Weekly Astrological Horoscope July 31, 2023

ASTROLOGY for Week of Jul 31 to Aug 6


Ok, The focus this week is on the Moon as it hits full on Aug 1st. The Moon (our emotional body) swings around the whole zodiac each month and acts as a trigger for each of the planets it aspects as it whips along. The Full Moon is of course opposite the Sun (our Self both personally and collectively). This is well known to heighten our emotional responses, both positive and negative. It also represents a fruition of intentions and things set in motion at the New moon 2 weeks before.

This full moon in Aquarius has a particularly expansive/explosive quality to it because the Sun is in its home sign of fiery Leo shining its beam on the Aquarian themes of seriousness, love of personal freedom and of experimentation. Authentic confidence or cocky asshole? It is up to you and your awareness of your ego. Mars (the ego with its assertive or aggressive tendencies) is synergistically trine big ol’ “expand everything” Jupiter this week too.

With Mercury opposing Saturn all week, as well, there is the distinct possibility of either some great direct communication or a scrappy blow up around values, relationships or finances that will, either way, have ramifications arrive probably by Thursday when the moon hits the ‘I told you so” consequences of Saturn.

Remember we still have Venus retrograding through Leo into September and Pluto square the moons nodes going on the rest of 2023, as I mentioned in last weeks post and will again as those powerful aspects bring a focus to profound changes in our relationships to others and our own soul the next few months. So it’s another “Big” full moon. It looks huge too because its a “Super Moon” that is at a closer point in its orbit to the Earth.

Enjoy the inspirations and motivations this week, but keep it responsible and in check for best results. Keep in mind that everyone is feeling this fire and you may very well find yourself on the receiving end of someone else’s manifestations of these energies for good or ill.