This week as the MOON moves towards its conjunction with the SUN the planets are indicating we will be getting a lot of activity in our VENUS realms. The archetypal energies of VENUS, according to the brilliant Richard Tarnas are: “Desire, love, beauty, value, art; the impulse and capacity to attract and be attracted, to love and be loved, to seek and create beauty and harmony, to engage in social and romantic relations, sensuous pleasure, artistic and aesthetic experience and creation; the principle of Eros and the Beautiful; Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite, the Roman Venus.” In our reality this is often boiled down to love relationships and how we us our resources to enhance our lives (e.g. money).
On the 26th VENUS is moving through a synergistic trine to disruptive and innovative URANUS, and a simultaneous trine to the archetype of primordial instincts, death, rebirth, and transformation, PLUTO. This, while PLUTO is in a long-term trine to URANUS as well, making a powerful Grand Trine in the headstrong Fixed signs of VIRGO, TAURUS and AQUARIUS. VENUS is also coming into an opposition with dreamy and confusing NEPTUNE. This all can show up in our personal lives as transformational passionate love, relational restlessness, kinky urges, obsessions, sudden romances, possibly unwise commitments, spending or over spending, and the like. All fodder for learning essential lessons about wisdom and an indication that things some relational will never be the same. By the 29th VENUS moves into its home power sign of LIBRA while still connected to PLUTO and NEPTUNE giving us continued emphasis on remodeling our Venusian themes.
MERCURY is still RX but is slowing down to go direct on the 29th. It is in a long slow positive trine with the healer CHIRON as it hovers around 21 and 22 degrees of LEO. All this could bode well for personal or world events as MERCURY gets going forward. Perhaps leading to some healing or smoothing of wounds with self, other or between larger organizations. Of course, there is a lot of factors that will influence that outcome. Transformation is not usually done without sacrifice and turbulence and the outer planets do not usually appear compassionate in the short run, only in the biggest big picture long run do we see the necessity of the disruptions and disintegrations.

PLUTO (archetypally: processes of breakdown, destruction and creation in the universe, impulses toward regeneration and transformation, purification and purging, profound evolutionary forces.) is poised to grind back into Capricorn for the next few months. This is its last touch in Capricorn for about 250 years. We had so many of our seeming solid institutions be revealed to be shaky and inadequate over the last couple of decades. Now, before we fully settle into Plutonically working over our Aquarian themes for the next 25 or 30 years, (technology, humanitarianism, individuality, intelligence, etc) we get one more shot at some cathartic destruction/regeneration of those Saturnian structures. Upcoming elections anyone?  Lol.
By September 2 NEPTUNE is exactly square to MARS just as the MOON forms a NEW MOON conjunction with the SUN in VIRGO. MARS-NEPTUNE square can augur urges to escape reality. A little responsible vacation won’t hurt, but a bender is not recommended. We don’t want to burden the tone of the next lunar cycle with a hangover or a shitstorm of avoided responsibilities. We have plenty of work ahead of us in September. More on that next week with the NEW MOON forecast.