Yeah, you’re right, it’s been a wild ride this July. The FULL MOON onwards isn’t promising much of a relief either. We need to accept that we are in times of major shifts and it will not feel easy or comfortable. It is never all bad news though, and even challenging aspects are fingers pointing at the moon of right living.  We are wired to focus more on danger and uncertainty than the things that are going right, as well as generally not being able to see the bigger long-term consequences and arc of the narrative. Its commonly pretty personal to us humans and when things get churned up like this, our anxiety and reactivity can easily take over. Let me assure you that though this FULL MOON has some challenges to it, overall its showing us that the universe is just revealing to us it is time to change our ways of thinking and being in the world whether we like it or not. Ultimately, this change has to start from the inside out. The good news is there are more humans responding the call than ever before on the planet. It Is mycelial in nature, so you likely won’t see it much with your everyday perception or in the MSM. Keep your chin up and your hearts open as best you can.

PLUTO Rx in innovative and future oriented Aquarius is opposite the SUN this week and the MOON conjuncts it just hours after the FULL MOON. This is bound to bring up more collective unconscious material to be dealt with. We’ve had a parade of personal planets oppose PLUTO this month: MERCURY, the MOON and VENUS, so we’ve likely had a lot of heavy stuff come up to be processed, hidden things revealed and power plays enacted. Having the SUN there now will probably give us more of the same, challenging us one more to dance with the dark, what we are afraid of and take accountability for how we each contribute to the circumstances around us.

MARS having just done a shocking number, passing over URANUS last week, now moves into a synergistic trine with PLUTO soon after passing from stubborn TAURUS into more flexible GEMINI on the 20th. That may add some lubricant to the PLUTO/FULL MOON perhaps facilitating some action to address what has been churned up. Hopefully not just impulsive reactions and doubling down on the mindset that created the issue, whatever it may be.

NEPTUNE Rx is all up in this too because it is sitting in sextile to both PLUTO, MARS and just slightly to URANUS. This indicates we will likely be experiencing heightened dreams, intuitions and imaginations and abilities to take inspired actions in sensitive regard to the flow of our lives and environment. Conversely, this configuration can also mean a time of confusion about how and when to proceed, deception, loss of stamina, avoidance and passive aggression. Its kinda always messy with NEPTUNE as it removes all boundaries so things can melt and flow into new configurations or receive divine inspiration. It represents the higher realms though, so it really is just a messing with the fearful controlling ego and our materialist certainties. The SUN is trine NEPTUNE for the next week or so too, exacerbating all this. Let your courageous authenticity lead even while being confused or unsure. Rest when you can and eschew overindulgence in intoxicants.

We may feel there are too just many layers and paths to express easily because our minds are likely to feel a bit overactive this week with MARS (now in mental Gemini, ruled by MERCURY) spending a few days square to MERCURY in expressive Leo around the FULL MOON. Some possible strategies to manage all this would be daily meditation and yoga type practices, long walks and saying no to scrolling or news. Poetry, music, dancing are all appropriate responses. Try not to make any LT life decisions for now or if you must, just stay loose about the expected outcome. Everything is in flux. Having the SUN move into Leo on the 22nd and MARS move into GEMINI will likely loosen and lighten us up if we let it.Once they get done with their heavy PLUTO aspects in a few days, that is.

By the 25th or 26th the SUN moves into exact sextile with MARS which has been hopefully giving us a needed and welcome boost of energy and courage. MERCURY flips into Virgo on the 26th, its other home sign, where it feels empowered to do its exacting, direct and perhaps over-analyzing Virgo thing. Of course, as with all the other planets changing signs this week it will aspect PLUTO Rx. This time the aspect is an awkward quincunx (150 degrees). It is forming a Yod (finger of god triangle) by a simultaneous quincunx to NEPTUNE Rx and its ongoing sextile with PLUTO Rx. This augers for some important communication, inspiration or information probably not getting through very clearly or come out sideways. That’s ok because by August 4th MERCURY will go retrograde and form this same Yod two more times over the next 2 months. So by mid September whatever that message may be will finally become unambiguous.  Also, on the 26th CHIRON goes into its slow Rx after hanging out at around 23 degrees of Aries for a little over a month. It will be about 9 months going over 23 to 19 degrees Aries and back to 23 so we can complete our healing work in those degrees whatever that my be for you.
On the 27th we’ve made it halfway to the NEW MOON…WHEW!

I’ll talk some about that on our FULL MOON YouTube video coming out soon and of course in more detail here next week as we get closer to the waning Quarter Square MOON.

I pray you all are navigating all this OK. Its epic times, as I and every other astrologer, have been saying for years now. We all wanted change, now it’s happening (and pretty much for the rest of our lives). It is both fascinating and harrowing to go through this no matter who you are or what you know. Sending blessings to you all.