We are passing forward from the PLUTO opposite MARS Rx aspect that occurred for the second time last week. Kinda had astrologers in a twist. Whatever got stirred up then is still in play until April when it occurs for the last time this round. Because it is PLUTO which is about power, the hidden and the unconscious it may not be yet clear what exactly that is but it is obvious that there are a lot of transformations in process in the world and in our lives. This week that opposition remains in a MYSTIC RECTANGLE formed by simultaneous sextiles and trines to the MOON’s NODES. This contains and internalizes the process that is sparked by the tension of the opposition and keeps it from appearing too obvious, while also directing it towards our collective karma. Fortunately for any potential PLUTO-MARS aggressions , MARS is in Cancer at this time and its martial and contentious tendencies are somewhat dampened. In other words the 2nd PLUTO MARS opposition was pretty muted as these things go.
Here are some highlights for the rest of this 2 week MOON CYCLE
FULL MOON; MOON and MARS Rx trine NEPTUNE and NORTH NODE while semisquare JUPITER Rx, SUN trine URANUS Rx and opposite MARS Rx, Jan13: This combo kinda looks like party time, though things may not go as planned. The Neptunian urge to escape reality will likely lead to unexpected adventures under the moonlight.
SUN trine URANUS Rx and opposite MARS Rx, ≈Jan 10 -20: Sudden changes, creative breakthroughs or impulsive rebelliousness.
VENUS conjunct SATURN while semisquare to PLUTO conjunct SUN, ≈Jan 16-23: Some serious business arising regarding relationships, finances that may have long term consequences.
MARS Rx trine NEPTUNE and the NORTH NODE, ≈DEC-Jan 25: NEPTUNE can hypnotize MARS and either send us off on foolish quests after mirages, sap our energy or download some inspired or idealistic actions. With NEPTUNE conjunct the NORTH NODE of our karma it is probably a great time to slow down and check your intuition for the correct direction for the future. Prayers and spiritual practices will help. Beware of delusional thinking in yourself and others though.
URANUS opposite JUNO, Dec 31- Feb 6, JUNO sextile SUN, ≈Jan 8-19: unexpected and sudden shifts in our relationships and home life. Temporary instability with any luck.
SUN conjunct PLUTO while trine to SOUTH NODE, ≈Jan 10-23: A sense of self-empowerment or a clash of wills involving something from the past. SUN conjunct PLUTO connects elemental powers to our personal expression. Sexuality, the dark world of taboo things, trips to the underworld and back, undergoing deep transformation re all called by this aspect.
PLUTO conjunct MERCURY and MOON, Semi-square SATURN, Jan 28: Powerful communications, persuasiveness or coercion and strong mental activity. Penetrating, passionate, argumentative interactions; Could go in either constructive or destructive directions but PLUTO leaves everything changed regardless.
NEW MOON; MOON and SUN trine to JUPITER Rx and semisquare NEPTUNE conjunct to NORTH NODE, Jan 29: JUPITER brings optimism, luck and confidence to this dark moon. NEPTUNE and the NORTH NODE connect it to dreams, intuition and sadly, delusions, regarding our long-term fate. YOUR birth chart holds the key to how this may play out for you.