We will go over all the Planets, their aspects to each other, the Houses and Signs in your chart and clearly explain the meaning of each and how it may be showing up in your life. I will send the recording to you via email so you can go back through it at any time for further insights.

Anyone else feeling the buzz today?

Pluto square the Moons Nodes this week. Kinda heavy shit rumbling through, under everything else going on. Pluto actually has a heart shape on it as you can see, so even the Lord of the Underworld has a heart. It’s all for our own good whether we like it or not. Lol

And Mars. It just popped into detail and worry-wort Virgo. Everything feels nitpicky, a little manic and rushed this week especially today. A bunch of unexpected twists; flat tire, had to lock pick a bathroom door, distressed friends venting.

Might be the Sun sextiling disruptive and jumpy Uranus today. Also, the Moon was conjunct Uranus and then squared aggressive\assertive Mars yesterday. Emotional fire and explosions?

Anyway I’m trying to breathe through it all and be thankful the twists are getting handled.

I hope your day has gone well and you all are finding grace.

FYI, Ongoing Pluto ponderous transformations next week as it opposes the Sun while still squaring the Moon’s Nodes of Dharma. Wheee!!!

Sat & Sun, I’m like- “WTF is going on?” Moody fussy and also deeply contemplating my life course. Ha! Let’s look at the astrology! This is a week to initiate or continue necessary life changes and basically Aikido through each obstacle and resistance that is unequivocally yours with as much grace and power (and outside assistance) as we can muster.
The transit grid below isn’t really that hard to read once you know the symbols. The Moon and Sun columns are the same all the way down on this day ’cause those two objects are conjunct: New Moon. The aspects downward on the Sun n Moon are, roughly speaking: A harmony\facilitation (Sextile) to Uranus(sudden change\disruption), and more of the same (Trine)with Neptune {dreams\ideals\delusions) helps the eventualities to turn out well. The opposition to Pluto is powerfully pushing unconscious or repressed material to the surface to be transformed. A square to Chiron, pushing us to address and heal our wounds. Square to the Moon’s Nodes pushing us to grow towards our destiny and let go of the past. Meanwhile we feel angry and frustrated with all the obstacles that keep getting in the way of what we want: Saturn opposite Mars. Grrr! No wonder I feel both inspired and frustrated this week! Let’s do this! More astrology info coming in a few days. Shit don’t stop, lol

Sat & Sun

I’m like- “WTF is going on?” Moody fussy and also deeply contemplating my life course. Ha! Let’s look at the astrology! This is a week to initiate or continue necessary life changes and basically Aikido through each obstacle and resistance that is unequivocally yours with as much grace and power (and outside assistance) as we can muster.

The transit grid below isn’t really that hard to read once you know the symbols. The Moon and Sun columns are the same all the way down on this day ’cause those two objects are conjunct: New Moon. The aspects downward on the Sun n Moon are, roughly speaking: A harmony\facilitation (Sextile) to Uranus(sudden change\disruption), and more of the same (Trine)with Neptune {dreams\ideals\delusions) helps the eventualities to turn out well. The opposition to Pluto is powerfully pushing unconscious or repressed material to the surface to be transformed. A square to Chiron, pushing us to address and heal our wounds. Square to the Moon’s Nodes pushing us to grow towards our destiny and let go of the past. Meanwhile we feel angry and frustrated with all the obstacles that keep getting in the way of what we want: Saturn opposite Mars. Grrr! No wonder I feel both inspired and frustrated this week! Let’s do this! More astrology info coming in a few days. Shit don’t stop, lol

#newmoon #astrology

July 7 through July 13, 2023

This week has an interesting pattern arising which will be with us all of July into August. Pluto is squaring the Moons Nodes all month while the nodes are switching signs. The nodes are indicators of our Karma and Dharma. Things we know well from the past but need to move on from (South Node), and things we must learn and grow into in our lives (North Node). Pluto the destroyer and powerful transformer, brings our unconscious shadow out, things we’ve collectively and individually hid from ourselves and others gets brutally brought to light in this context. It is ultimately for the Good, even though we might resist, because the hidden and suppressed will always be eventual poison to our wholeness. It is always revealed in the long run, one way or another, or it becomes toxic to our wellbeing and true joy in life.

While this wild shit is going on, Pluto will be simultaneously opposing and activating Mercury, the planet of communication and thoughts, information and travel. At the same time, fiery Mars gets involved by synergistic trine and sextile to the North and South nodes respectively adding sparks and fire to the whole mix.  You can see how this might bring up some interesting conversations and experiences this week. Be prepared to be extra gracious and humble and wise about what you think and say and receive. It is potent medicine for sure. Next week: More fun with Pluto!

The big news for this week besides the Summer Solstice, is Saturn retrograde (Things we must do and its at its closest, most effectual proximity) is beneficially trine Jupiter (optimistically encouraging things to “Go big”). So at the beginning of the week things may seem to move forward a bit more smoothly if you’re making the necessary effort in the right direction. There might be some doubts, nightmares or delusions from dreamy, idealistic Neptune unfavorably squared to the Sun (self), but they will weaken by midweek. The other news is Mars and its loose conjunction with Venus. The masculine and feminine archetypal energies coming into balance while it trines the wounded healer Chiron. The end of June is more flowy than the beginning and relationships are getting opportunities for correction, both inside the self and externally. Happy Solstice!

Energy update:
Ego aspects can arise big time in personal relationships.

Narratives of others can sow doubt in your heart. It’s beautiful if you can explore the perspective of the other while staying in your truth. It is the full range of both perspectives that can create a container for contrast and with that comes growth.

Giving your power away by not holding your boundaries can have huge effects on your self-confidence.
Self-love is key at these times.

Sovereignty will be built on loving yourself fully, all aspects of shadow and light.

Insincerity revealed from the deepest layers of your most close connections can lead to breaks in connection. That what is meant to align with you will and the rest will fall away.

Strength and perseverance are asked as you move through this phase.

Standing by yourself is needed to step out of fear and insecurity into confidence and feeling whole and loved already.

Focus on your path and see if you can find the positives in what you or others see as your flaws and what you have to bring to the world.

Next steps!

Letting go of toxic dynamics and everything or every connection that doesn’t seem to be reciprocated or authentic.

Inner child work can pop up. Fears and our deepest wounded parts can show their face in connecting with others. Instead of pushing emotions away let them arise and move through you as a wave that is passing.

The biggest challenge we are being prepared for is in space holding for wounded inner child parts of others. Practicing to stay in a vibration of love when others give you a reactive response.

Twin flames can be moving through a phase of difficulty in communication or even withdrawing. The personal growth of both as individuals seem to be key. You can take a look at where you are not yet loving yourself fully, what relationship wounds are there to be healed and what brings you your joy and connection to your full potential. ✨

Well it sure has been intense. Both good and challenging (ultimately for the greater good as always). Mars Square Jupiter has been lighting it up even as deep ol’ Pluto has been fading out of the picture. We’re all highly motivated to get our way, and brook no guff from resistances whether interior or exterior. The Moon trineing Mercury and swinging through a square and opposition to Sun and Saturn all day Saturday which will add some emotional oomph to all we need to accomplish this weekend. Boundaries expressed and defended strongly till the end of May. 😘