Well, this is going to be interesting. This week as we head towards the NEW MOON we get a couple of major players go retrograde, shifting the energy to a more inward, restitutional and remedial vibe in a couple of major archetypal realms. SATURN and NEPTUNE are both essentially stationary in Pisces as each gets ready to backtrack in the sky over the portion they covered in the last few months. This week may unfortunately feel a little like wading through mud trying to get things done.  Perhaps we’ve been feeling tired and spacey and a little frustrated with the pace lately. We are being asked to slow down, allow the flow to be what it is and trust that the universe has things well in hand, timing wise. Retrogrades are a powerful opportunity to REview, REvise and REorganize. In this case it would be plans and structures we have begun to build and responsibilities we’ve taken on (SATURN) and the visions, inspirations, and delusions (NEPTUNE) we’ve experienced since the eclipses in April that might need some correcting before fully implementing them. We get a chance to tweak all this into a stronger alignment with truth and beauty until late Fall when they each again move direct. SATURN is hovering at 19 degrees of Pisces for many weeks giving us an opportunity to be in gratitude for all the simple blessings we actually do have in our lives. NEPTUNE is stationed at late 29 degrees Pisces sextile to PLUTO. It is flirting for the next year or so with crossing over into Aries and the next 165 year cycle of our collective idealism, visions, dreams, spirituality and perpetual struggles with delusion, confusion and deceit for humanity. Of course, this retrograde dance happens every year as the orbits of these planets do their thing relative to earth. It just seems like this year has been full of such initiations, changes and powerful aspects that everything feels heightened in significance.

MARS is sextile VENUS for the next few days which could open us to romantic passion except MARS is also half square to NEPTUNE, sapping some of MARS’s energy and focus. Perhaps just passion in a lower key for a bit, if not downright slug-a-bed laziness. Don’t worry it passes and MARS moves into sextile with SATURN by the NEW MOON which may light our fuse again.

MERCURY will be square CHIRON during the last days of the month likely poking our wounds a little, especially as CHIRON is also annoyingly half square to inflationary JUPITER. We are perhaps feeling more sensitive these days as the SUN, VENUS and MERCURY transit through touchy CANCER. Since the SUN will be squaring the MOON’S NODES of fate this week, in the best case this will be an opportunity to feel into and release some of our deeper and more repressed emotions around relationships or events. Another fucking opportunity for healing, lol. Lets not miss it, eh? Because by the 30th MERCURY moves on into a sextile with the planet of radical change URANUS indicating we will experience a smooth but quick shift in our consciousness that may resolve the way we think about the wounds recently activated.

On the 2nd Neptune stops and turns to go Rx just a couple of days after SATURN did the same. NEPTUNE will be exactly trine MERCURY on that day which augurs either spaciness or inspiration depending on which way you lean. Probably a good day to let yourself drift and dream a bit. But do keep focused on your highest ideals and do write down your dreams. Resist just spending the whole last part of the week mindlessly scrolling or escaping into getting high. MERCURY will also be opposing PLUTO then which could help with that focus being into our deep and penetrating into our collective and personal psyche. Be wary of engaging in communication that comes across as a little “Too deep and penetrating” though. PLUTO has a tendency to let the cat out of the bag in disturbing or destructive ways. Though finesse, restraint and diplomacy may be a bit elusive for the last few days before the NEW MOON, it will behoove you to watch your step especially with the SUN exactly squaring the MOONS NODES making this time a possible crux point in our shared destiny. Truth will out.
The NEW MOON is on July 5th , A new beginning with MARS sextile SATURN Rx which will help us with our determination to get whatever came up in the last week done and move forward more organized and disciplined.

P.S. I am traveling in Europe for the next couple of months with Phina Kemper. We’ll be doing our bi-monthly YouTube video forecasts as usual on the NEW MOON and FULL MOON and I will still be available for readings if you want to know more precisely and personally how these general aspects are going to be showing up in your life.