficent, auguring love, beauty and good things all around, they are simultaneously aligning disconcertingly with a couple of heavy hitters and synergistically with a couple more, that deepens, darkens and clouds the warm turquoise lagoons of this close connection between the three sky objects representing our self, our emotions/intuitions and Love and the desirable things of life. It still has the potential to be a lovely time, but how you handle this now will also likely go on your permanent record. So, stay awake!

PLUTO Rx in future oriented Aquarius, has been trine to one thing after another lately and so dropping its heavy “death and rebirth” vibe at our doors. It is now exactly trine to inflationary and exuberant JUPITER. It is simultaneously in a disconcerting and irritating square-and-a-half (sesquisquare) to the NEW MOON/SUN/VENUS conjunction. This is likely to bring dramatic challenges that can only be handled gracefully with truth, courage and impeccable principles. These may have been brewing for a while and will be pretty obvious if we can step back and really look at our circumstances. It may be an sneaky shove to get things moving ready or not. We can measure the degree to which we stuck the landing of all this by the sense of looming chaos remaining in the areas of our finances, relationships and our emotional lives over the next few weeks. BTW, Underneath all this PLUTO is in its long-term sextile to NEPTUNE which will be strongly opening a portal to the sublime metaphysical and tragically delusional realms for the next few years. Intuitions, genius, revelations and awakenings are already amplified now though hard to notice in the concurrent floods of Orwellian doublespeak and materialist chicanery. Its mycelial. All of this is in NEPTUNE’s wheelhouse as it lurks in the intensified last degree of its power-sign Pisces. URANUS moves into the early degrees of Gemini starting in a year or two, where it will sextile NEPTUNE too and trine PLUTO until the end of the decade. I humbly predict we will have to deal with an abundance of charismatic spiritual messiahs, convincing political charlatans and snake oil totalitarian movements of all stripes appearing to rescue us from or plunge us into our nightmares when the real answers will be surreptitiously emerging from deep within courageous millions or hopefully billions of us. “Don’t follow leaders, watch your parkin meters”.

At the NEW MOON the SUN-MOON-VENUS cluster will also be moving into a series of squares with SATURN, the lord timing, discipline and karma, seeming to force crux choices on us. The trick here is to keep an eye out for opportunities to make wise moves to stabilize things for the wellbeing of your relationships, prosperity and goals with the control, finesse and poise of a samurai monk. With right timing it will go unexpectedly smoothly, if you slack or hesitate it gets harder and harder to get things on course.

That NEW MOON cluster of objects will also just be coming off synergistic aspects of a sextile to the NORTH NODE (future) and a trine to the SOUTH NODE (past), which is indicting this is a vital moment in our life trajectories and should be given appropriate attention for our growth and sense of purpose. All this all unfolds and unwinds over the next weeks in Gemini, the air sign of open-minded but possibly superficial communication and ideas, with lots of swirling mental winds and counter winds. Its likely to continue to feel like we are riding a wild whirlwind, at least all the way through the upcoming FULL MOON when we get to more inward and deep feeling Cancer.

MARS will move into Taurus on the 9th which will show up as a more determined, stoic and stubborn vibe after the recent dramatic impulsivity of Aries. It will unfortunately also be immediately moving through a perilous square with PLUTO for a week or so. This will be reflected in the urge to fight, dominate or act out in anger, though even this has the possibility to be turned to a passionate and indomitable commitment for the Good, The True, and the Beautiful with the right guiding principles. Be cautious when you pull out the blade for it cuts both ways even when drawn for “good reasons”. Squares, though challenging and compelling, are powerful choice points where our wisdom will show through and where the future circumstance of our lives are seeded.

Coincidentally, SATURN will be square to MERCURY around the 12th as SATURN is still separating from its square to the SUN and VENUS, auguring a choice between a bit of welcome focus and mental discipline or a perception of unwelcome blocks and frustrations aided by a developing irritating half-square with MARS.

CHIRON the wounded healer/mentor will start a sequence of smooth sextiles starting with VENUS on June 10th, the SUN on the 12th and finally MERCURY on the 13th lending a therapeutic undertone to the week. A good time to commit to some self-development and insight tools (such as having your birth chart read..eh eh? Nudge, nudge).

That brings us to the WAXING QUARTER MOON on the 13th where the MOON will move through square MERCURY, then the SUN, then VENUS and oppose SATURN. Might be a good day to work alone on your domestic to-do list before the parade starts into Cancer next week.

As always, this is all a reading for the general collective and your experience will be majorly dependent on the placements of your birth chart and your level of consciousness development. It’s just another test in the eternal school of life. Do your best and don’t take anything too personally. Reality is just showing us where we are in or out of alignment with natural law and our true purpose. Keep in mind that this is true for each day week month and year of your life and its never over. Though it’s true you can’t get to East Street from here, the ride is as beautiful and sublime as it is harrowing.

may 30 astrology forecast

HEADLINE! “Pesky PLUTO Ruins Everything!” Lol. Ok, PLUTO is far more intense than the word “pesky” implies and of course what Pluto augurs is not necessarily negative. It actually represents the force of evolution, spiritual and material, in action. Though that energy is particularly present now, it might feel comforting to know it’s not that we somehow missed the bus on all the good stuff promised by JUPITER entering Gemini and conjuncting VENUS on the last FULL MOON. MARS in Aries has been adding its half square irritations to the vibe as well. So while we may feel quite off at times, some really good things are happening. It’s been a mixed bag for sure.

As we head into the week preceding the NEW MOON we are still dealing with the parade of trines formed by PLUTO with planets as they each pass into GEMINI. PLUTO deserves a lot of respect for signifying the dredging up and transformation of the darkest energies. We understandably do not like or want to experience its process, though from the big perspective it is a necessary part of the universe. Check out this partial list of PLUTO’s attributes from the brilliant Richard Tarnes, who has, among other extraordinary creations, developed the art and science of archetypal astrology:

Pluto: Elemental power, depth, and intensity; that which compels, empowers, and intensifies whatever it touches, sometimes to overwhelming and catastrophic extremes; concern with survival, sex, or power, the lower chakras; the primordial instincts, libidinal and aggressive, destructive and regenerative, volcanic and cathartic, eliminative, transformative, ever-evolving; the biological processes of birth, sex, and death, the cycle of death and rebirth; upheaval, breakdown, decay, and fertilization; violent purgatorial discharge of pent-up energies, purifying fire; situations of life-and-death extremes, power struggles, all that is titanic, potent, and massive; Freud’s primordial id, “the broiling cauldron of the instincts”, the powerful forces of nature emerging from its chthonic depths, within and without, the intense, fiery underworld and underground in all senses: elemental, geological, instinctual, political, social, sexual, urban, criminal, mythological, demonic; the dark, mysterious, taboo, and often terrifying reality that lurks beneath the surface of things, beneath the ego, societal conventions, and the veneer of civilization, etc.”

We are experiencing a kind of precursor with these trines of PLUTO’s upcoming synergistic and epic geometry with URANUS and NEPTUNE that really gets going next year. In my opinion it looks like an ongoing process for the next three or more years of powerfully airing the basement of our personal and collective psyche in order to force us to evolve “or else”. Yeah, that’s heavy. I see it as analogous to having to “get well” in a medicine ceremony; unpleasant, ofttimes wrenchingly so, but necessary, and you feel much better after. If you manage to resist and restrain it you will suffer, and have to do it all over again. Imagine the whole world “getting well” somehow over the next 5 years. Whoa!

Of course, that is just one long bass note of the full symphony of life the planets are reflecting right now. We do have VENUS delightfully conjunct the SUN and MERCURY ingeniously conjunct JUPITER, all in airy and sparkly Gemini this week to add the balance of buoyant optimism, inspiration and love to the tune. Its never all gloom and doom in the universe, no matter what the news cycle focuses on to limbically hijack our vulnerable attention and sell us the next big thing.  It is just business as usual for PLUTO to keep things evolving.

NEPTUNE has been sextile to expansive JUPITER this moon cycle, amplifying our dreams and imaginations, for good or ill. That’ll get a boost just before MERCURY passes over into Gemini on JUNE 3rd and makes its exact trine to PLUTO. We might be having a lot of vivid dreams lately, especially about the past or love or money. We may feel occasionally burdened by generalized fears or conversely it is possible to feel inspired and empowered to go for our dream life right now. Probably both in waves. There is a lot of potential in the air. Perhaps it would be good to journal your divine inspirations or share them with close friends. It is the kind of time where we can choose, to a certain degree, to grow with the challenges or stay asleep and be suffering to no good purpose.

The MOON enters Gemini on the 5th and rapidly conjuncts all the benefic planets in the early degrees there. We have the NEW MOON conjoining with the SUN and affectionate and sensual VENUS around mid Gemini on the 6th. Hopefully that will set the tone and lift the vibe for the next 2 weeks but PLUTO may once again impede that. We are far from out of the deep dark woods yet. We’ll see next week what is in store for us.

Well, here we go, lol. A FULL MOON in Sagittarius that will likely feel more expansive, optimistic dreamy and romantic than we are used to after the months of intense inner and outer work. Of course, everything has its shadow possibilities so let’s not go overboard. The world is still in the turmoil of the slow-pocalypse and not everyone has been feeling a lift, many just the opposite. Such is the way of the world, the rhythm and the inherent duhkha of the world. Onward the wheel turns.

For the FULL MOON on May 23rd , with VENUS conjunct JUPITER in Taurus, the focus is on upgrading relationships, finances, home, sensuality, beauty and the good things in life.   The Sagittarius-Gemini axis is pretty enthusiastic and open minded as it is, and since the SUN is almost exactly trine to, and the MOON sextile PLUTO in Aquarius we will hopefully feel powerful, charismatic and ready to do something inspired to an unusual degree around this FULL MOON. We also have NEPTUNE supporting our imaginations and dreams through its synergistic sextiles to JUPITER+VENUS and PLUTO. PLUTO will also be trine to the MOON just before it gets full. You may have noticed a lot of interesting dreams all this week as these powerful aspects come on since the lord of dreams, imagination and delusions NEPTUNE is hovering at the powerful, anaretic, 29th degree of its home sign Pisces.

OK, so where is the inevitable fly in the ointment? Well, as usual with all JUPITER aspects there is a danger of overdoing it, over confidence and bulling ahead despite warnings especially in Taurus. The Gemini SUN can sometimes be a little giddy and bubbleheaded as well. So, though you may feel lucky, brilliant and inspired, and you are, pump the brakes a bit this week by slowing down, checking in that everyone is on the same page and perhaps ask a wise friend’s advice before you leap.
Not so much of a fly, but still possibly a source of tension with this FULL MOON, we have some semi-squares and sesquisquares (half-square and square-and-a-half) to deal with from MARS to the SUN opposite MOON and also from JUPITER + VENUS to the MOON’s NODES, adding some unwelcome impatience, impulsiveness and a backstage push to make life-pivotal actions that may not be easy to modulate correctly.

Later on the 23rd the above aspects will continue with a slightly different beat as VENUS makes its entrance into Gemini chasing the SUN which is leading the parade into Gemini. This air sign brings open-minded, intellectual, clever, flirty, adventurous and/or superficial, flakey, gossipy vibe to the journey. Remember, VENUS is all about the quality of our experience and things we value; love, money, beauty and harmony. JUPITER expands, the SUN is ourselves and MERCURY is what we think and communicate. They have all been blending together this May with unpredictable and explosive URANUS in the mix. It has been quite a run for us all and not everyone has had a good time or tragically even made it through. We’ll likely feel some passion, intensity and life-or-death truth going for a week or two because PLUTO in URANUS ruled Aquarius is trine to the SUN, then to VENUS, then JUPITER, then to MERCURY in tight sequence as each planet enters Gemini over the next 2 weeks. Trines are usually nice smooth aspects but PLUTO doesn’t always play nice. All those planets now moving into Gemini will rev up the cosmic pulse and bring a mental emphasis after all the sensual and steady Taurus vibe we had in most of May. VENUS-May 23, JUPITER-May 26, MERCURY-June 3. With the SUN already there, It’ll be a noticeable change in frequency.

The ongoing MARS in Aries half-square to VENUS will continue to indicate tension and dissatisfaction with our Venusian themes. MARS has had that semi-square, first to the SUN, and then VENUS, all through MAY. It will be peaking as MARS conjuncts CHIRON on the 28th, and with PLUTO all up in the mix, despite all the possible yum, you may notice some disagreeable moments through May as old material or negative states of mind have been brought up to be dealt with consciously or unconsciously. As always, these uncomfortable aspects are necessary for developing the virtues of acceptance and allowance, so the requisite affection for self and others can move to the fore. It’ll thankfully chill that vibe out after June 1st.
AFOG…Another Fucking Opportunity for Growth
On the 30th the MOON reaches its last quarter square to the SUN just hours before she conjuncts SATURN early on the 31st , kicking off the waning week towards the NEW MOON which I will talk more about on the current YouTube forecast and in detail here next week. Search for Shivoso on YouTube and you’ll find my channel, Intimacy Arts with the video forecast and intuitive energy reading with Phina Kemper.