On we go with the echoes of the eclipse of a couple of weeks ago. I’m sure it’s been intense in one way or another for you all: one way AND another most likely. Each day has brought its frictions and beauties in good measure. The FULL MOON is in Scorpio this month is adding an air of depth and an intolerance with bullshit to the mix. The MOON and SUN in opposition are both essentially square to PLUTO, which as I mentioned in last week’s forecast, will trend towards pushing up the hidden and buried things in our psyche. This can be healing and cathartic, creative, passionate and sexy or it can be secret power trips, unconscious obsessiveness or jealousy with the polarity of the Scorpio archetype. Depends on you, your chart and your circumstances. Scorpio is ruled by PLUTO which represents the underworld, the unconscious, hidden power and wealth, so that’s why this FULL MOON may be a little intense.

PLUTO is at the beginning, this April, of a very influential and generational sextile with NEPTUNE, as in a decade long. The key phrase may be “Spiritual Power activated”. That pair will also be dancing with URANUS come this July off and on for about the next 5 years, peaking in 2026. PLUTO sextile NEPTUNE, NEPTUNE sextile URANUS, URANUS trine PLUTO in a minor grand trine augers radical shifts in our spiritual reality AND our worldly reality. The last time this configuration occurred was the early 1940’s though of course in completely different signs and for a much briefer time. A lot of radical change in the world happened then too.
Transparency note: PLUTO and NEPTUNE have been pulsing in and out of sextile or near sextile for many decades (except, weirdly, for 2002 to 2022). So, it’s been a background generational influence that gets triggered occasionally by other planets and points.  This minor grand trine (only minor in the sense it is not a Grand Trine, i.e. three planets in trine) looks to be a big one. I’m sure it will hit the astrological news cycle soon enough and we’ll all be inundated with information and doomster-isms about it. Remember though, every configuration has a high expression and a low expression, positive and negative attributes. But yeah, I think it really will be a new world by 2030 and this year is a kickoff after the foundational earthquakes and breakdowns of the early 2020’s.

After the FULL MOON we get ready for MERCURY to station direct on the 24th just as it near kisses the NORTH NODE. We’ve been feeling this for a while but as MERCURY turns around right there, we may get some clarity about what we want to do to get our lives in better alignment with our calling. Especially as the MOON trines MARS that day in SCORPIO which may bring us the will and courage to act (traditionally MARS is at home, and so empowered, in Scorpio).

Speaking of MARS it has been coming on to conjunct Neptune and finally does on the 28th which may have had the effect of sapping our energy and willpower for a few days. Escapism is also a temptation, as is overindulgence with substances. Yet it can also turn our actions more toward the sacred .and deeper into Spirit and allow us to slow down and dream, if managed well

I’m still harping on about all the semi-sextiles (half sextiles) and half squares we are experiencing this month. Go to my website and look at last weeks forecast for an explanation of those aspects. In any case, SATURN is semi-sextile to MERCURY on the 25th as it starts moving direct which might put us in a serious and philosophical state of mind as we contemplate our life direction.

As that semi-sextile fades later in the week, SATURN experiences an oncoming half square with PLUTO which will be subtly urging us to take practical action on thing that have been bothering us or holding us back. Frustration may arise but it may be hard to pin down about what until the first week of MAY or so.

A semi-sextile between NEPTUNE and VENUS on the 27th may bring us lovely dreams and imaginings of love or money for a few days but alas, just as VENUS lands at home in Taurus on the 29th, she flips the vibes with a half square to SATURN and a square with PLUTO. This is enhanced by the MOON conjunct PLUTO and also square VENUS on the last day of April.  Could be some crunchy happening about the aforementioned love and/or money, only not just in your dreams.

May 1 brings us to the waning quarter MOON. Whew!

We are still getting a lot of amplitude from the JUPITER-URANUS conjunction though it is slowly separating. We will be feeling the buzz of April for a while to come. It’s been a wild ride and we may not see another month like this for some time to come. I hope you are all hangin’ in there and perhaps feeling inspired about the future despite all the turbulence. It’s on its way good and proper now. We’ll just have to see what the journey to the NEW MOON in Taurus brings us all next week.