Whoa, What a ride! The Pisces Party is in full swing with the NEW MOON joining in with all the others already there. The personal planets, MARS and VENUS, are doing consecutive do-si-do retrograde dance moves; MARS retrograde finally ended last week, but now Venus turns retrograde March 1 until mid-April. Relation-ships and projects are likely experiencing some Bermuda Triangle vibes as our internal compasses spin and the winds of change blow. There is unavoidable uncertainty and turbulence due to so many planets being in the watery Pisces/Neptune, calling us to perhaps feel doubtful and dissatisfied yet making it hard to know what is real and what to do about it.  On the other hand, imagination, intuition and faith in the transcendental nature of reality are now enhanced, if one can discern between truth and delusion. With the retrogrades in play and URANUS consistently harmonically involved this is a grand time (whether you like it or not) to do the remedial work and the hard conversations to get your life on track towards something that will sustain you in the challenges ahead. Tough love from the universe, as always.

The NEW MOON on the 27th has us perhaps feeling as if we are flailing in deep waters. So many planets in Pisces, NEPTUNE at the powerful anaretic degree of its home sign and conjunct the NORTH NODE lend a profound but confusing condition. We are feeling a lot of fear regarding the future and are more susceptible to nefarious manipulation unless we have a firm connection to our higher and grounded self. The rebellious and mysterious BLACK MOON LILITH point is also in an awkward and irritating quincunx to the MOON-SUN while simultaneously hanging in an opposition to VENUS (which dead stopped in the sky because it goes RX on the first), stirring our desire to express our nonconformist and free-thinking side despite any consequences to others.

JUNO, the asteroid representing trust and committed relationships of all kinds, is synergistically trine to anything moving near the last degrees of Pisces for a few months due to its generally slow speed and slowing down even further to go Rx in a few weeks. This means that a lot of the uncertain, intuitive, compassionate and empathetic Pisces energy we are experiencing is directly related to our commitments to others. JUNO is also hanging throughout the period in near sextile to PLUTO, bringing in our unconscious and shadowy drives and desires into play to make sure we are digging deep enough to make it all count.

URANUS, the planet denoting upheavals and inspirations is near sextile to MERCURY and weakly trine to the SOUTH NODE and sextile to the NORTH NODE around the NEW MOON. It is at 23 degrees of Taurus and so will not only be closing with the NODES of destiny, but also be upsetting the status quo of anything passing through the last 7 degrees of Pisces; the MOON, SUN, SATURN the NORTH NODE and eventually NEPTUNE itself over the next couple of months. Sextile aspects facilitate the energies of the planets and points involved blending together. With URANUS this blending manifests as rapid, even explosive changes which is great if you’re feeling stuck or blocked and like some chaos, but catastrophic if you want stability. The aspects of URANUS indicate we are assured of disruptive and destabilizing ideas, conversations, emotions, and situations will come up now and for the next 5 years or so.

MERCURY enters feisty Aries on March 3 which obviously can be beneficial or disastrous depending in how well you can check yourself before proceeding. Keep your relational repair kit handy just in case you come on too strong in moments. MERCURY comes to conjunct VENUS Rx on the 11th, so the above advice may be especially important on that day. Just because it is VENUS Rx does not mean you cannot be giving your relationships the necessary nutrients  of loving attention and affection, you may just have to dig a little deeper to do it and monitor your timing and intensity.

We are just barely moving back forward through the shadow of the MARS Rx period and so are still putting things into action that address subjects that came up during the retrograde. When VENUS turns retrograde on the 1st we’ll start a period of focus on reworking our connection to our sources of love and affection for life and other people. VENUS is in Aries for now which is a giving it more assertiveness and impulsivity. It will re-enter Pisces late in March which should mellow its intensity and bring back some of the yum sauce it prefers. LILITH opposes VENUS twice, once on February 27th and again on March 9th due to their mutual retrograde motions. LILITH represents the outsider, the “out of bounds” to the norm and the untamable wildness that is an intrinsic part of reality, so be sure to keep some gates open in places for it to work its enlivening magic especially on the NEW MOON, unless you want to spend a lot of frantic effort keeping fences up and trying to keep the dark out. Getting a little kinky once in a while may work wonders on the tensions in your relationships if you play consciously and consensually. The middle of May is when VENUS once again gets going into new territory, so we have a while to do our due diligence in correcting any glitches that have been lurking in our love life.

The planet of luck, optimism and confidence, JUPITER is mostly square to the SUN for much of this time which can lend us some of those positive attributes as long as we can restrain ourselves from getting too big about it. VENUS will, fortunately, also be in a harmonious sextile with JUPITER until the 10th which bodes well for our aforementioned required efforts in the VENUS department. We need all the luck and wisdom we can get to navigate this whole year.

The FULL MOON in the 13th has MERCURY stationing for its next retrograde with VENUS Rx in a near conjunction to it, amongst other things. More on that in the next forecast in a couple of weeks.

All this can and will be experienced both personally and in the world at large as always. Each of us has our own karma, path and part that is more closely delineated in our personal chart and circumstances. Though it is a challenging time to live in it is also a time of great and inevitable transformation.