Right..This FULL MOON really does have epic written all over it, but possibly, hopefully in a good way. Of course, we’ll see what actually occurs as it unfolds. After all, its just one day, week, month, in an ongoing slow-pocalypse, and I believe it’s good to have a heads up as these peaks and waves come through.
This FULL MOON on the 19th has two significant T-squares and several conjunctions all happening on or near the SUN opposite MOON. This makes for a fairly complicated day full of potentials for change as each planet and point vie for preeminence or try to blend their archetypal expressions. T-squares are tense catalysts for evolution and creativity. Challenging but effective. The opposing points or planets in the T-square navigate their push-pull by using the energies at the apex as a release.
The usual energetic crescendo of the monthly FULLMOON opposition is this time square to unpredictable, disruptive and innovative URANUS exactly on the 19th. This alone would make for an interesting day, full of surprises or shocks, but there is plenty more to it. This T-square is landing in LEO, AQUARIUS and TAURUS, all Fixed signs, which express as stubborn and headstrong; My way or the highway. Coincidentally, the SUN will be very nearly conjunct MERCURY Rx and the asteroid VESTA. This brings a remedial and rethinking flavor as well as something to do with some sacred thing to which we are dedicated to the T square. If we add in another major asteroid, PALLAS the goddess of wise strategy which now is transiting Scorpio, we get a complete Grand Cross (4 square aspects and two oppositions). It is very possible this will reflect a major realignment towards right living in some aspect of our lives if we move gracefully with the pressure.
At the same time a second kinetic T-square is occurring with SATURN opposite VENUS. Limits and Love. This will bring some serious focus on our relationships and/or finances for sure. The release point for this opposition is the aggressive/assertive and exuberant MARS-JUPITER conjunction that has been in orb for a few weeks. Could be passion, but within a wise container or an unfortunately frustrating time for lovers. Or both. We all may have noticed a certain impulsivity in our and others behavior lately. Boundaries, personal and international, may be getting crossed with an unconscious confidence that of course engenders a response of either acceptance submission or pushback of some kind. Since it’s involving the benefic planet JUPITER, it will have a tendency to turn out for the best in the long run, either way it goes. Some restraint and wisdom in our expression of our desires will serve us well. This T-square may augur some hard, but practical and necessary, actions, choices or conversations in regards to important relationships or investments. This is all in the Mutable signs of GEMINI, PISCES and VIRGO, so there is room here for creativity and outside-the-box solutions.
Combining those two T-squares at the FULL MOON definitely indicates an interesting ride for humanity this week. This is a FULL MOON where we will likely experience some small and large, subtle and gross, clusters of unexpected change in our lives whether we like it or not. Be aware it might take a minute to notice the new trajectory in your life or in the world, but looking back it can be traced back to this time. Hopefully the MERCURY Rx has been inducing us to loosen up our attachment to a linear flow in its trickster-ish way and we are able re-think, re-vise and re-view our positions on things so when the FULL MOON hits we are open to some new brilliant possibilities. Helpfully, this prior week CHIRON is just finishing up a beneficial trine to the SUN, which has been invoking our inner wise healer. We really need a lot of that these days.
OK that is just the FULL MOON …LOL!
The T-square with SATURN VENUS MARS AND JUPITER hangs on spreading for a few more days. This configuration helps focus the MERCURY Rx onto the aforementioned Venusian love, relationship and finance issues as it backs into a second trine with CHIRON on the 22nd (destined to be repeated forward and finalized around September 1st ), tending us towards practical (SATURN square JUPITER) thoughts and ideas about how to repair old wounds or mal-conditionings we may have integrated around those vital subjects. The trick is to take action (MARS square VENUS) on those ideas by learning new practices so we don’t have to live with that unnecessary suffering.
As the MOON swings around towards the WANING SQUARE it will trigger first CHIRON trine MERCURY Rx on Friday the 23rd , then on the 25th it lights up URANUS which is doing its influential long term Minor Grand Trine geometry with PLUTO Rx and sextile NEPTUNE Rx. URANUS will also by that time be in a synergistic trine with VENUS. That may augur a sparkly urge to open our hearts and wallets generously but not necessarily wisely, though it will no doubt feel beautiful. Being generous of spirit is its own reward and SATURN will help us figure out how to pay the bills.
Yeah, that’s a lot to track. Fortunately we are not passive passengers in this ride. We get to chose how to respond to the sudden movements of reality. With Love or Fear and that makes all the difference.