NEW MOON TO FULL MOON SYNOPSIS: Things start out still feeling bogged down a bit but as the next two weeks get going things start to break loose and flow forward. Hang in there if you are feeling like an overheated pressure cooker full of ants right now. Especially in your relationships. Resist just blowing up reactively. Take mental and physical space as you can to think about consequences, to let it ripen some more, because when things begin to move you want to be squared away in a direction you actually want with the people you need.
I’m sure you all know how energetically intense it has been the last two weeks. A feeling of constant pressure moving up and down in your circumstances, yet never really going away. The pressure seems to me to be coming from PLUTO as it’s been in a wedge aspect pattern (a sextile and a trine over an opposition) with the MOON’s NODES of destiny, stirring up powerful movements in the deep underpinnings of our fate and direction. SATURN is in a half square with PLUTO which has been slowing any progress and fomenting the perpetuation of the feeling that we are stuck in an uncomfortable place. Like one of those nightmares where we can’t run fast enough from some vague but horrific thing that is looming behind us. The SUN hit PLUTO last week and triggered the feelings to be even more personal and VENUS was conjunct SATURN joining that awkward half square with the SUN and PLUTO. Definitely feeling some resistance. JUNO opposite the disruptor URANUS Rx has been keeping our domestic scene off balance too. All-n-all, our relationships have likely felt disturbed and out of synch lately.
Now, at the NEW MOON on the 29th we have a bunch of half squares to deal with. Half squares (45 degrees, AKA semisquares) are pushy and frictional like squares but quicker and sharper. VENUS and NEPTUNE are in a half square with the MOON + SUN. PLUTO and MERCURY are in a half square with SATURN. This will not be a good few days to hope to get things settled and back on track. We are likely to feel impatient and irritated with the whole thing, as we have for a while. Any light in this tunnel comes from having lucky and optimistic JUPITER Rx in a trine with the NEW MOON, giving us some confidence that we can weather this moment and things are somehow moving in our favor. The other big thing that day is URANUS stops to station direct, giving progress, innovation and sudden plot twists some forward momentum in the outer world rather than the more inner changes we’ve all been experiencing since September.
VENUS is sweeping through the last degrees of Pisces and so after being conjunct to stodgy serious SATURN last week it passes over dreamy and spiritual NEPTUNE and then the NORTH NODE of our dharma. The MOON aligns with all three on February first. With the itchy half square to the SUN that weekend might be a moment to dream big or take a moment to cultivate some inspirational beauty in your relationship or life. JUNO will be trine to that cluster too making it more or less about our trust and harmony in our committed relations and home life. JUPITER will be helping that succeed with a near trine to both the SUN and MERCURY as they get closer to their exact conjunction.
MARS Rx is exactly square CHIRON by the 2nd just as the MOON passes over that asteroid which represents our health, wounds and the lessons learned from their healing. The whole week will be filled with choices of how to go about addressing those. Seeking out or being a mentor will be emphasized and it will all definitely relate to the dance VENUS is doing at the same time.
VENUS enters Aries on the 4th initiating a period where we will be motivated to take direct action on those aspects of life we value and hold dear; relationships, finances, love, beauty and harmony, etc. FYI: VENUS turns retrograde in early MARCH and retreats back into Pisces (along with MERCURY Rx) to join with NEPTUNE, the NORTH NODE and SATURN twice more.
By February 9th the SUN and MERCURY meet in a conjunction and MARS Rx along with the MOON is trine SATURN. Hyper-mental energies synergizes with responsible action. Could be great time for core projects and plans getting some positive movement or even completion. Travel is facilitated during that week too. Could also be a very frustrating time if you compulsively try to skip steps or avoid responsibilities.
For the few days leading up to the February 12th FULL MOON we have URANUS, now direct, in a square to the still closely aligned SUN-MERCURY conjunction. Sudden changes, inspirations, developments and breakthroughs can be expected in the world at this time. Since home and hearth mama JUNO is trine the NEPTUNE-NORTH NODE conjunction at the same time some of this change will likely involve the future of our domestic situation and close relations.
It looks like we are in a time of transition and adjustment in how we relate to each other and the world, if that isn’t already obvious, as 2025 continues the process of transforming our world and world view. It is both personal and global, but it all starts on the inside of each of us. 2025 is going to be a hella ride for us all as we turn the corner in this generational slow-pocalypse. We are going to benefit massively from whatever wise corrections we can do now to get our relational network straightened out so we have the necessary support and a clear field to face what is coming over the next few years.