We will go over all the Planets, their aspects to each other, the Houses and Signs in your chart and clearly explain the meaning of each and how it may be showing up in your life. I will send the recording to you via email so you can go back through it at any time for further insights.

FULL MOONs have an energy of our experiences ripening and bearing fruit, of fertility. This FULL MOON on the Aries/Libra axis is the last week of the SUN and a few other bodies in VENUS ruled Libra and opposing CHIRON. It is wrapping up a number of the recent upticks in themes of relationship, partnership, justice, fairness, power and psychological shadow that we have been experiencing for quite some time. Of course, the show goes on and these themes are always going to be a core throughline of our reality and so perpetually reflected in the stars in one way or another. It has been a particularly turbulent time lately though for sure

Dear Love and Beauty oriented VENUS itself is passing through the last degrees of Scorpio and just finished an opposition to anarchic and impetuous URANUS Rx and a trine to dreamy NEPTUNE Rx that may have stirred the pot on the relationship front last week. Just before it heads to cross over into happy-go-lucky Sagittarius on the 17th it exactly sextiles PLUTO in the last degree of Capricorn that is also in a synergistic aspect with those two generational planets, weaving transformational passion and power into the VENUS vibe. Strong love that may be a little out of control? Secrets revealed? Maybe it is still subtly rumbling in the distance for some but there is a definite disturbance in the Force out there moving to bring things into the open and into balance in our relationships. Facing and dealing with it ASAP is best as these issues tend to come back more distressingly if avoided.

As dire as that sounds all this is probably long term positive for the general Good as the other big factor right now is the months long favorable sextile between buoyant JUPITER Rx and the healing influence of CHIRON Rx that is near exact and beaming its signal of a long-needed healing crisis. This may not feel great at first with the opening of the wound, but with wisdom, it can augur eventual healing to chronic conditions personal or global. This all gets a bump as the MOON crosses CHIRON Rx just hours before the FULL MOON. In the mix at the FULL MOON is a conjunction of the SUN and JUNO which indicates this is going to be related to committee partnerships in some way especially as active MARS is in a provoking square to JUNO for several days as it comes off a recent square to CHIRON Rx.

Speaking of MARS it is just initiating a week or two long sextile with explosive URANUS Rx and the first of 3 oppositions to PLUTO due to MARS’s upcoming retrograde motion that will be exact first on November 3. This is a rather foreboding combination foreshadowing the possibility of something like aggressive power plays and violent overreactions and/or the initiation of or exposure of hidden, secret actions that affect us all. Ominously, the last MARS retrograde that was in opposition to PLUTO was in 2007/08 as PLUTO just entered Capricorn and the 2008 financial crisis got rolling. Now it’s happening just as PLUTO is leaving Capricorn. Spooky!  Whatever events manifests out of this will not be clear until the final opposition in April 2025. Though this is scary looking as an isolated aspect and a lot of astrologers may feel compelled to cry “the sky is falling!”, it is really hard to say how it will manifest personally. PLUTO’s moves are more concerned with the biggest big picture and generational transformations.  It is part of a dance of infinite influences both malefic and favorable. Still, it is not a great thing to see so enmeshed with the already bizzarro US elections.

MERCURY is trine SATURN Rx from about the 17th to the 25th giving our thoughts and movements some helpful structure and discipline if we can avoid low vibe the trap of pessimism and mental rigidity. Plan ahead and use your “No” so you don’t feel over-burdened with tasks. Simultaneously the SUN will be moving through a square to PLUTO from the 15th to the 27th or so, as it moves from Libra into Scorpio on the 22nd. This PLUTO transit can lend us a sense of power to actions or throw us under the bus of unconscious patterns, ours or others. Squares are challenging and testing of our manner and poise under pressure.

Its important to notice that during this week we have MARS moving through a Minor Grand Trine “talent triangle” with URANUS Rx sextile to both MARS and NEPTUNE Rx and so trine itself to NEPTUNE Rx from the 16th to Nov 1. This might be a harbinger of some genius moments. epiphanies or spiritual awakenings for us all. This is combined with the ongoing Minor Grand Trine with NEPTUNE synergistically sextile to PLUTO AND URANUS which is opening an oscillating portal from July 2024 to May 2029 that is inexorably transforming our relationship to the transcendent nature of the universe. I’ve mentioned this before and will again as it is an influence on every life and forecast for the next number of years.

All n All a full-on FULL MOON and week after. Something the 2020’s decade seems abounding in. We’re in such a world churn its sometimes tempting to ask “When will it end?!” particularly when things seem so uncertain and unstable.  Well, the good news and the bad news is encompassed in the full ramifications of the term “never”. The overall balance will be kept while our individual lives ride the waves of chaos and order, strife and peace, abundance and scarcity. We need to be aware that all this is just the Wheel turning and we are all on it until we are not. Do your best.

The headlines this week are: PLUTO stations direct in Capricorn. MARS is square to MERCURY, CHIRON Rx, JUNO, LILITH Rx, AND THE SUN while JUPITER, now just Rx, trines them as well. CHIRON Rx is opposite all those LIBRA points while it is sextile to JUPITER Rx. VENUS is opposite URANUS Rx later in the week.

PLUTO is making its last run through the potent anaretic degrees of Capricorn before it enters Aquarius on Nov 20th for a 20-year transit where it will expose our internalized cultural misconceptions and clean up our acts around innovation, progressivism, collective movements and maybe our current trend of cultural fragmentation. PLUTO plays rough as we found out during its Capricorn transit since 2008. It certainly fucked with all our Capricornian finances and trust in institutions, revealing the cracks in those foundations. So, it’ll be “interesting” for sure to see what these next decades will bring. I’m guessing it may involve an ongoing degradation and reconfiguration of the current digital clusterfuck amongst other unforeseen cultural revolutions and upheavals. URANUS the planet of explosive change is trine PLUTO and sextile NEPTUNE which holds the ideal, transcendent, and ineffable. “You say you want a revolution. Well you know…” Buckle up.

This week aggressive and assertive MARS in emotional Cancer is passing through a T-square with CHIRON Rx in fiery Aries and JUNO (the asteroid of committed partnerships), the SUN (ourselves, our direction) and by the 14th LILITH Rx (The dark goddess and mystery principle) all in the relational and fair-hearted Libra. MERCURY, representing our mind, thoughts and communications will just be square to PLUTO as it moves into Scorpio on the  13th emphasizing trips about survival, sex and power. Kinda a time of demanding fairness in all our intimate relations and harmony in our lives. We may find ourselves in serious conflict in pursuit of justice if we don’t dolly back and read the room.
We may have all had some turmoil in our relationships lately but it has been over things that really do need addressing, accountability or at the very least, acknowledgment of their existence and the paradoxical intractability of whatever issues they are. Relationships, personal or worldly, are always full of paradox and catch-22’s that can’t be resolved at the level they were created, so we grow or suffer. AFOG: Another Fucking Opportunity for Growth here.

On top of that, there will likely be some interesting developments put into place in our relationships, finances and/or creative endeavors now as loving VENUS, ruler of Libra, is opposite innovative and disruptive URANUS Rx all week. Sudden loves and connections, revitalized relationships, bids for freedom and inspired creativity all could manifest to varying degrees as well as romantic restlessness, unrealistic affairs and rebellious eccentricity. Especially as VENUS is simultaneously transiting trine to imaginary, idealizing and indeterminate Neptune and then a couple of days later it sextiles power player PLUTO. Golden opportunity or sailing into disaster, like the classic Fool card. PLUTO adds a lot of power and compulsion to this mix from our deep conditioning and will to power. NEPTUNE Rx may obscure our discernment of what we are really up to or tempt us to futily run away into a fantasy.  Grounding and practical SATURN Rx is pretty much un-aspected this week and so is probably too weak alone to keep us properly oriented and disciplined. We may have trouble discerning the truth and long term consequences for now especially for the intuitive/creative types.

Now JUPITER will add some optimism and a dash of good fortune to all these proceedings by stationing retrograde in its sextile to the healing wisdom of CHIRON Rx while it also favorably trines all the points now traveling through Libra: MERCURY, LILITH, JUNO and the SUN. With the coincident group square to MARS and opposition to CHIRON Rx these planets and points will be pushing us to make some choices about how we attempt to infuse fairness, justice, beauty and balance into the inherent mystery and tumult of relationships.

That’s a lot of beats to try to dance with all at once for sure. We can dream big this week and perhaps, with JUPITER’s luck and CHIRON’s healing, come out the better for it, but do be aware there are also many sand-traps to step in too. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. A combination of generosity of heart, and wise restraint will definitely help us through to a win-win but it won’t be necessarily easy.

This is going to be a super interesting week! There is literally too much going on in the sky right now to describe here. I’ll try to get the main points across for you though. Definitely examine the mundane chart shown here so you can see the geometry of it all. If you can, suss out where your birth chart is connecting to it all too. (Call me, I love to reveal to people the insights in their charts) 😉 This month’s NEW MOON on October 2 is quite a conjunction mash-up in LIBRA. SUN, MOON of course, and also, MERCURY, LILITH and without much of a stretch the SOUTH NODE (That means an Eclipse). Whups! With a comet to boot.

Solar eclipses have traditionally augured big changes, falls of regimes, deaths or crises of some kind. Though nowadays astrologers don’t see them as necessarily dire they still mark nexuses in the plot of the year. A vibe or set that reflects the last eclipse in the Spring and foreshadows the next 6 months. We won’t see this annular eclipse in the Northern hemisphere, but its still there, indicating some kind of sea change that will initiate, then develop over the next 6 months until the next series in March 2025. Interestingly, many of those planets and points also moved through a GRAND TRINE with PLUTO Rx and URANUS over the last few weeks and days. This also lined up with the extended MINOR GRAND TRINE with NEPTUNE Rx sextile to PLUTO Rx and URANUS to form a Kite geometry. Something like a portal where the archetypes of the involved planets and signs synergize in a powerful flow. NEPTUNE Rx was at the apex opposite each planet or point as they passed from VIRGO to LIBRA giving the whole thing a transcendental and uncertain air.

When the MOONS nodes are closely conjunct the SUN we get an eclipse and since the SOUTH NODE represents our past and past lives it will tend to bring up material from our past to be faced, integrated and dealt with. So be prepared to work with old wounds, reaction patterns, family and relationship dynamics in order to encompass and transcend them. Do try to not just double-down on maladaptive patterns and entrench your conditioning. It is up so you can see it, ot just repeat it. Significantly, about the time that the next series of eclipses happens in mid-March 2025, the SOUTH NODE of our past Karma will hit the same point in the Kite opposite NEPTUNE and trine PLUTO and URANUS in their transformative Minor Grand Trine. So though the work is now the window really closes in about 6 months.

This firmly throws us under the bus of fate for the next 6 months. Hold on to your hats. VENUS ruled LIBRA is potentially a pretty nice sign to have this in if you look at its positive attributes; Working with the “Other”(relationships), Justice/Fairness, Beauty, Harmony, Agreements etc. Of course, it also has a dark side. It is associated archetypally with Persephone’s/Kore’s journey back into the underworld to join her husband Hades (PLUTO) for the Fall and Winter. LIBRA can be harsh and final like the Queen of the Dead once it decides it’s not going to get cooperation and harmony. It can also sometimes vacillate, wait interminably for more info, be passive-aggressive and obdurate. Things can go either way and likely will.

MARS is just starting to square the SUN which peaks on the 14th. Meanwhile Lilith squares it on the 4th and MERCURY exactly squares MARS on the 6th. Aggressive, impulsive, assertive, defensive and bold actions and communications anyone? Especially around all thing LILITH. LILITH is an indicator of the presence of the Dark Goddess, of rebellion against patriarchal dominance, control and materialism, the arising of things the desert religions pushed into the margins and shadows: feminine independence and power, conscious and unconscious sexuality, menstrual (and so astrological) cycles, the mysterious, occult and unknowable, etc, etc. That’s a lot of suppressed reality that must be reckoned with to be whole. LILITH being conjunct the NEW MOON with MERCURY opens a portal for this to come into discourse and manifestation. In fact, LILITH will go retrograde on the 9th just as it squares PLUTO Rx and will scoot back through LIBRA for another run through the whole VENUS ruled sign. Get your relationship right with the feminine principles, or else! Watch out for shadowy powerplays and unconscious moves, perpetrated by you or others.

VENUS is forming a GRAND TRINE in Water with SATURN Rx and MARS for the next week or so, pointing towards establishing boundaries or relational friction to hash out boundaries and plans. VENUS can’t ‘See” the eclipse/NEW MOON, being 30 degrees (Semi-sextile) to it. Accordingly, there may be both a personal circumstance and more worldly events that involve relations, finances, and changes to things we hold dear and sacred happening simultaneously. Seemingly unconnected but certainly affecting each other.

JUPITER is slowing down towards its retrograde on the 8th and so is sextile to CHIRON Rx for a couple of months, signaling all this turbulence is moving towards a healing crises, hard gained wisdom and healing of some kind. So, heavy as all this seems it is aiming towards something good in the biggest big picture. As the month moves on each one of the planets now in LIBRA will march through a trine with expansive optimistic and lucky JUPITER and an opposition with the healer CHIRON, perhaps giving us some welcome mitigation for the stress of the transformations we are going through.

In addition to all that, the comet visible around sunrise in the East for a few days, an asteroid and some fixed stars are definitely influencing this reading of this eclipse. Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS happens to be visiting us on its 80,000 year orbit right now. Comets always have a reputation for portentousness, the advent of powerful movements, leaders and shocking events, as if we needed more omens of world evolution. The asteroid Makemake, named after the fertility god of the Rape’nui peoples of Easter Island will be conjunct the eclipse and fascinatingly, Easter Island is one of the few land spaces the eclipse will be visible from…Hmmm. Makemake has only been known of astronomically for about 20 years so its astrological attribute are TBD, but my research dug up that it is possibly associated with megalomania, hallucinations, spiritual ecstasy, genocide, extreme ideology, mass hysteria, UFO’s, social disassociation and the ilk. Not too positive, sadly, but this has to be somewhat speculative. We also have in LIBRA near the eclipse the fixed stars, troublesome Vindemiatrix (the widow maker!!), and Porrima (the goddess of prophecy) just to add some spice to the moment.

Overall, stuck or imbalanced circumstances can get very tense, volatile and ripe for explosion or resolution, especially relationships, intimate or international, now and for the months to come. Its looks like an epically destabilizing opportunity to begin to bring things into sustainable balance through Plutonic upheaval and transformation. This is just part of a long slow cycle we are in, years long. It’ll probably get worse before it gets better in many ways, though not all at once and not everywhere at once. For the moment we are all asked to be on our best, most courageous and compassionate game so we can navigate our internal and external connections towards a win-win.  MERCURY conjunct the NEW MOON/SUN complex augurs providential thinking and intelligent communication if we don’t give in to negativity and anxiety. Take your time to think before acting or speaking. Recognize your shadow and suppressed parts when they try to take over the plot.
Don’t panic or give in to despair and nihilism. That is always a temptation with this sort of turning of the Wheel, Comets and eclipses Oh My! Remember, each one of us is really responsible for just our local realm of influence. Don’t get so distracted by far away things you can’t reach that you neglect your own arena. Peace starts at home and in the self. Also remember, it is never all dark and doom. Nurture the Good you do have, no matter how unremarkable and insignificant it may seem. The dark and light are ultimately co-emergent and dynamically balanced no matter what our fears say.


On the 24th the MOON squares the SUN giving us some monthly tension and choice about how we feel about the direction of our lives. It also trines VENUS directing that tension towards our relationships close and in the world. Tension is not necessarily bad, it just means choices must be made as to how we feel about things and that dictates how we act and what outcomes we experience.
All that is just a flavoring on the transformative Grand Trine (SUN and then MERCURY, PLUTO Rx and URANUS in trine) + Minor Grand Trine (NEPTUNE Rx, PLUTO Rx  and URANUS in 2 sextiles and a trine)  which together form a Kite configuration happening this week. The SUN (self, direction) and MERCURY (Ideas, mind and communication) are opposite to the anchor NEPTUNE Rx, and so express the transcendental and imaginal attributes of that planet.  There is something dreamy about this week as well as chaotic and unexpected that is represented by URANUS (sudden change) and PLUTO Rx (the unconscious and unseen powers). We may have revelations and we may have some confusion and even lethargy. It’s easy to get overwhelmed as we can’t seem to logically figure out the plot. If we trust and pray for clarity it will eventually arrive. Not today though. Just go with it and cultivate your equanimity and inner peace. Love may be in the air, both agape and eros, and we should nurture that if it’s appropriate, but do try to keep one foot on the ground.
SATURN Rx is trine MARS for a few days which could give us some of that grounding, though if MARS dominates it can be impulsive and aggressive actions instead, which if we are unclear of our target (NEPTUNE) can lead to needless drama.
The SUN now, and as of the 26th MERCURY, are transiting fair minded, harmony seeking and relationship-oriented LIBRA which could put a nice spin on things if we don’t dither and avoid commitments or moving into action. By the end of September they will be closely conjunct each other and the NORTH NODE of fate making a confluence of our will, mind and destiny. A great time to be putting together a plan of action that aligns with the lessons we have learned from the experiences of the last few years around the direction of our lives. Journaling, important conversations, mission statements that incorporate any inspirations and revelations we may have received recently are possible. Its apocalyptic out there in the world now and things are in major flux,. We need to discover what our personal and collective soul goals are so we don’t drift into complete dystopia.

The wounded healer, CHIRON Rx is beneficially trine expansive and optimistic JUPITER for about 2 months, giving this whole period a push towards healing and wisdom even though the madness seems to be going in the other direction. Healing crisis? JUPITER is on the brink of stationing Rx and so is leaning into the 20 and 21st degree of mental and openminded GEMINI as well as trining CHIRON Rx. The sabian Symbol for that degree is:
“OUTBURST: It is healthier to release pent up emotions
rather than to continue repressing them
 “Allowing an outburst of pent-up feelings””
So this indicates the current dramas in our lives may be driven by our deepest wounds and shadows or the wisdom derived from those wounds and our shadow work. They are tumultuous but are ultimately necessary for our collective and personal growth.  Oh Boy!
The NEW MOON on the 2nd pretty much conjuncts MERCURY as it is just coming out from behind the SUN. There is a Solar Eclipse that day too. This augurs not only epic shifts in our reality (eclipses) but some much needed sharp thinking and inspired ideas that may blossom over the next month and onwards. VENUS is starting to form a GRAND WATER TRINE with SATURN and MARS in Water signs that will add some compassionate fire and action to our romantic and aesthetic pursuits for the first week of October. More on that on next weeks forecast. This week seems a moment to solidify relations and gather inspirations as we head into the frankly tumultuous months of the Autumn 2024

Oh The celestial dance! Harvest moon, lunar eclipse, super moon (Perigee; closest approach to Earth), and blood moon (red tinged because it’s not total) all at once on this Tuesdays FULL MOON. We are certainly harvesting the outcomes of this last summers experiences. Much has changed in our lives since last winter, whether we wanted it or not and the pace of change is still pretty hot for the approaching future. SATURN in the short term and PLUTO in the long term are making sure we reap what we have sown from the past few weeks or months and the last few decades and centuries. Meanwhile the inner planets continue to keep it personal and dramatic. Of course, the planets do not cause all this to happen, they just give us an outline reflecting what is happening within and without us; As above, So below. Since the stars and planets movements are cyclic, we can use them to get a perspective and clue on what is and what is coming.


This FULL MOON and partial eclipse is tucked between SATURN Rx and NEPTUNE Rx all in PISCES. This brings an interesting combination of archetypal energies into play. The MOON our intuition nurturing and emotional side has to negotiate between the practical (SATURN) and the ideal (NEPTUNE) to find some path forward the intuitively feels right. MERCURY is opposite SATURN Rx which helps us think more seriously about our options for a few days though we may have to be nurturing and patient with any mental fogginess.

Our deep psychology is on display in all this because PLUTO Rx in Capricorn gets drawn in to the action being in a month-long half square with SATURN Rx (Ruler of Capricorn) and NEPTUNE Rx in a multi-year oscillating Minor Grand Trine to PLUTO Rx and URANUS as well. This configuration is telling us that this whole period of time will feels epic, apocalyptic and transformative. It’s a huge slow turning of the cultural wheel now.  MERCURY aligning opposite SATURN is also transiting an prodding square and half with PLUTO, so the potential for the repressed and hidden to come to light is strong. Opportunity and crisis in the structures, ambitions and commitments in our lives (Capricorn) before PLUTO heads back into Aquarius in October to do its transformative work there on our individuality, ideals and ideas of the future for the next 20 years.

At the time of the FULL MOON we have, just waning, a beneficial and lovely trine between VENUS and JUPITER, while VENUS was opposite CHIRON, the Healer. This augered some intensity, probably for the good, in our relationships, close and far over the weekend. Whatever blossomed then from those aspects, the other shoe probably drops around the FULL MOON and we get a chance to make practical adjustments to make things work or at worst feel some sticker shock at any over commitments we may have made mirrored by JUPITER’S exuberant trine aspect.

Preview: JUPITER and CHIRON Rx are just starting to sextile which goes on until December giving this whole Fall a flavor of lucky breaks and opprtunites to grow and heal in big ways. This will help justify in some ways, but probably not mellow, any upcoming turbulence. We’ll be having the potential and obligation to learn a lot of powerful lessons on how to navigate reality. Ooo,that sounds like fun. Lol.

As all that FULL MOON jazz fades off the SUN moves into the last degrees of VIRGO and consequently forms a powerful Kite by coming into a Grand Trine with URANUS and PLUTO Rx while they are in the aforementioned Minor Grand Trine with NEPTUNE Rx in the double sextile position at the top of the kite and the SUN as the tail.  The number of flowing synergistic aspects (5 trine and sextile) in a Kite make this a powerful node of transformation or change because the power of evolution flows so smoothly in the trines and sextiles around whatever opposition forms the spine of the Kite. Transformation is the keyword, especially now with those big generational and evolutionary planets all pointing at the very personal SUN, our core and collective self. With the nearby eclipse this presages an interesting ride through September, the Autumn months and the coming years. Evolution and re-volution in the world. BTW; This Kite with these same planets repeats every year about this time until at least 2027, so it won’t all happen at once, but it will have annual pulses that underscore all the other changes throughout the year. We are in for a long turn of the wheel with at least a chance of having time to participate and adapt somewhat as it goes along if we stay awake. It’s never a helpless victim thing as we are all also nominal agents in this world we live in. Mostly how we are imagining where we want to go, how we respond internally to events and what the set and setting we cocreate for ourselves to do this deep soul work in, which profoundly influences outcomes as all shamans and alchemists know. Love or Fear baby.

Right in the middle of its move through the tail of the Kite on the 22nd, the SUN switches signs from mental and particular VIRGO into more collective and compassionate LIBRA. Whew! It might feel like the Universe’s version of tough love right now, but ultimately it is Love and LIBRA has that going on in abundance. VENUS will be in a square with PLUTO as it switches signs and so also forming a square-and-a-half (Sesquisquare) to SATURN while it is half square to PLUTO. This is kind of a shove in the back for change in our relationship whether to self or other for a few days. Hard conversations and corrections should not be avoided, but courageously and compassionately engaged during this time because that is the path to Love.

Unusually, just as the SUN moves off the trines to PLUTO Rx and URANUS and the opposition to NEPTUNE Rx, MERCURY by the 24th comes waltzing in to replace it in its tail position in the Kite and so brings our mercurial attributes (mind, thinking, ideas, communication, to transport, connect etc.) into that powerful vortex of transformation opposite NEPTUNE Rx, the planet of imagination, spiritual realms, ideals, dreams, timelessness, the immaterial, confusion delusion and directionlessness. Probably not comfortable for the left brain but the right brain totally relates.

Like an intense medicine journey, the next few years might be a rough ride for the strict materialists and pure atheists, the spiritually closeminded and those who haven’t the bandwidth to roll with the changes that are inevitable. It can be a time filled with a panicky uncertainty. But the potential is there to enhance our intuitions, psychic powers and creative communications to get insights and conceive of a more ideal story to live in. Be aware it may also manifest as fuzzy thinking and a sense of directionless disorientation too. Trust in the self and the divine perfection of the big movements, with wise discernment is key as is some non-attachment to outcomes. Be skeptical of charismatic leaders who have “THE ANSWER!” over the next few years. You know; the good ol’ standard spiritual journey skills. Remember, there is always an element of the unexpected and unforeseeable mystery in the way the universe unfolds these revelations and revolutions. We may be pleasantly surprised by some of the elements coming into being in the world. There will be some who collapse into apathy and nihilism, some who will be convinced they have THE answer and must save everyone or force them to comply. We will probably see all of that, all over the world. as this Kite and eclipse cycle and all the other upcoming epic aspects unfold over the next few years affecting the rest of our lives.

This week we may have an interesting day on the 10th. As the MOON moves through its final square to the SUN for the month it will also be sweeping through a square to SATURN, an opposition to JUPITER and a sextile to VENUS. This of course coincides geometrically with SUN square JUPITER and SUN opposite SATURN. Plenty of action for one day and we will likely be walking a tightrope between sober responsibility and reckless enthusiasm all week.

Waxing squares are a wrapping up and harvesting of energies that peaked at the last FULL MOON, so it might be a good time to reflect on what got really going then. SATURN is all about firm limits, timing and responsibility. The other luminary, the SUN is just coming off an opposition to SATURN so in some ways this just continues the trend of some restraint and restrictions (for our own good), but now more in our lunar emotional/intuitive body. We could feel blocked or held back by SATURN or conversely have a sense of resoluteness in getting things done, probably bits of both all week.
The MOON being opposite to JUPITER that day might temp us to feel some perhaps welcome giddy optimism or to go a bit overboard with our emotional reactions, positive or negative. Early in the day the MOON sextiles VENUS and that won’t be bad; perhaps a little smooth connection with what or who we love. Alas, it’s just a few hours of that day and adversely entangled with all those importunate and insistent squares and oppositions.

The SUN square JUPITER which perfects on the 12th has an influence all week and is combined with a, co-incident, MERCURY sextile URANUS during a number of days. JUPITER is such an uplifter of all boats that the square lends us all some buoyancy even if SATURN has been putting some restraint on it. Might be the perfect balance of responsible optimism. With MERCURY sextile URANUS we might feel mentally activated to an unusual degree. Perhaps the pace of life will pick up to a notable degree, Socializing, communicating, unexpected side quests might all be manifesting for a few days. Just be cautious and have your “No” in hand so you don’t get over-booked and overwhelmed.
Speaking of optimism, VENUS will be trine JUPITER all week and peaking on the weekend, so romance is certainly in the air. The MOON will be transiting conjunct PLUTO early on the 14th too. So, it could be passionate romance if your chart and circumstances facilitate that. Let’s keep an eye on our spending though and not blow resources we will definitely need later, or try to Pluto-nically push through any selfish agendas.
By Monday MERCURY comes opposite SATURN just as the MOON connects with it, definitely putting some restraint on our enthusiastic ideas and maybe some responsible communication about what happened over the weekend. Buyer’s remorse or recognition of what just occurred? Do have fun though, if you can, you deserve it, and with a little discretion it will pay off. VENUS will be opposite CHIRON for a few days around then which will likely augur some tender and vital relationship doings too.
The FULL MOON happens on Sept 17th and will be nearly aligned with dreamy, transcendent NEPTUNE. This puts the SUN into a flowing Kite configuration with NEPTUNE as the anchor and URANUS and PLUTO trine to it on the wings. More on that as we get to it but it looks to be an illumination of the ongoing and epic Minor Grand Trine of NEPTUNE, PLUTO and URANUS we are all dealing with for the next few years.

The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
1. Be impeccable with your word

2. Don’t take anything personally

3. Don’t make assumptions

4. Always do your best

This NEW MOON on September 2 could feel lower key to us all relative to the ongoing epic-ness we have been riding for months, but it definitely has potential to be powerful in its own way. No one has been escaping the changes, personal and worldwide during these last few months and we are far from done with the generational imbroglio and fun-n-games we are all in. This week a lot of the fun is NEPTUNE aspecting within hours an exact square to MARS.  PLUTO also retrogrades back into CAPRICORN for a few months and MERCURY is trine CHIRON.

The NEPTUNE square MARS has been building all week as MARS gets close to changing signs from expressive GEMINI to more receptive CANCER. In the usual dual valence, this square either reveals our ability to act (MARS) with sensitivity to what is going on around us (NEPTUNE), engage in idealistic actions, effortlessly dive deep into conscious sexuality, glean wisdoms from journeys into non-ordinary consciousness, or conversely foment the urge to escape or numb out, sleep, avoid conflict or responsibilities, be irritable or get sick. A fun spread of possibilities that we may feel in waves over this couple of weeks. When MARS gets into Cancer on the 4th it will dampen MARS’s fire even more.
PLUTO which has been lurking around 0 degrees AQUARIUS since mid-July finally glaciers back in CAPRICORN to put a wrap on its work there on our institutions, structures, traditions and purposes. Since 2008 we’ve seen a lot that we trusted as solid get its inherent cracks and corruptions revealed. We are in a process of reimagining our world and how to Be in it. PLUTO, the harbinger of death and rebirth, transformation and evolution is always removing things that will not stand up to the pressures of universal truths and that includes much of what the 20th century humans considered “normal”. In the next 20 or so years we’ll be seeing that glacial grind move over the Aquarian themes: technology, collective dynamics, individuality etc.

Mental messenger MERCURY will be exactly trine to the wounded healer, CHIRON on the 2nd, giving all the above a beneficially remedial flavor, especially as VENUS is also near conjunct the SOUTH NODE of our past. People and issues of our backstory may come up for some exposure and transformation.
September 3, the Sun starts a transit of opposition to SATURN that peaks around the 7th. This will shine a light on our being conscientious and perseverant in our dealings with others, especially as we are also likely to encounter obstacles to our plans through those same people or our own perverse natures.
By September 6th MERCURY moves forward into its final square with URANUS. Over the next few days MERCURY also dances through its last pair of Quincunx aspects to PLUTO and NEPTUNE who are still in sextile with each other. This Yod geometry and the square will likely augur some difficulties, disruptions or sudden changes to travel plans, communications etc., though probably not as dramatically as it did back in July when the big internet crash happened on the first square. Early on September 9 MERCURY lands back into its home sign VIRGO helping us get out to-do lists done and clean up any poor decisions or messes leftover from the recent retrograde.
When we get to the WAXING QURTER MOON on the 10th we will be well poised for the waves to come in the last half of September. Hold on to your hats folks, eclipses are coming.

This week as the MOON moves towards its conjunction with the SUN the planets are indicating we will be getting a lot of activity in our VENUS realms. The archetypal energies of VENUS, according to the brilliant Richard Tarnas are: “Desire, love, beauty, value, art; the impulse and capacity to attract and be attracted, to love and be loved, to seek and create beauty and harmony, to engage in social and romantic relations, sensuous pleasure, artistic and aesthetic experience and creation; the principle of Eros and the Beautiful; Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite, the Roman Venus.” In our reality this is often boiled down to love relationships and how we us our resources to enhance our lives (e.g. money).
On the 26th VENUS is moving through a synergistic trine to disruptive and innovative URANUS, and a simultaneous trine to the archetype of primordial instincts, death, rebirth, and transformation, PLUTO. This, while PLUTO is in a long-term trine to URANUS as well, making a powerful Grand Trine in the headstrong Fixed signs of VIRGO, TAURUS and AQUARIUS. VENUS is also coming into an opposition with dreamy and confusing NEPTUNE. This all can show up in our personal lives as transformational passionate love, relational restlessness, kinky urges, obsessions, sudden romances, possibly unwise commitments, spending or over spending, and the like. All fodder for learning essential lessons about wisdom and an indication that things some relational will never be the same. By the 29th VENUS moves into its home power sign of LIBRA while still connected to PLUTO and NEPTUNE giving us continued emphasis on remodeling our Venusian themes.
MERCURY is still RX but is slowing down to go direct on the 29th. It is in a long slow positive trine with the healer CHIRON as it hovers around 21 and 22 degrees of LEO. All this could bode well for personal or world events as MERCURY gets going forward. Perhaps leading to some healing or smoothing of wounds with self, other or between larger organizations. Of course, there is a lot of factors that will influence that outcome. Transformation is not usually done without sacrifice and turbulence and the outer planets do not usually appear compassionate in the short run, only in the biggest big picture long run do we see the necessity of the disruptions and disintegrations.

PLUTO (archetypally: processes of breakdown, destruction and creation in the universe, impulses toward regeneration and transformation, purification and purging, profound evolutionary forces.) is poised to grind back into Capricorn for the next few months. This is its last touch in Capricorn for about 250 years. We had so many of our seeming solid institutions be revealed to be shaky and inadequate over the last couple of decades. Now, before we fully settle into Plutonically working over our Aquarian themes for the next 25 or 30 years, (technology, humanitarianism, individuality, intelligence, etc) we get one more shot at some cathartic destruction/regeneration of those Saturnian structures. Upcoming elections anyone?  Lol.
By September 2 NEPTUNE is exactly square to MARS just as the MOON forms a NEW MOON conjunction with the SUN in VIRGO. MARS-NEPTUNE square can augur urges to escape reality. A little responsible vacation won’t hurt, but a bender is not recommended. We don’t want to burden the tone of the next lunar cycle with a hangover or a shitstorm of avoided responsibilities. We have plenty of work ahead of us in September. More on that next week with the NEW MOON forecast.

Right..This FULL MOON really does have epic written all over it, but possibly, hopefully in a good way. Of course, we’ll see what actually occurs as it unfolds. After all, its just one day, week, month, in an ongoing slow-pocalypse, and I believe it’s good to have a heads up as these peaks and waves come through.
This FULL MOON on the 19th has two significant T-squares and several conjunctions all happening on or near the SUN opposite MOON. This makes for a fairly complicated day full of potentials for change as each planet and point vie for preeminence or try to blend their archetypal expressions. T-squares are tense catalysts for evolution and creativity. Challenging but effective. The opposing points or planets in the T-square navigate their push-pull by using the energies at the apex as a release.
The usual energetic crescendo of the monthly FULLMOON opposition is this time square to unpredictable, disruptive and innovative URANUS exactly on the 19th. This alone would make for an interesting day, full of surprises or shocks, but there is plenty more to it. This T-square is landing in LEO, AQUARIUS and TAURUS, all Fixed signs, which express as stubborn and headstrong; My way or the highway. Coincidentally, the SUN will be very nearly conjunct MERCURY Rx and the asteroid VESTA. This brings a remedial and rethinking flavor as well as something to do with some sacred thing to which we are dedicated to the T square. If we add in another major asteroid, PALLAS the goddess of wise strategy which now is transiting Scorpio, we get a complete Grand Cross (4 square aspects and two oppositions). It is very possible this will reflect a major realignment towards right living in some aspect of our lives if we move gracefully with the pressure.
At the same time a second kinetic T-square is occurring with SATURN opposite VENUS. Limits and Love. This will bring some serious focus on our relationships and/or finances for sure. The release point for this opposition is the aggressive/assertive and exuberant MARS-JUPITER conjunction that has been in orb for a few weeks. Could be passion, but within a wise container or an unfortunately frustrating time for lovers. Or both. We all may have noticed a certain impulsivity in our and others behavior lately. Boundaries, personal and international, may be getting crossed with an unconscious confidence that of course engenders a response of either acceptance submission or pushback of some kind. Since it’s involving the benefic planet JUPITER, it will have a tendency to turn out for the best in the long run, either way it goes. Some restraint and wisdom in our expression of our desires will serve us well. This T-square may augur some hard, but practical and necessary, actions, choices or conversations in regards to important relationships or investments. This is all in the Mutable signs of GEMINI, PISCES and VIRGO, so there is room here for creativity and outside-the-box solutions.
Combining those two T-squares at the FULL MOON definitely indicates an interesting ride for humanity this week. This is a FULL MOON where we will likely experience some small and large, subtle and gross, clusters of unexpected change in our lives whether we like it or not.  Be aware  it might take a minute to notice the new trajectory in your life or in the world, but looking back it can be traced back to this time. Hopefully the MERCURY Rx has been inducing us to loosen up our attachment to a linear flow in its trickster-ish way and we are able re-think, re-vise and re-view our positions on things so when the FULL MOON hits we are open to some new brilliant possibilities. Helpfully, this prior week CHIRON is just finishing up a beneficial trine to the SUN, which has been invoking our inner wise healer. We really need a lot of that these days.
OK that is just the FULL MOON …LOL!
The T-square with SATURN VENUS MARS AND JUPITER hangs on spreading for a few more days. This configuration helps focus the MERCURY Rx onto the aforementioned Venusian love, relationship and finance issues as it backs into a second trine with CHIRON on the 22nd (destined to be repeated forward and finalized around September 1st ), tending us towards practical (SATURN square JUPITER) thoughts and ideas about how to repair old wounds or mal-conditionings we may have integrated around those vital subjects. The trick is to take action (MARS square VENUS) on those ideas by learning new practices so we don’t have to live with that unnecessary suffering.

As the MOON swings around towards the WANING SQUARE it will trigger first CHIRON trine MERCURY Rx on Friday the 23rd  , then on the 25th it lights up URANUS which is doing its influential long term Minor Grand Trine geometry with PLUTO Rx and sextile NEPTUNE Rx. URANUS will also by that time be in a synergistic trine with VENUS. That may augur a sparkly urge to open our hearts and wallets generously but not necessarily wisely, though it will no doubt feel beautiful. Being generous of spirit is its own reward and SATURN will help us figure out how to pay the bills.
Yeah, that’s a lot to track. Fortunately we are not passive passengers in this ride. We get to chose how to respond to the sudden movements of reality. With Love or Fear and that makes all the difference.