This NEW MOON on September 2 could feel lower key to us all relative to the ongoing epic-ness we have been riding for months, but it definitely has potential to be powerful in its own way. No one has been escaping the changes, personal and worldwide during these last few months and we are far from done with the generational imbroglio and fun-n-games we are all in. This week a lot of the fun is NEPTUNE aspecting within hours an exact square to MARS.  PLUTO also retrogrades back into CAPRICORN for a few months and MERCURY is trine CHIRON.

The NEPTUNE square MARS has been building all week as MARS gets close to changing signs from expressive GEMINI to more receptive CANCER. In the usual dual valence, this square either reveals our ability to act (MARS) with sensitivity to what is going on around us (NEPTUNE), engage in idealistic actions, effortlessly dive deep into conscious sexuality, glean wisdoms from journeys into non-ordinary consciousness, or conversely foment the urge to escape or numb out, sleep, avoid conflict or responsibilities, be irritable or get sick. A fun spread of possibilities that we may feel in waves over this couple of weeks. When MARS gets into Cancer on the 4th it will dampen MARS’s fire even more.
PLUTO which has been lurking around 0 degrees AQUARIUS since mid-July finally glaciers back in CAPRICORN to put a wrap on its work there on our institutions, structures, traditions and purposes. Since 2008 we’ve seen a lot that we trusted as solid get its inherent cracks and corruptions revealed. We are in a process of reimagining our world and how to Be in it. PLUTO, the harbinger of death and rebirth, transformation and evolution is always removing things that will not stand up to the pressures of universal truths and that includes much of what the 20th century humans considered “normal”. In the next 20 or so years we’ll be seeing that glacial grind move over the Aquarian themes: technology, collective dynamics, individuality etc.

Mental messenger MERCURY will be exactly trine to the wounded healer, CHIRON on the 2nd, giving all the above a beneficially remedial flavor, especially as VENUS is also near conjunct the SOUTH NODE of our past. People and issues of our backstory may come up for some exposure and transformation.
September 3, the Sun starts a transit of opposition to SATURN that peaks around the 7th. This will shine a light on our being conscientious and perseverant in our dealings with others, especially as we are also likely to encounter obstacles to our plans through those same people or our own perverse natures.
By September 6th MERCURY moves forward into its final square with URANUS. Over the next few days MERCURY also dances through its last pair of Quincunx aspects to PLUTO and NEPTUNE who are still in sextile with each other. This Yod geometry and the square will likely augur some difficulties, disruptions or sudden changes to travel plans, communications etc., though probably not as dramatically as it did back in July when the big internet crash happened on the first square. Early on September 9 MERCURY lands back into its home sign VIRGO helping us get out to-do lists done and clean up any poor decisions or messes leftover from the recent retrograde.
When we get to the WAXING QURTER MOON on the 10th we will be well poised for the waves to come in the last half of September. Hold on to your hats folks, eclipses are coming.