I am really curious how this whole post solstice week is going to go. A lot of movement in our long-term fate seems up as we head towards the NEW MOON and the new year. Starting the week with the SUN in a fateful T-square with the MOONS NODES. JUPITER Rx is nearly exact in its brakes + accelerator square with SATURN this week. MARS Rx is closing in on its second ominous opposition with PLUTO and they firm up into a long-lasting Mystic Rectangle that has been slowly forming with the MOONS NODES this month. MERCURY, moving direct, slides into its third unhumorous square with SATURN and opposition to JUPITER Rx. It’s a fairly dynamic and complicated end of 2024 representing a turning point in humanities current story.

DETAILS: The MOON’S NODES get some prominence this week, bringing our overall direction and fate into the fore. The NODE’S T-square with the SUN that peaks on the 22nd augurs some internal pressure for modification and consequent choices to be made that concern our personal karma. It may not be immediately clear what the future outcome of those choices will be. With the SUN’s simultaneous half square to both VENUS and JUNO there will likely be some involvement of our relationship status in that choice point.

By the 30th and the NEW MOON, the next influence with the NODES will be handed off to a pattern of synergizing trines and sextiles with the NODES and MARS Rx and PLUTO: a Mystic Rectangle which will strongly tie the second MARS Rx opposition to PLUTO (which is exact Jan 3rd) to our long-term fate for the next few weeks. What that will manifest remains to be seen as indeterminant and vague NEPTUNE is very close to the SOUTH NODE and so also connected by sextile to PLUTO and by trine to MARS Rx lending a mystical or ambiguous element to the proceedings. The drive for aggressive transformation of the PLUTO-MARS Rx opposition has the trines and sextiles to the MOON’S NODES of destiny as its release point making this a portentous end of the year.  The whole story of the MARS-PLUTO opposition won’t be clear until the last one at the end of April 2025, but it is definitely in play now stirring up the purging and transformative energies PLUTO in Aquarius is bringing to our conceptions of who we are as a culture. A big part of the changes coming through 2025 and onwards.

JUPITER Rx is closing in on its square with SATURN which is exact on the 24th. This square happens one more time mid-June 2025 but with a very different flavor because both planets will have just changed signs and SATURN will be very close to conjunct NEPTUNE. MERCURY is also square to SATURN for the third time and so opposite to JUPITER Rx forming a T-square. This likely compels us to have perhaps difficult conversations about changes in the structures of our lives against internal or external resistances: to make an attempt to balance our desire for freedom and the necessity of taking care of our responsibilities to build a stable life. Plenty of possibilities for conflict or fucking up by trying to just escape or get into arguments about it. Do your best to collaboratively address any issues now or it will get addressed for you without your input. Merry Xmas.

The NEW MOON occurs on the 30th and has MERCURY in trine with the wise healer CHIRON which is stationing direct at last, to give us an opportunity for all this to lead us to more wholeness. URANUS will be essentially sesquisquare (square and a half) to the NEW MOON bringing a little unexpected excitement to the day.

It’s an epic ending to an epic year and of course a set up for the epic-ness of 2025. We are solidly in the turning of the age and I can confidently say we will be in a different world by the end of this decade. Hang in there, be visionary and especially be kind. Everyone is stressed, tense and reactive as all of our realities get shaken. Times of chaos always eventually return to order as the wheel turns and times of chaos are when what we do matters the most to influence the outcome. Onward and upwards!