Well, We astrologers get pretty excited about eclipses. Auguring powerful changes on Earth and it is an awesome phenomenon to see. With these intense eclipses in Libra and Aries we should all not be surprised if it heats things up. Since this first lunar eclipse is in Libra ruled by VENUS the Venusian archetypes are super activated; relationships, money; things we give high value to, possibly including things that may not be good for us, e.g. addictions, expensive items, etc. (e.g. Yes, I just bought some expensive new tools I’ve been wanting for my budding workshop) Most astrologers will focus on the relationship aspects of this eclipse season and that is certainly legitimate. We’ve already been getting some of that with VENUS conjunct SATURN last week, so we all may be seeing that as an ongoing theme. I also want to emphasize that the Libra/Venus essence is also about
bringing justice, peace, harmony and beauty to the world. We certainly can use a wave of that these days! While the SUN is in Aries can give the whole thing a get-it-done, fiery assertiveness and courage with perhaps a bit of impulsive “its about Me!” vibe. Just try to be wise about it all and make things a win-win for everyone as best you can. Remember, peace and beauty starts within and close to home.
The standard chart shown first appears to be pretty simple for this Full Moon/Eclipse. Just a few major aspects apparent. But as always that leaves out a lot of important nuances and influences that are also going on, so I’m posting a second chart with some of the so called ‘Minor” aspects displayed. When we add in aspects such as the half squares (45°), sesquisquares (square and ½ 135°) and quincunx (150°), we see a much more complex situation. In actual fact, astrology and astronomy are, literally, infinitely complex if all possible factors were taken into account which is why we simplify and oversimplify the actual reality to a few objects and aspect so we don’t get overwhelmed with infinity. In any case, keeping awareness of a more variety of aspects can be very informative though few people explore it.
To wit, the close sextile between VENUS and JUPITER expands the VENUS energies related above to the Aries-Libra FULL MOON/ECLIPSE and adds a dash of good fortune to the proceedings. PLUTO is Semisquare to VENUS so our unconscious material around VENUS stuff is also accented. The Eclipse will also be sesquisquare and semisquare to URANUS. This adds a portion of tension as all the squarish aspects do and push for change that URANUS brings. We may not be able to fully regulate the rapidly changing plot, so quick improvisations using high principles and an eye on our highest goals will be helpful. Though these aspects only last a few hours because of the MOON’s rapid motion, being on the Eclipse it sets up a resonance that will influence the whole eclipse period. That is one reason eclipses are so influential, they ring the bell strongly.
The big news is still, of course, the oncoming conjunction between JUPITER and URANUS which perfects April 20th but is definitely palpable now as a rumbling excitement in the ethers. Because of their closeness the aforementioned sextile between VENUS and JUPITER will evolve into a sextile between VENUS and URANUS by March 28th, signaling more fun plot twists in our VENUS department. That begins to fade away just as VENUS approaches dreamy and confusing NEPTUNE for an exact conjunction by April 3rd.
The rapidly fluctuating aspects of the MOON trips along as usual. A lot of the planets are still all clustered close to each other in Pisces and Aries. On the 25th the MOON meets the SOUTH NODE having us feel deeply into our collective destiny.
She opposes CHIRON then MERCURY on the 26th: Thinking and discussions about our common healing.
By the 27th MOON trines to MARS and squares PLUTO: aggressiveness/assertiveness erupting? On the 28th: MOON trine to SATURN and opposite JUPITER early in the day, then trine to VENUS and opposite URANUS later. Definitely an opportunity for responsible evolution in the VENUS realms if we don’t fall in the ditch of stubborn and futile resistance.
29th the MOON trines NEPTUNE: A day of rest and dreaming or perhaps just a spacy day. PLUTO gets a brief sextile later that day opening, hopefully, some deep creativity and inspirations or something more challenging such as feelings of overwhelm and emotional outbreaks.
Saturday starts with a lunar square to MARS: a burst of energy and ego for better or worse. Then a Trine to the SUN on the 30th with much the same affect but more likely in a beneficial way. Later that day a square to SATURN occurs as a couple of trines develop to the NORTH NODE and CHIRON that will help us see our path to healing.
The 31st has the MOON squaring VENUS and NEPTUNE while trine to the nearly stationed MERCURY. A day of contemplation of our options with the VENUS’s archetypal energies.
MERCURY goes Rx on April 1st, so any April Fools shenanigans can be laid at its door. MERCURY is also the trickster as well as the messenger of the gods, so MERCURY Rx is always a test of our sense of humor and our ability to listen to the omens correctly. Just a tri-annual pop quiz of your wisdom and discernment. LOL
Whew! Last quarter Square MOON on April 1st as the SUN approaches the NORTH NODE and the MOON is sextile to SATURN. Feelings of self-responsibility and restraint arise as we begin to close towards the SOLAR ECLIPSE on April 8th. Plenty of energy in the air, perhaps more than we can handle at times. I think the path with all this is to be very discerning of what your priorities are and to pace yourself to avoid burnout and overwhelm. A lot can get done and a lot will change in April if we keep our heads and hearts aligned and can stay responsibly calm in this most serious of times.