On the 24th the MOON squares the SUN giving us some monthly tension and choice about how we feel about the direction of our lives. It also trines VENUS directing that tension towards our relationships close and in the world. Tension is not necessarily bad, it just means choices must be made as to how we feel about things and that dictates how we act and what outcomes we experience.
All that is just a flavoring on the transformative Grand Trine (SUN and then MERCURY, PLUTO Rx and URANUS in trine) + Minor Grand Trine (NEPTUNE Rx, PLUTO Rx  and URANUS in 2 sextiles and a trine)  which together form a Kite configuration happening this week. The SUN (self, direction) and MERCURY (Ideas, mind and communication) are opposite to the anchor NEPTUNE Rx, and so express the transcendental and imaginal attributes of that planet.  There is something dreamy about this week as well as chaotic and unexpected that is represented by URANUS (sudden change) and PLUTO Rx (the unconscious and unseen powers). We may have revelations and we may have some confusion and even lethargy. It’s easy to get overwhelmed as we can’t seem to logically figure out the plot. If we trust and pray for clarity it will eventually arrive. Not today though. Just go with it and cultivate your equanimity and inner peace. Love may be in the air, both agape and eros, and we should nurture that if it’s appropriate, but do try to keep one foot on the ground.
SATURN Rx is trine MARS for a few days which could give us some of that grounding, though if MARS dominates it can be impulsive and aggressive actions instead, which if we are unclear of our target (NEPTUNE) can lead to needless drama.
The SUN now, and as of the 26th MERCURY, are transiting fair minded, harmony seeking and relationship-oriented LIBRA which could put a nice spin on things if we don’t dither and avoid commitments or moving into action. By the end of September they will be closely conjunct each other and the NORTH NODE of fate making a confluence of our will, mind and destiny. A great time to be putting together a plan of action that aligns with the lessons we have learned from the experiences of the last few years around the direction of our lives. Journaling, important conversations, mission statements that incorporate any inspirations and revelations we may have received recently are possible. Its apocalyptic out there in the world now and things are in major flux,. We need to discover what our personal and collective soul goals are so we don’t drift into complete dystopia.

The wounded healer, CHIRON Rx is beneficially trine expansive and optimistic JUPITER for about 2 months, giving this whole period a push towards healing and wisdom even though the madness seems to be going in the other direction. Healing crisis? JUPITER is on the brink of stationing Rx and so is leaning into the 20 and 21st degree of mental and openminded GEMINI as well as trining CHIRON Rx. The sabian Symbol for that degree is:
“OUTBURST: It is healthier to release pent up emotions
rather than to continue repressing them
 “Allowing an outburst of pent-up feelings””
So this indicates the current dramas in our lives may be driven by our deepest wounds and shadows or the wisdom derived from those wounds and our shadow work. They are tumultuous but are ultimately necessary for our collective and personal growth.  Oh Boy!
The NEW MOON on the 2nd pretty much conjuncts MERCURY as it is just coming out from behind the SUN. There is a Solar Eclipse that day too. This augurs not only epic shifts in our reality (eclipses) but some much needed sharp thinking and inspired ideas that may blossom over the next month and onwards. VENUS is starting to form a GRAND WATER TRINE with SATURN and MARS in Water signs that will add some compassionate fire and action to our romantic and aesthetic pursuits for the first week of October. More on that on next weeks forecast. This week seems a moment to solidify relations and gather inspirations as we head into the frankly tumultuous months of the Autumn 2024