We will go over all the Planets, their aspects to each other, the Houses and Signs in your chart and clearly explain the meaning of each and how it may be showing up in your life. I will send the recording to you via email so you can go back through it at any time for further insights.


Whoa, What a ride! The Pisces Party is in full swing with the NEW MOON joining in with all the others already there. The personal planets, MARS and VENUS, are doing consecutive do-si-do retrograde dance moves; MARS retrograde finally ended last week, but now Venus turns retrograde March 1 until mid-April. Relation-ships and projects are likely experiencing some Bermuda Triangle vibes as our internal compasses spin and the winds of change blow. There is unavoidable uncertainty and turbulence due to so many planets being in the watery Pisces/Neptune, calling us to perhaps feel doubtful and dissatisfied yet making it hard to know what is real and what to do about it.  On the other hand, imagination, intuition and faith in the transcendental nature of reality are now enhanced, if one can discern between truth and delusion. With the retrogrades in play and URANUS consistently harmonically involved this is a grand time (whether you like it or not) to do the remedial work and the hard conversations to get your life on track towards something that will sustain you in the challenges ahead. Tough love from the universe, as always.

The NEW MOON on the 27th has us perhaps feeling as if we are flailing in deep waters. So many planets in Pisces, NEPTUNE at the powerful anaretic degree of its home sign and conjunct the NORTH NODE lend a profound but confusing condition. We are feeling a lot of fear regarding the future and are more susceptible to nefarious manipulation unless we have a firm connection to our higher and grounded self. The rebellious and mysterious BLACK MOON LILITH point is also in an awkward and irritating quincunx to the MOON-SUN while simultaneously hanging in an opposition to VENUS (which dead stopped in the sky because it goes RX on the first), stirring our desire to express our nonconformist and free-thinking side despite any consequences to others.

JUNO, the asteroid representing trust and committed relationships of all kinds, is synergistically trine to anything moving near the last degrees of Pisces for a few months due to its generally slow speed and slowing down even further to go Rx in a few weeks. This means that a lot of the uncertain, intuitive, compassionate and empathetic Pisces energy we are experiencing is directly related to our commitments to others. JUNO is also hanging throughout the period in near sextile to PLUTO, bringing in our unconscious and shadowy drives and desires into play to make sure we are digging deep enough to make it all count.

URANUS, the planet denoting upheavals and inspirations is near sextile to MERCURY and weakly trine to the SOUTH NODE and sextile to the NORTH NODE around the NEW MOON. It is at 23 degrees of Taurus and so will not only be closing with the NODES of destiny, but also be upsetting the status quo of anything passing through the last 7 degrees of Pisces; the MOON, SUN, SATURN the NORTH NODE and eventually NEPTUNE itself over the next couple of months. Sextile aspects facilitate the energies of the planets and points involved blending together. With URANUS this blending manifests as rapid, even explosive changes which is great if you’re feeling stuck or blocked and like some chaos, but catastrophic if you want stability. The aspects of URANUS indicate we are assured of disruptive and destabilizing ideas, conversations, emotions, and situations will come up now and for the next 5 years or so.

MERCURY enters feisty Aries on March 3 which obviously can be beneficial or disastrous depending in how well you can check yourself before proceeding. Keep your relational repair kit handy just in case you come on too strong in moments. MERCURY comes to conjunct VENUS Rx on the 11th, so the above advice may be especially important on that day. Just because it is VENUS Rx does not mean you cannot be giving your relationships the necessary nutrients  of loving attention and affection, you may just have to dig a little deeper to do it and monitor your timing and intensity.

We are just barely moving back forward through the shadow of the MARS Rx period and so are still putting things into action that address subjects that came up during the retrograde. When VENUS turns retrograde on the 1st we’ll start a period of focus on reworking our connection to our sources of love and affection for life and other people. VENUS is in Aries for now which is a giving it more assertiveness and impulsivity. It will re-enter Pisces late in March which should mellow its intensity and bring back some of the yum sauce it prefers. LILITH opposes VENUS twice, once on February 27th and again on March 9th due to their mutual retrograde motions. LILITH represents the outsider, the “out of bounds” to the norm and the untamable wildness that is an intrinsic part of reality, so be sure to keep some gates open in places for it to work its enlivening magic especially on the NEW MOON, unless you want to spend a lot of frantic effort keeping fences up and trying to keep the dark out. Getting a little kinky once in a while may work wonders on the tensions in your relationships if you play consciously and consensually. The middle of May is when VENUS once again gets going into new territory, so we have a while to do our due diligence in correcting any glitches that have been lurking in our love life.

The planet of luck, optimism and confidence, JUPITER is mostly square to the SUN for much of this time which can lend us some of those positive attributes as long as we can restrain ourselves from getting too big about it. VENUS will, fortunately, also be in a harmonious sextile with JUPITER until the 10th which bodes well for our aforementioned required efforts in the VENUS department. We need all the luck and wisdom we can get to navigate this whole year.

The FULL MOON in the 13th has MERCURY stationing for its next retrograde with VENUS Rx in a near conjunction to it, amongst other things. More on that in the next forecast in a couple of weeks.

All this can and will be experienced both personally and in the world at large as always. Each of us has our own karma, path and part that is more closely delineated in our personal chart and circumstances. Though it is a challenging time to live in it is also a time of great and inevitable transformation.


SYNOPSIS: Some tensions, turbulence and creative inspirations in our close network mark the weeks of the FULL MOON to NEW MOON. Powerful transformations in your relationships are a potential. We want the best for ourselves and will work for it. It is not necessarily through conflict, though there is definitely some motivating friction present, but there is now a sense of determination to get any chronic glitches in our relational infrastructure corrected that arose in the last few weeks. Have heart though. If we can keep ourselves out of victim mentality or unnecessary drama and engage our adulting personality parts we will be thanking ourselves later.

THE DETAILS: A few days ago we all experienced the MOON conjunct MARS Rx and MERCURY conjunct the SUN which may have generated some extra anxiety and aggression if not some powerful conversations. Now at the FULL MOON those have moved on a bit but the SUN is still square to disruptive URANUS for a few more days which may be triggering some kind of leap for freedom or revolution. Turbulence and tension. LILITH is square PLUTO which adds to our unconscious drive for independence and the expression of our wild side.

MARS Rx is getting ready to turn direct on February 23rd and so is pretty much stopped in the sky. Its been swinging square to the healer CHIRON since the end of January and due to the change in apparent motion hangs on to that aspect until through most of March. This has been creating a lot of friction around our intrinsic wounds. Building pressure to move forward in doing what we can to transmute those wounds into wisdom and gifts. Fortunately, at the same time MARS has been, and will be in a trine to SATURN until April. This aspect pumps up our determination to grind through whatever obstacles we encounter of which there may be many. Healing and the acquisition of wisdom is by necessity a long and arduous task and this period is crucial in our journey. Not fun, but necessary.

Contrarily and auspiciously, JUNO which represents our commitment to relationships is trine to dreamy and spiritual NEPTUNE and in a wedge pattern with the MOONS NODES (JUNO trine NN and sextile SN) from January until the end of February which may pump up our romantic and idealized view our close relationship and connect it all strongly and beneficially to the long-term trajectory of our relationships. Be aware it may not go as we hope or imagine but whatever happens can eventually clear some sticky karma and grow us up some more.VENUS gets into a half square with URANUS for a few days, it peaks on the 18th, which may briefly push us out of our comfort zone. This can be liberating and exciting or scary, depending on how well we can work with the unexpected on the fly. Its only about a week so try to roll with it as best you can. At least things are not boring and stagnant.

MERCURY enters PISCES on the 14th and the SUN gets there on the 17th making a PISCES party that goes on until approximately March. SUN, MERCURY, SATURN, NORTH NODE, NEPTUNE and finally, the NEW MOON (on the 27th), all crowd into watery PISCES. This mutable sign emphasizes being flexible and adaptable, compassionate and guided by emotions and intuition and merging with the larger whole. On the negative side PICSES can be indecisive, confused and escapist so show some grit.  It seems like its going to be a melty month where a lot of things may become uncertain while they go through a liquid phase. This is really just a higher continuation of what having both SATURN and NEPTUNE in PISCES for the last two years and 14 years, respectively, has been presenting us. SATURN and NEPTUNE both bust out of PICSES and into action-oriented ARIES, at least for a while, this year and a lot of things will start to crystalize, for better or for worse, from then on. ARIES is the start of the zodiac and SATURN + NEPTUNE cross back and forth into it significantly joined together as awkward bedfellows to launch the second act of the slow-pocalypse we are all in.

Last but not least, JUPITER, now getting some momentum direct, sadly won’t really be showering us with its potential for good luck and optimism too much this period. As we approach the NEW MOON, JUPITER trines wild and free LILITH and begins to lightly sextile VENUS and we may find ourselves tempted to blow money we don’t have or pursue a hopeless romance because it is also just beginning to square the SUN then.

This all looks like two weeks of leaning into some sharp points of some necessary house cleaning and inner work before we head in to the further transformations of 2025. Of course your experience will be dominated by the aspects and transits occurring in your own chart. We all have our part to play in how this goes.

NEW MOON TO FULL MOON SYNOPSIS: Things start out still feeling bogged down a bit but as the next two weeks get going things start to break loose and flow forward. Hang in there if you are feeling like an overheated pressure cooker full of ants right now. Especially in your relationships. Resist just blowing up reactively. Take mental and physical space as you can to think about consequences, to let it ripen some more, because when things begin to move you want to be squared away in a direction you actually want with the people you need.


I’m sure you all know how energetically intense it has been the last two weeks. A feeling of constant pressure moving up and down in your circumstances, yet never really going away. The pressure seems to me to be coming from PLUTO as it’s been in a wedge aspect pattern (a sextile and a trine over an opposition) with the MOON’s NODES of destiny, stirring up powerful movements in the deep underpinnings of our fate and direction. SATURN is in a half square with PLUTO which has been slowing any progress and fomenting the perpetuation of the feeling that we are stuck in an uncomfortable place. Like one of those nightmares where we can’t run fast enough from some vague but horrific thing that is looming behind us. The SUN hit PLUTO last week and triggered the feelings to be even more personal and VENUS was conjunct SATURN joining that awkward half square with the SUN and PLUTO.  Definitely feeling some resistance. JUNO opposite the disruptor URANUS Rx has been keeping our domestic scene off balance too. All-n-all, our relationships have likely felt disturbed and out of synch lately.

Now, at the NEW MOON on the 29th we have a bunch of half squares to deal with. Half squares (45 degrees, AKA semisquares) are pushy and frictional like squares but quicker and sharper. VENUS and NEPTUNE are in a half square with the MOON + SUN. PLUTO and MERCURY are in a half square with SATURN. This will not be a good few days to hope to get things settled and back on track. We are likely to feel impatient and irritated with the whole thing, as we have for a while. Any light in this tunnel comes from having lucky and optimistic JUPITER Rx in a trine with the NEW MOON, giving us some confidence that we can weather this moment and things are somehow moving in our favor. The other big thing that day is URANUS stops to station direct, giving progress, innovation and sudden plot twists some forward momentum in the outer world rather than the more inner changes we’ve all been experiencing since September.

VENUS is sweeping through the last degrees of Pisces and so after being conjunct to stodgy serious SATURN last week it passes over dreamy and spiritual NEPTUNE and then the NORTH NODE of our dharma. The MOON aligns with all three on February first. With the itchy half square to the SUN that weekend might be a moment to dream big or take a moment to cultivate some inspirational beauty in your relationship or life. JUNO will be trine to that cluster too making it more or less about our trust and harmony in our committed relations and home life. JUPITER will be helping that succeed with a near trine to both the SUN and MERCURY as they get closer to their exact conjunction.

MARS Rx is exactly square CHIRON by the 2nd just as the MOON passes over that asteroid which represents our health, wounds and the lessons learned from their healing. The whole week will be filled with choices of how to go about addressing those. Seeking out or being a mentor will be emphasized and it will all definitely relate to the dance VENUS is doing at the same time.

VENUS enters Aries on the 4th initiating a period where we will be motivated to take direct action on those aspects of life we value and hold dear; relationships, finances, love, beauty and harmony, etc. FYI: VENUS turns retrograde in early MARCH and retreats back into Pisces (along with MERCURY Rx) to join with NEPTUNE, the NORTH NODE and SATURN twice more.

By February 9th the SUN and MERCURY meet in a conjunction and MARS Rx along with the MOON is trine SATURN.  Hyper-mental energies synergizes with responsible action. Could be great time for core projects and plans getting some positive movement or even completion. Travel is facilitated during that week too. Could also be a very frustrating time if you compulsively try to skip steps or avoid responsibilities.

For the few days leading up to the February 12th FULL MOON  we have URANUS, now direct, in a square to the still closely aligned SUN-MERCURY conjunction. Sudden changes, inspirations, developments and breakthroughs can be expected in the world at this time. Since home and hearth mama JUNO is trine the NEPTUNE-NORTH NODE conjunction at the same time some of this change will likely involve the future of our domestic situation and close relations.

It looks like we are in a time of transition and adjustment in how we relate to each other and the world, if that isn’t already obvious, as 2025 continues the process of transforming our world and world view. It is both personal and global, but it all starts on the inside of each of us. 2025 is going to be a hella ride for us all as we turn the corner in this generational slow-pocalypse. We are going to benefit massively from whatever wise corrections we can do now to get our relational network straightened out so we have the necessary support and a clear field to face what is coming over the next few years.

We are passing forward from the PLUTO opposite MARS Rx aspect that occurred for the second time last week. Kinda had astrologers in a twist. Whatever got stirred up then is still in play until April when it occurs for the last time this round. Because it is PLUTO which is about power, the hidden and the unconscious it may not be yet clear what exactly that is but it is obvious that there are a lot of transformations in process in the world and in our lives. This week that opposition remains in a MYSTIC RECTANGLE formed by simultaneous sextiles and trines to the MOON’s NODES. This contains and internalizes the process that is sparked by the tension of the opposition and keeps it from appearing too obvious, while also directing it towards our collective karma. Fortunately for any potential PLUTO-MARS aggressions , MARS is in Cancer at this time and its martial and contentious tendencies are somewhat dampened. In other words the 2nd PLUTO MARS opposition was pretty muted as these things go.

Here are some highlights for the rest of this 2 week MOON CYCLE

FULL MOON; MOON and MARS Rx trine NEPTUNE and NORTH NODE while semisquare JUPITER Rx, SUN trine URANUS Rx and opposite MARS Rx, Jan13:  This combo kinda looks like party time, though things may not go as planned. The Neptunian urge to escape reality will likely lead to unexpected adventures under the moonlight.

SUN trine URANUS Rx and opposite MARS Rx, ≈Jan 10 -20: Sudden changes, creative breakthroughs or impulsive rebelliousness.

VENUS conjunct SATURN while semisquare to PLUTO conjunct SUN, ≈Jan 16-23: Some serious business arising regarding relationships, finances that may have long term consequences.

MARS Rx trine NEPTUNE and the NORTH NODE, ≈DEC-Jan 25: NEPTUNE can hypnotize MARS and either send us off on foolish quests after mirages, sap our energy or download some inspired or idealistic actions. With NEPTUNE conjunct the NORTH NODE of our karma it is probably a great time to slow down and check your intuition for the correct direction for the future. Prayers and spiritual practices will help. Beware of delusional thinking in yourself and others though.

URANUS opposite JUNO, Dec 31- Feb 6, JUNO sextile SUN, ≈Jan 8-19: unexpected and sudden shifts in our relationships and home life. Temporary instability with any luck.

SUN conjunct PLUTO while trine to SOUTH NODE, ≈Jan 10-23: A sense of self-empowerment or a clash of wills involving something from the past. SUN conjunct PLUTO connects elemental powers to our personal expression. Sexuality, the dark world of taboo things, trips to the underworld and back, undergoing deep transformation re all called by this aspect.

PLUTO conjunct MERCURY and MOON, Semi-square SATURN, Jan 28:  Powerful communications, persuasiveness or coercion and strong mental activity. Penetrating, passionate, argumentative interactions; Could go in either constructive or destructive directions but PLUTO leaves everything changed regardless.

NEW MOON; MOON and SUN trine to JUPITER Rx and semisquare NEPTUNE conjunct to NORTH NODE, Jan 29: JUPITER brings optimism, luck and confidence to this dark moon. NEPTUNE and the NORTH NODE connect it to dreams, intuition and sadly, delusions, regarding our long-term fate. YOUR birth chart holds the key to how this may play out for you.

Are we there yet?

2024 ends and then 2025 starts off this week with the second transit of MARS Rx opposite PLUTO. Not too auspicious, but there is a bright side to all transits. If we don’t include the usual asteroids and points that I like to take into account, there is only that and a few more or less transient aspects to dance with. The MOON of course sweeps through a number of conjunctions and other aspects that last less than a day. These can set the emotional tone for us all in general as each lunar aspect waxes and wanes, though there are much more personally relevant signals to be found by tracking the MOON through your individual chart. That is why I don’t generally enumerate the MOON’s aspects. That and the fact that it would make these forecasts even more complex and TL;dr. Anyone who wants can get a very affordable reading by just reaching out to me.

MERCURY starts out the week strongly trine to CHIRON which just turned direct at 19 degrees of Aries. This will facilitate healing talks, counseling, diplomacy and the like. JUNO brings to this a vibe of working on our love life, committed relationships and fidelity through a brief semisextile with MERCURY that hits on the NEW MOON Dec 30th. By the end of the week MERCURY is square to NEPTUNE while sextile to BLACK MOON LILITH encouraging or compelling us to take a pause in our headlong thinking and let the Mystery guide us for a couple of days. Could foment some not-well-thought-out unruliness or balkiness if we push at that time, but a moment to just float might be welcome after the flurry of the holidaze.

The SUN is conjunct the MOON on Monday afternoon PT. The NEW MOON in ambitious and determined Capricorn is marking the most inward time of the month. The SUN then moves on by January 2nd to a simultaneous square with LILITH and a quincunx with JUPITER Rx, just as MARS Rx backs into its opposition with PLUTO. More rebelliousness and bids for freedom but likely done in an awkward way. It’ll be easy to act too much, too soon at that time so check yourself before you wreck yourself. LILITH is also beneficially trine to JUPITER Rx at that time and that may help to slightly moderate any negative consequences.

MARS Rx in Leo opposite PLUTO in Aquarius licenses our unconscious desires, fears and needs to impulsively go into action. The archetype of war and assertiveness triggers the archetype of desire for power, control and domination doesn’t sound too good. What is revealed from out of the shadows can be a necessary relief of psychic tension, but like a geologic fault releasing the process can be violent and challenging. The more we have integrated our shadow side the less messy it will be. PLUTO augurs fundamental transformation as well as hidden power and that often means breaking things down before rebuilding in a new configuration. Since this is the second of three oppositions that started at the U.S. elections, we may already have a discernable theme of turbulence in entrenched empires and regimes leading to great changes in the way the world works. This second opposition has PLUTO and MARS in close synergy with the MOON’s NODE’s in a Mystic Rectangle directing the energy towards our long-term collective karma. The third and final MARS-PLUTO opposition happens in late April and will be nearly square the SUN in Taurus while SATURN is conjunct both VENUS and the SOUTH NODE of our past and opposite the NORTH NODE of our karmic fate at that time. We’ll eventually see in hindsight even more clearly what got started with this 3-part transit since PLUTO has about another 19 years in Aquarius.

The MOON ends the week square to the SUN and conjunct CHIRON on January 6th which may stir up some old wounds for, hopefully, clearing and healing. More on that next week.

Frankly, 2025 looks to be a significant turning point in the long process of our current evolution with several major planetary sign changes and powerful aspects moving things along this year. Its vital to keep in mind that if there are hard times arising they are mostly hard due to the human tendency towards obtuseness, hubris and greed. The obtuseness of dismissing the sacred and metaphysical. The hubris of leaders and followers believing we can escape from dissatisfaction or suffering through ever expanding external power and control. The greed of endless desires that lead to repeated cycles of rise and fall in a life or in a civilization. The universe is always trying to tough love us into collectively finding balance and wisdom. Sigh…

No kids, we’re not there yet…I wish this was all an easier epoch for us all. It’s an intense time to be in, for sure. Especially for the next 5 or 6 years. Having astrology as a tool has been vital in helping me see the big picture and what is generally coming down the pike for everyone alive, taking it less personally, be somewhat psychically prepared for it and doing my very small part to be leaning towards the best possible outcomes for us all. As Rick Levine always says: “Think cosmically and act locally”

I am really curious how this whole post solstice week is going to go. A lot of movement in our long-term fate seems up as we head towards the NEW MOON and the new year. Starting the week with the SUN in a fateful T-square with the MOONS NODES. JUPITER Rx is nearly exact in its brakes + accelerator square with SATURN this week. MARS Rx is closing in on its second ominous opposition with PLUTO and they firm up into a long-lasting Mystic Rectangle that has been slowly forming with the MOONS NODES this month. MERCURY, moving direct, slides into its third unhumorous square with SATURN and opposition to JUPITER Rx. It’s a fairly dynamic and complicated end of 2024 representing a turning point in humanities current story.

DETAILS: The MOON’S NODES get some prominence this week, bringing our overall direction and fate into the fore. The NODE’S T-square with the SUN that peaks on the 22nd augurs some internal pressure for modification and consequent choices to be made that concern our personal karma. It may not be immediately clear what the future outcome of those choices will be. With the SUN’s simultaneous half square to both VENUS and JUNO there will likely be some involvement of our relationship status in that choice point.

By the 30th and the NEW MOON, the next influence with the NODES will be handed off to a pattern of synergizing trines and sextiles with the NODES and MARS Rx and PLUTO: a Mystic Rectangle which will strongly tie the second MARS Rx opposition to PLUTO (which is exact Jan 3rd) to our long-term fate for the next few weeks. What that will manifest remains to be seen as indeterminant and vague NEPTUNE is very close to the SOUTH NODE and so also connected by sextile to PLUTO and by trine to MARS Rx lending a mystical or ambiguous element to the proceedings. The drive for aggressive transformation of the PLUTO-MARS Rx opposition has the trines and sextiles to the MOON’S NODES of destiny as its release point making this a portentous end of the year.  The whole story of the MARS-PLUTO opposition won’t be clear until the last one at the end of April 2025, but it is definitely in play now stirring up the purging and transformative energies PLUTO in Aquarius is bringing to our conceptions of who we are as a culture. A big part of the changes coming through 2025 and onwards.

JUPITER Rx is closing in on its square with SATURN which is exact on the 24th. This square happens one more time mid-June 2025 but with a very different flavor because both planets will have just changed signs and SATURN will be very close to conjunct NEPTUNE. MERCURY is also square to SATURN for the third time and so opposite to JUPITER Rx forming a T-square. This likely compels us to have perhaps difficult conversations about changes in the structures of our lives against internal or external resistances: to make an attempt to balance our desire for freedom and the necessity of taking care of our responsibilities to build a stable life. Plenty of possibilities for conflict or fucking up by trying to just escape or get into arguments about it. Do your best to collaboratively address any issues now or it will get addressed for you without your input. Merry Xmas.

The NEW MOON occurs on the 30th and has MERCURY in trine with the wise healer CHIRON which is stationing direct at last, to give us an opportunity for all this to lead us to more wholeness. URANUS will be essentially sesquisquare (square and a half) to the NEW MOON bringing a little unexpected excitement to the day.

It’s an epic ending to an epic year and of course a set up for the epic-ness of 2025. We are solidly in the turning of the age and I can confidently say we will be in a different world by the end of this decade. Hang in there, be visionary and especially be kind. Everyone is stressed, tense and reactive as all of our realities get shaken. Times of chaos always eventually return to order as the wheel turns and times of chaos are when what we do matters the most to influence the outcome. Onward and upwards!

This week looks to be a bit rapid fire with many aspects shifting rapidly. Just a few placements last much more than a day before moving on because many of them will be somewhat glitchy aspects with narrower orbs, semisquares, sesquisquares, semi-sextiles and quincunx, etc.

Longer lasting will be MARS Rx trine MERCURY as it moves direct, the oncoming JUPITER Rx square SATURN, the oncoming MARS Rx opposite PLUTO, a developing PLUTO trine the SOUTH NODE/sextile the NORTH NODE and a T square of the SUN and both NODES. This may make the week feel a bit packed with shifting and challenging energies through the Solstice. The trick is to stay loose about everything and don’t get flooded by any particular feeling or event. Step back from expectations and rigid stances.
The FULL MOON in Gemini will be focused on our mind and communication because… well, Gemini. Also, MERCURY that rules Gemini will be stationing direct that same day and getting pumped up by a trine with MARS Rx for a few more days. Impatience and impulsive thoughts and communication will be tempting, but keeping an eye on high principles and the long-term aims of any situation will help temper that as MERCURY gets going forward again. There may be some awkward exchanges in our relationships happening because the FULL MOON will be at the point of a YOD that is a sesqiusquare (square and a half) to both VENUS and LILITH which are consequently square to each other. VENUS represents things we value and cherish such as relationships, money, harmony and beauty. It is wrestling with our out-of-bounds rebellious and hidden side which with the MOON may trigger some heat in those areas for good or bad. Set up a circumstance where your bad-self can be safely and positively expressed and you will probably have a fine time.

The SUN for its part will be in a semisquare (half-square) with both VENUS and LILITH and a quincunx to URANUS Rx while opposing the MOON, emphasizing the volatility of the moment. SATURN will be just separating from its trine to JUNO this week, leaving a residue of more seriousness and responsibility in our domestic scenes that has been active all month. Perhaps a bit of a heavy setup for family visits this Xmas. Beware and be prepared to put on your Zen hat.

JUPITER is slowly building towards its square with SATURN, exact on December 24th, but definitely influencing the now. This will occur again on June 25 next year, though in different signs and co-aspects. Expansion vs restriction. Optimism vs pessimism. Party hard vs stay home and do taxes. This square gives us an opportunity to either find balance or fall to one extreme or the other. We might feel held back and dissatisfied in our progress or position, or at best find the juice to grind through the dark of the year with some perseverance that will pay off after the transit passes. Be patient and tolerant with any little disappointments on Xmas morning, k? Since JUPITER is in retrograde now and SATURN is floating through vague and dreamy Pisces the whole effect may be somewhat muted this time. The MOON fortunately conjuncts JUPITER Rx on the 14th giving that positive planet a brief boost that day despite SATURNS humbug vibe.

VENUS also squares JUNO as the week goes on, peaking on the 20th. This may throw some feelings of doubt into your relationships. Try not to indulge too much in needless insecurity and jealousy or foment strife over petty slights. Still, if something serious or chronic is up for you at home this is also an opportunity to address it responsibly. Discernment of the difference is key. With JUPITER Rx aspecting close to trine VENUS encouraging us we may just get a break or even a breakthrough this week.

The SUN will square NEPTUNE on the 18th. All week we may feel a bit dreamy and ungrounded or easily swept into delusions. Let things flow as they will. Squares are choice points. Acknowledge the atmosphere of uncertainty, tension and fear we have all been breathing for the last few years. Breathe it in and breath out peace. Say a prayer for all beings. NEPTUNE is there to remind us there are larger forces at work besides mere human foolishness and ignorance.

SOLSTICE happens early in the morning of the 21st on the west coast (Happy birthday, Shivoso) setting us on the long journey back into the light. The SUN enters Capricorn and we can get serious about getting set for 2025. Capricorn is ruled by starchy and square SATURN, as is traditionally, Aquarius, so the winter months always have a heavier vibe than the happy go lucky Sagittarius holiday season. Still Cappy’s are known for their ability to party hard once the work is done.

The SUN is in a T-square with the NODES on the 22nd and the MOON conjuncts the SOUTH NODE within hours, emphasizing some attention on past events or experiences coming up to be cleared so we can all move forward with our dharma. JUNO is semisquare the SUN too trending domestic scenes into focus during this T square for a lot of us. CHIRON is opposing LILITH then as well, perhaps lending some healing acceptance of the wilder side of life and its consequences.

Ok, onward and upward. More next week as we close out the epicness of 2024. Hang on to your hats folks.

WHEW! Well I hope you all made it through last week OK. With MERCURY retrograde, MARS retrograde we all may have felt a bit discombobulated and accident prone. Shit happens. This week MARS Rx is beginning its swing back towards a second potent opposition to PLUTO  which aligns in early January. VENUS separates from its recent conjunction with PLUTO. MARS Rx opposes VENUS. SATURN trines a JUNO-LILITH Rx conjunction while it builds towards a square with JUPITER Rx. The SUN trines CHIRON Rx. MERCURY will go direct at the end of the week on the FULL MOON.

The dual retrogrades of MARS Rx and MERCURY Rx are certainly putting a damper on progress and testing our non-attachment to the pace. Not easy with so much to do and accomplish as we close out the year and prep for 2025. Still, it gives us an opportunity to slow down, check ourselves and where we are heading before we fully hit the gas again as MARS goes direct in late February, when almost everything is direct. Just hang in there and contemplate well your course.

NEPTUNE stations direct on the 8th which may lift some of the swirling fog of internal negativity, self-pity, anxiety, exaggerated fears and harsh but necessary reality checks we have been experiencing since July. Now we may begin dreaming outward again and guiding ourselves with true intuitions. We always need to remember our minds are prone to chasing mirages and self-created delusions especially negative ones. NEPTUNE rules these things and is reminding us to give a portion of our trust to the enchanted and mystical flow of the Universe. The biggest big picture doesn’t always align with pure logical and materialistic thinking, no matter what the militant muggles think.

JUPITER Rx is separating from its opposition to the SUN which may have exacerbated our self-doubts or tempted us into overstepping boundaries with unfortunate consequences last week. Repair is key in all relationships (with the self and others). This will be facilitated this week by the SUN’s trine to CHIRON Rx on and around December 10th. Meanwhile, JUPITER Rx is approaching its square stodgy SATURN which will be expediting a sense of wise restraint, if not frustrating obstructions, well into January. Don’t try to cut corners this month, steady and responsible will get it done eventually.

JUNO and LILITH Rx bump into each other again around the 12th while trine to SATURN. It looks like SATURN will be the arbitrator in any conflicts or concords between our freedom seeking side and our desire for a cozy home. It is likely to lead to some needed renovations in our relationships. Endeavor to make it a win-win if at all possible.

VENUS will be opposite to MARS Rx too around that time, further stirring the pot in our relationships. Passions and sensuousness may flare that are not limited to just relationships. Creative inspirations and shopping sprees (and overspending!) may be on the agenda. This all will be especially compelling as the SUN makes a simultaneous semisquare to VENUS and sesquisquare to MARS Rx on the 12th.

By the FULL MOON in GEMINI on the 15th, MERCURY stations direct while trine to MARS Rx. Normally a time of quick thinking and inspired communication we may find we aren’t quite up to it now or have to do it over later, because of the retrograde. The SUN semi-squares both VENUS and LILITH Rx while LILITH Rx is square to SATURN. This may augur some brief stress in our relationships on the FULL MOON but it soon passes. Just be working diligently to strengthen your relationship in general and it’ll be a small blip. More on that next week

Ok, this week launches us into December with MERCURY Rx opposite JUPITER Rx and then conjuncts with the SUN. MARS turns retrograde, VENUS enters Aquarius while conjunct with PLUTO and NEPTUNE is stationing direct, amongst many other things. Its been a swirly time this last month with plenty of Neptunian uncertainty and Plutonic fears in the field as we experienced a sea-change in the energies. The closing month of the year will be a opportunity reset and course correction into those energies and a set-up for the epic-ness of 2025.

As the MOON conjuncts the SUN for a NEW MOON in Sagittarius on the 30th they are just coming off a trine to MARS which will add some fire to this dark of the MOON. It may be hard to feel settled but with a concurrent semi-sextile to JUNO it may be a productive time to nurture your close relationships in some way. It is involving the NORTH node of our destiny through a GRAND TRINE in Fire with MARS, a sextile to the SOUTH NODE of our past. Let’s be deliberate in co-creating the quality of the bonds we want with people. MERCURY being retrograde is asking us to slow down and think before we act and be open-minded with any anticipated outcomes.  All relationships are a work in progress that need care and feeding to thrive and labor to undo properly if that is the right thing to do. There is no “Easy Street” when it comes to human affairs.

VENUS is approaching a trine with disruptive and innovative URANUS Rx that peaks on December 2nd. Also on that day, MERCURY Rx lands in a second trine with CHIRON Rx while sextile to LILITH. This puts LILITH into an opposition with CHIRON Rx forming a Wedge pattern. Any tension in our relationship with the Dark Feminine and the mysterious will be activated through our communications or travels. Perhaps it would have been a good day to practice some healing magic, but because of the retrogrades it may not turn out as hoped or go smoothly. Proceed with caution and keep your eye out for signs or inspirations for doing something along those lines later when MERCURY direct trines CHIRON Rx on the last day of December and sextiles LILITH again on Jan 6th.

Wednesday December 4th could be an interesting day. The SUN is getting close to exactly conjunct with MERCURY Rx and on that day forms an activating half-square (semi-square) with VENUS, PLUTO and the MOON plus a square with SATURN. This will likely throw all sorts of glitches concerning our relationships and finances that will require our response. MERCURY Rx being within 3 degrees of the SUN is ramping up our confidence that our ideas are sound. This is majorly abetted by an opposition to JUPITER Rx. Unfortunately, this is very likely to balloon into overconfidence in this case because of the retrogrades. Since MERCURY Rx is so close to the SUN it will also have a semisquare to VENUS, PLUTO and the MOON as well as an awkward semi-square to LILITH just as it enters spooky Scorpio. LILITH will consequently be square PLUTO and VENUS and the MOON. Semi-squares, like squares goad us to make an either/or choice of response to the pressure but act more underneath the surface and unconsciously. Confusing and vague NEPTUNE Rx gets in the act by being sextile to VENUS, PLUTO and the MOON that day. Agitation and anxiety and feeling that subtle unseen forces are against you can be the feelings of the day. It is best if you can use the intuitions and thoughts you receive now to inform future actions, rather than make any irrevocable choices. MERCURY catches up with the SUN again on February 9, 2025 while trine to LILITH. This is likely to be a more auspicious time for signing on the dotted line, so play the long game this week if you can.

This action continues on the 5th when MERCURY Rx exactly conjuncts the SUN. It is said that a planet has reduced influence when it is combust the SUN because it is completely absorbed into the SUNS energy. Significantly, MARS stations retrograde that day too. Perhaps we will all feel a bit brain dead or fatigued that day. MARS goes retrograde about every 2 years as it makes its closest approach to Earth. MARS Rx will slow our roll significantly and give us time to reflect on our direction and motivations, especially as it overlaps with the MERCURY Rx for a week or so. It will go direct on February 22nd, which ironically is just a few days before VENUS goes retrograde itself which will compel us to reflect on the flow of things we love and value in our lives (the usual suspects; relationship, money, art, beauty). Be aware, MARS Rx can also augur delays and frustrations if one tries to bull ahead regardless of the tide. Rest and contemplation is not something we value or allow in this culture, but nature knows we need to ease back on the throttle if we are to stay in balance with our soul and the soul of the world. We either listen and allow or suffer by burning ourselves out and plunging ahead regardless of what is right.

VENUS moves into Aquarius on the 6th and immediately conjuncts PLUTO while they both square-and-a-half to expansive JUPITER Rx. This conjunction augurs passion of some kind, which as we know can be either good or bad depending on reading the room correctly. The PLUTO in Aquarius vibe will feel more relational and personal for a few days due to VENIS’s presence. Perhaps we’ll feel the urge to buy beautiful things or nurture someone in need.

The SUN is opposite JUPITER Rx and semi-square the VENUS-PLUTO conjunction as well on the 7th, making it extra important to be discrete and discerning in our actions for a few days. Jupiter can overexpand us and cause us to step over boundaries we should respect and spend outside our budget. Of course, it could also open us to overcome our own resistance to stepping up as there is always a positive expression of any aspect.  Better keep the receipts, just in case though.

LILITH and JUNO conjunct each other for a final time after touching twice in November due to LILITH’s retrogrades. [ FYI: BLACK MOON LILITH which I call LILITH here is a calculation of the MOON’s apogee point (farthest position from the Earth) in space which moves back and forth each month or so.] This conjunction is an awkward mix if one only looks at the mythology of the two beings: the “good” wife (JUNO) and the rebellious wife (LILITH). There is more going on here archetypally than that with these two though. The dark, mysterious and unseen realm of LILITH can have a place in the domestic commitment and stability of JUNO, keeping it alive, lively and magical. SATURN is trine this conjunction so that should restrain any excessive conflict. Light some black candles, cast the bones, clean the house and serve cookies that day. Give thanks for the full range of the human experience.

The 8th is rather SATURN heavy as the MOON is conjunct SATURN just hours before its WAXING SQUARE with the SUN. This puts the MOON and SATURN in a half square with VENUS and PLUTO which itself is half square the SUN. SATURN being trine to JUNO and LILITH with that complex combination adds up to a possible experience of some restraints or restrictions on our passion around that time. SATURN represents tradition, authority and time/timing. So, try not to break the speed limit that day for instance, Something like a traditional marriage proposal with liberal agreements regarding autonomy would not be out of order though. Adding to the mix that day is JUPITER Rx coming on to square to SATURN, an aspect we will be experiencing until well into January. This will find us perhaps struggling to find a balance between our responsibilities and our desire to break free for a month or so. Those damn family holidays, lol. Positively, we might also find that perhaps we will collectively find the confidence and motivation to try to restructure stagnant situations in our lives and the world at large.

Whew! Plenty going on as usual. Over all it seems like a time of flux and course corrections. Something we all might profit from giving proper attention to, as we point our arrows into the future.

This week’s highlights include MARS hanging out in synergistic aspects to the MOONS NODES and the SUN with MARS and the NORTH NODE dancing through a Grand Trine. MERCURY goes retrograde and the SUN starts its journey through Sagittarius.

The MOONS NODES are significant in a birth chart because they represent one’s developmental direction, Karmic path, lessons to learn and aspects of our past. In the Hindu traditions it represents the Karmic trap of existence as a journey to get somewhere. In the West we love to game our quests, the arc of our story, the Hero’s Journey. Traditions each with very opposite values and goals. One wants to escape the Wheel and the other wants to win the game. Strategies to eliminate or at least mitigate the intrinsic suffering of existence.

CAVEAT: Mundane astrology is a really just a general delineation of the background weather we all collectively experience, it doesn’t include houses (The arena of life affected) and one’s personal aspects, points and planets (like the MOON’S NODES). For example, it is certainly helpful to know that this week the SUN transits trine to the NORTH NODE, indicating some flowing energy regarding our collective direction and Karma, but it is also vital to know where your birth SUN (and everything else’s) placement is and how they are aspecting the current astrological positions in your houses based on your birth-time to get a more personally relevant read on the energies. The SUN moves through that trine all week and simultaneously is trine to MARS, which is trine to The NORTH NODE as well; a Grand Trine in Fire signs. This denotes even more of a get-er-done moment to make some progress on where we collectively are destined; To integrate the wisdom we are here to learn or face the natural consequences of our ignorance and hubris.

On the 22nd the SUN moves into Happy-go-lucky Sagittarius for the month. This will perhaps lighten things up a bit after it’s trip through Scorpio which brought so much drama and turmoil to our lives. The SUN is separating from its recent sextile with PLUTO which has been bringing some additional intensity to our lives lately. Heavy shit has been coming up and needed to be experienced, processed and managed. Its been kinda like cleaning house in a hurricane lately (literally, in some places) while PLUTO was finishing its trip through Capricorn with lots of planetary aspects stirring it up and now getting stated on its Aquarius sojourn. Happily, we get a little break from all that potent PLUTO aspecting for a week or so until PLUTO gets back in to it with semisquares to the SUN and MERCURY and conjuncting VENUS around Dec 5-7.

Also, this weekend we have VENUS in a harmonious trine with SATURN for a few days. Good sense combined with our deeply held values. E.g.: Working within a budget, making plans for beautiful things, win-win practical decisions. Or if it lands poorly, we all will be old men shouting at clouds Friday and Saturday. This is going to be modified by a concurrent square between VENUS and Lilith which means some repressed conflicts may come up between what you really want and what society expects when it comes to love and harmony. This can be good if handled well, bring a little fresh air to stuck relationships, though it will likely not be a smooth or easy process. This peaks around Friday and tapers off by Sunday.

The 26th may feel particularly fateful as the SUN perfects its conducive Grand Trine in Fire connecting MARS and the NORTH NODE and with synergistic sextiles to the SOUTH NODE (i.e., a Kite). Complicating that will be MERCURY stationing retrograde that day. This will give us 3 weeks and more to finalize whatever decisions we make concerning our collective course at that time. MERCURY Rx = slow down; review, rethink, re-do time, and we have plenty from November to apply that to.
VENUS trips through a brief but awkward feeling quincunx to JUPITER and then the next day, on the 27th , forms a contentious square with CHIRON. Expect that whatever comes up in your relationships then will eventually be healing but also expect it to start out as glitchy and confronting process.

At the NEW MOON on the 30th , the SUN, still, and MOON briefly, will be involved in that fateful Kite with the NODES. VENUS will be approaching a trine with disruptive and agitating URANUS Rx. As always try to act and not just react. It may be a little hard to settle down at this NEW MOON even though the dark of the moon is traditionally a time to go inward and gather for the next cycle. More of course on that next week.