It is a lotta MOON dance this week. The Moon’s waning square with the SUN on Feb 2, 7 days before the NEW MOON, is in Scorpio, accentuating our deep feelings and intuitions through Sunday when it enters more carefree Sagittarius. Especially as MERCURY is also smoothly sextile to intuitive NEPTUNE during those few days. All the planets are crowded into one region of the sky these days, from Capricorn to Taurus. The MOON is consequently moving rather quickly through all the various aspects (trines, squares, sextiles, etc.) to all the planets. This is likely making for a highly variable and perhaps confusing emotional atmosphere for us all to ride through. If you don’t like the way things feel right now just a wait a bit and it will change, sometimes to a completely opposite flavor and subject. The advantage of this time is if we don’t attach to strongly to any one mood, we can begin to collate a more balanced and nuanced perspective on we how feel and intuit about things over all like an emotional strobe light.

MERCURY enters Aquarius on Monday and immediately conjoins PLUTO there. This starts a parade of inner planets passing into Aquarius and hitting PLUTO over the next couple of weeks. Pluto will be bringing out the darker and suppressed sides of each planets energy so it’s bound to be an interesting month, to put it mildly. This week it will be our mental space that gets a trip through the underworld. Secrets exposed, hidden documents and repressed thoughts revealed, that kinda thing. Hide your private journals and lock your phones, lol. Or at least be prepared for unexpectedly blurting out what you really think.

We still have SATURN sextile to JUPITER giving us a steadying hand in our aspirations which should be pretty ambitious because JUPITER is pretty rockin’ right now as it shares Taurus with shocking and innovative URANUS until late May. MERCURY will briefly sextile NEPTUNE during the last few days of this week, giving us access to our higher consciousness or our bewildered delusions. Wise discernment and equanimity will see you through.

CHIRON, near the SOUTH NODE squares VENUS and the SUN on the 5th bringing us some blasts from the past to be faced and perhaps transmuted into elements of our collective NORTH NODE lessons learned. The MOON swings into Capricorn initiating a quick series of conjunctions with VENUS, MARS, PLUTO and MERCURY before connecting with the SUN for the NEW MOON on February 9th.  URANUS is forming a trine with VENUS and a near simultaneous square to the SUN, peaking Wednesday, indicating some possibly electric or disruptive changes around what we hold valuable in our lives: money, relationships, valuables and the Earth etc. but likely for the good in the long run. Just watch your spending, K?

NEPTUNE will be subtly fogging things up with a sextile to MARS making it a challenge to take the right actions in the moment, but it will mostly pass after the NEW MOON on the 9th when MARS  will conjunct PLUTO where we will need all the clarity and equanimity we can muster. More on that next forecast
All and all a very full time. Life feels accelerated right now and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or pushed. Be sure to take time out, turn off your devices, take a walk and let the wheels spin free for a few minutes daily. Try to stay on top of the wave and we can all go far this month.