Tag Archive for: astrological forecast

A friend of mine called this period we are in “The Quickening”. Sure feels like it! As if we all thought the flow was accelerated as could be, but it seems the tension, the lessons and the opportunities just seem to keep ramping up. Everyone will be experiencing this according to their own chart and circumstances, but I’m betting you are all collectively feeling the buzz and rumble of “something coming”.

To wit, the Pisces NEW MOON conjunction on MARCH 10 is sextile Uranus while Uranus is square Mars. This is a pretty volatile configuration of energies. It sets a tone of forcefully busting down walls and making moves for some kind of liberation. Not for just that day but during much of this period we may be dealing with the ramifications of this as we head towards a culminating eclipse at the FUUL MOON. Change is in the air for sure, as PLUTO is also sextile to MERCURY later that day so we won’t be disposed to subtle about bringing up ideas and communications erupting out of our depths and shadows. Limiting and conservative SATURN and imaginative and unlimited NEPTUNE are also in Pisces adding their pretty much opposing archetypal energies to the proceedings. Finding balance might be challenging, but it could auger some practical steps towards some idealistic or spiritual ways through it all.
Chiron is still somewhat conjunct the North Node continuing giving us an opportunity to move through old wounds and patterns. It can be uncomfortable to say the least, but hopefully we will be motivated to reach out for wise council and outgrow our victim conditioning.

The MOON will sextile SATURN just before it sweeps over JUPITER on the 13th hopefully settling us down a bit in preparation for JUPITER’s inevitable boost as the moon sweeps over it. JUPITER is within orb of URANUS now and that oncoming conjunction (exact April 20th ,so we get to work with this juice for a while) is bound to be fomenting some surprising action on the world stage as well as in our personal lives. JUPITER can auger good fortune and lucky breaks if it doesn’t overdo it and build the fire too high and hot. We can already feel that train coming around the bend, so aim high but also double check you have a good landing spot. A lot of similes all mixed up there but I hope you get the picture. It’s a powerful opportunity to break free of stagnant, outmoded and toxic patterns and we have plenty of that shit to deal with in the world for sure!

The Moon hits its waxing square to the SUN on the 16th giving us a potential burst of inspiration and/or frantic confusion because the SUN will also be exactly conjunct dreamy/ambiguous/ mystical NEPTUNE while the emotional intuitive MOON will also trine zealous MARS. Another good day to look before you leap to conclusions. Wait a few days to let your intuition clear before moving on anything major if you can.
Epic days for sure. Some of us will be sailing on these high seas and some of us will struggling in deep waters, so help where you can if you can. Ask for help if you need it.  As many of us as we can muster need to be heading to the light in these dark times and this year has a bunch going for it compared to the recent past. Call me for a reading if you want a clearer schematic of what ship you are sailing and how best to navigate these times with it.

Well as usual, it’s been a big week for a lot of us with the Mars-Venus conjunction and JUPITERS’s square-dance with it coulda gone beautifully or trainwrecked for you. Its still a happening thing, though waning, so we all still have chance to get in flow with good fortune.

This week when the moon comes square to the SUN on the 3rd, it will also be nearly squaring SATURN and MERCURY which are finishing their conjunction with the SUN in Pisces. Squares are aspects the compel us to make a choice, to do something either unconsciously (and so often seemingly pushed from outside ourselves by fate) or consciously and in alignment with our dharma or souls purpose (and so in closer harmony with the flow of the universe, not our ego). Kinda a big deal that happen all the time, so common we often don’t notice the choice points or resist and resent the external push. That’s why they are labeled a malefic or unfortunate aspect. Then we have to deal with the downstream ramifications of the choices or non-choice we make. Lotta pressure to wake up and make wise decisions in right timing. This square is no different, just might be a bit more noticeable because of the MOON’s (emotions, intuitions, moods, memory) square with MERCURY (mind, thoughts, movement, communication), the SUN (self-identity, ego, consciousness, vitality), and SATURN (time, structures, limits, maturity) in Pisces (dreamy, imaginative, spiritual, escapist, delusions) all close together. As you can see there is a wide range of potentials here, but likely a good time to make and share plans that align with your higher ideal life and face those serious conversations that need to be undertook while those three planets are still more or less conjunct all week.

As you can see from the chart the MOON’s NODES will also have some flowing trines and sextiles with the MOON and MARS-VENUS this week adding some assistance for dealing with “uncomplicated” subjects such as relationships and major life directions. Lol. Since VENUS and MARS will also be square to disruptive, innovative and freedom seeking URANUS all week there is a lot of juice for perhaps experiencing surprising, and (in the long term) beneficial changes in those MARS, VENUS realms where we may have felt stuck or unsure for quite some time. That is if we responsibly lean into the pressure instead of away.

Monday the 4th the MOON briefly squares NEPTUNE giving our imaginations a boost if we don’t just get confused and deluded by our fears and desires. The 5th the MOON does a sextile to SATURN and trine to JUPITER lending a bit of the wise ruler to our MOON-ish intuition and emotions. A good day to invoke the inner sage or perhaps find a supportive mentor of some kind. The 6th the MOON starts its monthly series of planetary conjunctions. PLUTO comes first giving us some brief possibility of exposure of our suppressed emotions. Or an overbearing vibe because aggressive MARS is next, with its aforementioned square to liberating/explosive URANUS still active. If there isn’t a wise outlet for this energy we could find ourselves (collectively) angrily and foolishly punching holes in our walls or something like that. VENUS and the MOON on the 8th soothes things a bit: Romance, art, dancing etc. are all accentuated. MOON conjunct SATURN on the 9th ostensibly settling things down a bit more because Dad is in the house before the NEW MOON augers on the 10th . Well, except the SUN will be sextile to stir-it-up URANUS that whole time infusing an electric feel to our inner selves and initiating a likelihood of revelations or revolutions in our way of being. Processes that we may not really see the full fruition of until the Sun reaches Aries and JUPITER closes in on URANUS in April. As usual, your results may vary, lol

Fairly active this moon-th as we should be getting used to by now. It helps to see the true nature of cycles as everything that is happening (And has been happening) is set-up wave for the next wave as we are all in a decades long global and personal renovation project whether we like it or not. Its all about seeing the ocean as it is and getting good at surfing, accepting effort and wipeouts as part of the process of learning.