This week we may have an interesting day on the 10th. As the MOON moves through its final square to the SUN for the month it will also be sweeping through a square to SATURN, an opposition to JUPITER and a sextile to VENUS. This of course coincides geometrically with SUN square JUPITER and SUN opposite SATURN. Plenty of action for one day and we will likely be walking a tightrope between sober responsibility and reckless enthusiasm all week.

Waxing squares are a wrapping up and harvesting of energies that peaked at the last FULL MOON, so it might be a good time to reflect on what got really going then. SATURN is all about firm limits, timing and responsibility. The other luminary, the SUN is just coming off an opposition to SATURN so in some ways this just continues the trend of some restraint and restrictions (for our own good), but now more in our lunar emotional/intuitive body. We could feel blocked or held back by SATURN or conversely have a sense of resoluteness in getting things done, probably bits of both all week.
The MOON being opposite to JUPITER that day might temp us to feel some perhaps welcome giddy optimism or to go a bit overboard with our emotional reactions, positive or negative. Early in the day the MOON sextiles VENUS and that won’t be bad; perhaps a little smooth connection with what or who we love. Alas, it’s just a few hours of that day and adversely entangled with all those importunate and insistent squares and oppositions.

The SUN square JUPITER which perfects on the 12th has an influence all week and is combined with a, co-incident, MERCURY sextile URANUS during a number of days. JUPITER is such an uplifter of all boats that the square lends us all some buoyancy even if SATURN has been putting some restraint on it. Might be the perfect balance of responsible optimism. With MERCURY sextile URANUS we might feel mentally activated to an unusual degree. Perhaps the pace of life will pick up to a notable degree, Socializing, communicating, unexpected side quests might all be manifesting for a few days. Just be cautious and have your “No” in hand so you don’t get over-booked and overwhelmed.
Speaking of optimism, VENUS will be trine JUPITER all week and peaking on the weekend, so romance is certainly in the air. The MOON will be transiting conjunct PLUTO early on the 14th too. So, it could be passionate romance if your chart and circumstances facilitate that. Let’s keep an eye on our spending though and not blow resources we will definitely need later, or try to Pluto-nically push through any selfish agendas.
By Monday MERCURY comes opposite SATURN just as the MOON connects with it, definitely putting some restraint on our enthusiastic ideas and maybe some responsible communication about what happened over the weekend. Buyer’s remorse or recognition of what just occurred? Do have fun though, if you can, you deserve it, and with a little discretion it will pay off. VENUS will be opposite CHIRON for a few days around then which will likely augur some tender and vital relationship doings too.
The FULL MOON happens on Sept 17th and will be nearly aligned with dreamy, transcendent NEPTUNE. This puts the SUN into a flowing Kite configuration with NEPTUNE as the anchor and URANUS and PLUTO trine to it on the wings. More on that as we get to it but it looks to be an illumination of the ongoing and epic Minor Grand Trine of NEPTUNE, PLUTO and URANUS we are all dealing with for the next few years.

The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
1. Be impeccable with your word

2. Don’t take anything personally

3. Don’t make assumptions

4. Always do your best