We be trippin! Well, we all may have been over this last week, but it looks like the turbulence and effort will pay off in the long run and we might feel some positive movement and support for whatever deep journey we are on as we get closer to the FULL MOON. On the July 13th QUARTER MOON we are just finishing up with a VENUS in the first degrees of LEO opposition to PLUTO. This has probably stirred up some powerful disturbances in things we consider necessary for a good life; our relationships or finances for instance. Relationship dramas this week anyone?.

PLUTO has been doing oppositions in sequence over much of the month: MERCURY (Thoughts, Communication, Travel), the MOON (emotions, intuition, caring), now to VENUS (beauty, harmony, desire, romance) and then the SUN (our self and Self, ego and soul) around the time of the FULL MOON. Its been playing us hard for weeks as it retrogrades back through the first degrees of Aquarius, disrupting the status quo of our lives so we can experience any flaws and make the necessary adjustments. Not fun or easy if we resist and try to hold on to the past way of things or repress things we would prefer to keep hidden. Well, that is PLUTO’S role in the archetypal dance and it never really stops. PLUTO is also now close to 1 degree of sextile to NEPTUNE (imagination, spirituality, idealism, vagueness and deception) and just beginning to come into orb of a trine to URANUS (sudden change, innovation, destruction) which it will dance in and out of for the next number of years. As you can see from the archetypal energies involved, we are in for an evolutionary ride and it is just getting going. We are being asked to majorly upgrade our discernment of true reality including the fundamentally sacred nature of existence. PLUTO is reflecting that universal pattern of dissolution and rebirth to us and we have no viable choice but to collectively evolve somehow. It’s an eternal trip, Yo. This month has certainly had its share of Plutonic challenges for our own good. Whew!
JUPITER is trine the SOUTH NODE and sextile the NORTH NODE this week showing us we’ll likely have some confidence and optimism and perhaps a hit of good luck about the arc of our story despite PLUTO’S shennigans. MARS will be thrillingly conjunct URANUS on the 15th. Its been coming on for a bit and its indicating we may impulsively or explosively make moves for freedom from any restrictions or conditions we feel are stuck. That could clearly get out of hand if we don’t temper it with some strategic wisdom and compassion. We might happen to be on the receiving end of some surprising event and our instinctive response also should be tempered for best outcomes.
The SUN will be square to CHIRON for a few days early in the week, invoking our psychic and physical wounds or the wisdoms gained through those wounds. It’ll likely be a time for some catharsis or positively supporting someone’s catharsis

Overall this may be another challenging week for all of us tempting us to feel put upon, though there are certainly better ways to navigate it than taking it as a personal affront or battle or excuse to go into escape mode. Fortunately, as the MOON flows through Sagittarius for a few days midweek we’ll get a preponderance of trines and sextiles in the chart. This indicates the prior intense experiences will likely have beneficial outcomes. Trust and equanimity in the face of adversity is key. “Be like water” if you can, lol. NEPTUNE and SATURN are retrograde in watery Pisces opening flowy opportunities to correct our intentions and path and the SUN is still in water element Cancer, emphasizing our intuitive, perceptive and sympathetic characteristics for a few more days before the Leo party ramps up.
MARS enters Gemini on the 20th allowing us to open our minds to communication and alternative ideas of how to proceed until September when it will cool its jets in Cancer.

On the 21st we have the FULL MOON just hours before the MOON conjuncts PLUTO and the SUN slips over into exuberant Leo, its home territory. MERCURY will be square URANUS and MARS that day too, so be prepared for possible unexpected changes of mind. More on that, of course, in the IntimacyArts forecasts on YouTube and in my written report here next week.