Transits NOV 13 2023
Ahh.. Prepare to breathe a little easier after the stormy weather of OCTOBER and early November. Things definitely take a turn for the easier this period, though we are far from out of the woods yet…Well actually there is no end to the astrological woods, lol. Just some clearings where we can feel, see and move easier sometimes, to stretch a metaphor.
Things start off a tad intense though with the NEW MOON in SCORPIO on NOV 13th. It opposes the planet of unexpected plot twists, URANUS, while conjuncting impulsive-action-figure, MARS. It’ll be all too easy to get all self-righteous and impetuous or, on the high vibe side, make some bold moves to improve things. The Good News is, VENUS has entered its home sign of LIBRA, helping everyone get along and feel more friendly and fair, both inside and out. Also, VENUS will be exactly SEXTILE MERCURY in optimistic SAGITARIUS that day and for the next 2 weeks, helping us all think in big picture, win-win terms, if we try…Try is the critical word, especially on the 15th when inflationary JUPITER gets briefly involved via a vexatious double Quincunx “Finger of God” configuration to the SEXTILE. Pay attention that day.
The NEW MOON cluster is also TRINE to dreamy inspirational (or confusing/delusional) NEPTUNE, still Rx in Pisces, adding a bit of access to our higher self, or on the shadowy turn; our mistaken conviction the we know the true “Truth”. That confused outcome is aided by the ongoing glitchy QUINCUNX from NEPTUNE to the SOUTH NODE of our past. So watch out for egoic actions of hubris and old school values in your world. Stay strong but humble and only act with the benefit of the whole system in mind. WIN-WIN, Right?.
This energy generally carries on for a few days until the MOON conjuncts PLUTO on the 18th initiating a synergistic SEXTILE with the SUN + MARS as they travel along pretty much together into the upcoming FULL MOON. PLUTO will add some powerful subterranean energies to that assertive/aggressive SUN-MARS conjunction. It likely starts out heavy, but as the SEXTILE wanes on the 22nd– 24th, the SUN and MARS move out of SCORPIO and into sunnier SAGITARIUS it might resolve into constructive progress. The SUN and MARS also then get into a square with restraining SATURN for the rest of the month, (which is now direct and we are probably feeling our responsible or irresponsible actions of the last few months bearing fruit), putting the brakes on any Martian overinflation we’ve indulged in, though we may not like the way it does it at the time. SATURN always says “You’ll thank me later”.
There is an oncoming OPPOSITION between VENUS and the healer/mentor CHIRON topping out on the 22nd. Opening an opportunity to heal stubborn wounds in ourselves or others or at least open them up to air. The whole horoscope gets a a karmic kick on the 22nd too when the MOON conjuncts NEPTUNE, triggering an arrowhead configuration (2 SEXTILES and a TRINE) with PLUTO as the crux, and the SUN + MARS anchoring the other end. The seeming eternal PLUTO SEXTILE NEPTUNE bit that I mentioned last week puts a generational spin on the arrowhead which may seed that day, though it is still weak and probably too subtle to notice except upon many years retrospect. But if you have any prophecy abilities, Wed might be a good day to look into the years to come for some hints. PLUTO has also been slightly SQUARING the MOON’S NODES of fate for months, so our long term destiny is definitely being stirred underneath all the short term action.
Over the next 4 days the Moon joins with CHIRON, then the NORTH NODE, JUPITER, and finally URANUS, all Rx, giving each its moment of being felt a bit more strongly as we head into the FULL MOON in lively GEMINI on the 27th.
All-n-all a slightly more forward and easeful period, but not a free pass by any means. We still have a lot of work to do to get ready for what’s coming in 2024 and beyond. Work over your TO-DO list of responsible actions, this is no time to check out of adulting. But do give some attention to your blessings received and all the things you’ve accomplished/survived in the last few months. You are more Badass than you thought.