The headlines this week are: PLUTO stations direct in Capricorn. MARS is square to MERCURY, CHIRON Rx, JUNO, LILITH Rx, AND THE SUN while JUPITER, now just Rx, trines them as well. CHIRON Rx is opposite all those LIBRA points while it is sextile to JUPITER Rx. VENUS is opposite URANUS Rx later in the week.

PLUTO is making its last run through the potent anaretic degrees of Capricorn before it enters Aquarius on Nov 20th for a 20-year transit where it will expose our internalized cultural misconceptions and clean up our acts around innovation, progressivism, collective movements and maybe our current trend of cultural fragmentation. PLUTO plays rough as we found out during its Capricorn transit since 2008. It certainly fucked with all our Capricornian finances and trust in institutions, revealing the cracks in those foundations. So, it’ll be “interesting” for sure to see what these next decades will bring. I’m guessing it may involve an ongoing degradation and reconfiguration of the current digital clusterfuck amongst other unforeseen cultural revolutions and upheavals. URANUS the planet of explosive change is trine PLUTO and sextile NEPTUNE which holds the ideal, transcendent, and ineffable. “You say you want a revolution. Well you know…” Buckle up.

This week aggressive and assertive MARS in emotional Cancer is passing through a T-square with CHIRON Rx in fiery Aries and JUNO (the asteroid of committed partnerships), the SUN (ourselves, our direction) and by the 14th LILITH Rx (The dark goddess and mystery principle) all in the relational and fair-hearted Libra. MERCURY, representing our mind, thoughts and communications will just be square to PLUTO as it moves into Scorpio on the  13th emphasizing trips about survival, sex and power. Kinda a time of demanding fairness in all our intimate relations and harmony in our lives. We may find ourselves in serious conflict in pursuit of justice if we don’t dolly back and read the room.
We may have all had some turmoil in our relationships lately but it has been over things that really do need addressing, accountability or at the very least, acknowledgment of their existence and the paradoxical intractability of whatever issues they are. Relationships, personal or worldly, are always full of paradox and catch-22’s that can’t be resolved at the level they were created, so we grow or suffer. AFOG: Another Fucking Opportunity for Growth here.

On top of that, there will likely be some interesting developments put into place in our relationships, finances and/or creative endeavors now as loving VENUS, ruler of Libra, is opposite innovative and disruptive URANUS Rx all week. Sudden loves and connections, revitalized relationships, bids for freedom and inspired creativity all could manifest to varying degrees as well as romantic restlessness, unrealistic affairs and rebellious eccentricity. Especially as VENUS is simultaneously transiting trine to imaginary, idealizing and indeterminate Neptune and then a couple of days later it sextiles power player PLUTO. Golden opportunity or sailing into disaster, like the classic Fool card. PLUTO adds a lot of power and compulsion to this mix from our deep conditioning and will to power. NEPTUNE Rx may obscure our discernment of what we are really up to or tempt us to futily run away into a fantasy.  Grounding and practical SATURN Rx is pretty much un-aspected this week and so is probably too weak alone to keep us properly oriented and disciplined. We may have trouble discerning the truth and long term consequences for now especially for the intuitive/creative types.

Now JUPITER will add some optimism and a dash of good fortune to all these proceedings by stationing retrograde in its sextile to the healing wisdom of CHIRON Rx while it also favorably trines all the points now traveling through Libra: MERCURY, LILITH, JUNO and the SUN. With the coincident group square to MARS and opposition to CHIRON Rx these planets and points will be pushing us to make some choices about how we attempt to infuse fairness, justice, beauty and balance into the inherent mystery and tumult of relationships.

That’s a lot of beats to try to dance with all at once for sure. We can dream big this week and perhaps, with JUPITER’s luck and CHIRON’s healing, come out the better for it, but do be aware there are also many sand-traps to step in too. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. A combination of generosity of heart, and wise restraint will definitely help us through to a win-win but it won’t be necessarily easy.