Well the way the aspects look with this waning Qtr MOON we are all probably feeling a bit frenetic. The chart shows there are plenty of red aspects happening: SQUARES, OPPOSITIONS and QUINCUNX. All angles that denote some kind of discord between the planets involved and motivations for effortful resolutions to varying degrees, from demanding shoving matches to merely irritating agitations. So be prepared for turbulence. The FASTEN SEAT BELT light is definitely on for the first half of October. All this noise is the necessary abrasion to smooth our way into the future. Most of these aspects don’t last that long. Unfortunately, it’s likely going to continue to feel like one damn thing after another and we can feel harried, reactive or overwhelmed pretty easily.
All the fast-moving inner planets are direct now and, across from them, all the bigger slower planets are Rx or nearly stopped setting up a sense of a lot of action, but not much fundamental progress. Its cleaning your room so you can rearrange the furniture for better Feng Shui in the coming months.
MARS in LIBRA plays a big role this week as it squares PLUTO in CAPRICORN and trines with SATURN in PICSES. Sure to bring up some deep stuck stuff for resolution, particularly on Saturday as the moon makes a Grand Cross with MARS, PLUTO and THE NODES. But if we courageously and responsibly take our medicine, it will go down better than we thought.
Tuesday we have VENUS as she moves into meticulous VIRGO, opposing SATURN, triggered by the MOON, encouraging us to stabilize our relationships, finances and wellbeing. Especially as the SUN opposes the healer CHIRON that day.
MARS slips into darker SCORPIO exactly trine to SATURN Thursday. A good time to strategize for the future your soul wants, that you perhaps conceived last week. Its all about keeping your eye on the big picture and your long-term goals through this period. Underlying all this sturm and drang is a nominal, but harmonious and extended, spearhead involving NEPTUNE, PLUTO and URANUS Rx which denotes the possibility of deep-rooted transformations in our lives and world. Do you feel it?
Then comes a ringing crescendo with the NEW MOON total eclipse on Saturday the 14th. Wheee!
More on that next week for sure.