Ok, I am back at home from Europe. Totally in synch with MERCURY Rx and ready for another full-on week for all of us astrologically. So much is transpiring all at once its hard to guess what exactly will happen, though its obvious that epic shit is the order of the day lately. So, as the WAXING QUARTER MOON makes it to the halfway point swinging towards the FULL MOON on the 12th, the big news is MARS (action, courage, aggression) conjunct JUPITER (expansion, optimism, luck) while they both square SATURN (limits, timing, authority, duty) through the FULL MOON upcoming . This can be an indication of a brakes-plus-accelerator feeling in our lives leading to some frustration or outbursts. Or, more ideally, a responsible restraint on our over excitement and enthusiasm for impulsive, big projects and plans. Hopefully it slows us down enough to make sure we get the timing and details right and don’t overdo it. This is being modified by a brief 2 day square and half (sesquisquare) on the 12th-13th with JUPITER + MARS to PLUTO Rx (which is sliding back through the 1st degree of forwards thinking Aquarius). This is all definitely requesting us to show prudence in our actions, to make sure, as best we can, we are not unconsciously acting out a shadow pattern with its predictable difficult or dramatic outcomes. Its basically another opportunity to fuck around and find out what is behind the curtain of our collective and personal unconscious. Revealing ourselves to ourselves if we aren’t already cognizant of the underground games that are getting played out there. Though it is palpably in play all week the exact conjunction between MARS and JUPITER is on the 14th and the exact square between MARS and SATURN is on the 15th. The exact square between JUPITER and SATURN is on the 19th, the same day as the FULL MOON.

MERCURY Rx which has been keeping things interesting on the communication and travel fronts is giving us a chance to review and revise any choices we made around the 26th or 27th of July as it moves back through the double quincunx with PLUTO Rx sextile to NEPTUNE Rx for the second time on the 14th. MERCURY gets one more shot at that Yod (finger of god) configuration around September 8th, so we’ll all get another shot at resolving any irritating confusion that arises about what is actually going on behind the scenes. (P.S. the SUN does the same confusticating Yod on Aug 21st -22nd as it passes into Virgo, just to rub it in and make it all personal.)

Speaking of the SUN, it has a nice trine with CHIRON all week, emphasizing the healing potential in all the above aspects.
VENUS gets into the act by starting to square JUPITER and MARS and oppose SATURN around the 15th, peaking in a highly motivating and energetic T-square on the FULL MOON. This will augur a pushing through of any necessary changes in our love life, finances or creative projects that we may have been letting slide. It might feel quite authoritarian unless we are clear and compassionate from the heart on why we are doing what we are doing.

Just to add a little more bang to the whole mix we have the SUN conjunct MERCURY Rx on the 18th and that will be square to disruptive and innovative URANUS. This might look like sudden and unexpected changes of plans or ideas. We are going to have to just go with it and trust the flow.

Basically, there is going to be a lot happening in the on lead up to and the FULL MOON. Though we can’t predict exactly what will occur, It is not a time we can just hunker down and not go outside in order to minimize the intensity. We do have some agency though in how we handle these big energies through our attitude and high principles. It’s all hands-on-deck time as a lot of Karma is coming home to roost in our world these days. The planets are just giving us a heads up about what is obvious if we are paying attention.