Oh The celestial dance! Harvest moon, lunar eclipse, super moon (Perigee; closest approach to Earth), and blood moon (red tinged because it’s not total) all at once on this Tuesdays FULL MOON. We are certainly harvesting the outcomes of this last summers experiences. Much has changed in our lives since last winter, whether we wanted it or not and the pace of change is still pretty hot for the approaching future. SATURN in the short term and PLUTO in the long term are making sure we reap what we have sown from the past few weeks or months and the last few decades and centuries. Meanwhile the inner planets continue to keep it personal and dramatic. Of course, the planets do not cause all this to happen, they just give us an outline reflecting what is happening within and without us; As above, So below. Since the stars and planets movements are cyclic, we can use them to get a perspective and clue on what is and what is coming.


This FULL MOON and partial eclipse is tucked between SATURN Rx and NEPTUNE Rx all in PISCES. This brings an interesting combination of archetypal energies into play. The MOON our intuition nurturing and emotional side has to negotiate between the practical (SATURN) and the ideal (NEPTUNE) to find some path forward the intuitively feels right. MERCURY is opposite SATURN Rx which helps us think more seriously about our options for a few days though we may have to be nurturing and patient with any mental fogginess.

Our deep psychology is on display in all this because PLUTO Rx in Capricorn gets drawn in to the action being in a month-long half square with SATURN Rx (Ruler of Capricorn) and NEPTUNE Rx in a multi-year oscillating Minor Grand Trine to PLUTO Rx and URANUS as well. This configuration is telling us that this whole period of time will feels epic, apocalyptic and transformative. It’s a huge slow turning of the cultural wheel now.  MERCURY aligning opposite SATURN is also transiting an prodding square and half with PLUTO, so the potential for the repressed and hidden to come to light is strong. Opportunity and crisis in the structures, ambitions and commitments in our lives (Capricorn) before PLUTO heads back into Aquarius in October to do its transformative work there on our individuality, ideals and ideas of the future for the next 20 years.

At the time of the FULL MOON we have, just waning, a beneficial and lovely trine between VENUS and JUPITER, while VENUS was opposite CHIRON, the Healer. This augered some intensity, probably for the good, in our relationships, close and far over the weekend. Whatever blossomed then from those aspects, the other shoe probably drops around the FULL MOON and we get a chance to make practical adjustments to make things work or at worst feel some sticker shock at any over commitments we may have made mirrored by JUPITER’S exuberant trine aspect.

Preview: JUPITER and CHIRON Rx are just starting to sextile which goes on until December giving this whole Fall a flavor of lucky breaks and opprtunites to grow and heal in big ways. This will help justify in some ways, but probably not mellow, any upcoming turbulence. We’ll be having the potential and obligation to learn a lot of powerful lessons on how to navigate reality. Ooo,that sounds like fun. Lol.

As all that FULL MOON jazz fades off the SUN moves into the last degrees of VIRGO and consequently forms a powerful Kite by coming into a Grand Trine with URANUS and PLUTO Rx while they are in the aforementioned Minor Grand Trine with NEPTUNE Rx in the double sextile position at the top of the kite and the SUN as the tail.  The number of flowing synergistic aspects (5 trine and sextile) in a Kite make this a powerful node of transformation or change because the power of evolution flows so smoothly in the trines and sextiles around whatever opposition forms the spine of the Kite. Transformation is the keyword, especially now with those big generational and evolutionary planets all pointing at the very personal SUN, our core and collective self. With the nearby eclipse this presages an interesting ride through September, the Autumn months and the coming years. Evolution and re-volution in the world. BTW; This Kite with these same planets repeats every year about this time until at least 2027, so it won’t all happen at once, but it will have annual pulses that underscore all the other changes throughout the year. We are in for a long turn of the wheel with at least a chance of having time to participate and adapt somewhat as it goes along if we stay awake. It’s never a helpless victim thing as we are all also nominal agents in this world we live in. Mostly how we are imagining where we want to go, how we respond internally to events and what the set and setting we cocreate for ourselves to do this deep soul work in, which profoundly influences outcomes as all shamans and alchemists know. Love or Fear baby.

Right in the middle of its move through the tail of the Kite on the 22nd, the SUN switches signs from mental and particular VIRGO into more collective and compassionate LIBRA. Whew! It might feel like the Universe’s version of tough love right now, but ultimately it is Love and LIBRA has that going on in abundance. VENUS will be in a square with PLUTO as it switches signs and so also forming a square-and-a-half (Sesquisquare) to SATURN while it is half square to PLUTO. This is kind of a shove in the back for change in our relationship whether to self or other for a few days. Hard conversations and corrections should not be avoided, but courageously and compassionately engaged during this time because that is the path to Love.

Unusually, just as the SUN moves off the trines to PLUTO Rx and URANUS and the opposition to NEPTUNE Rx, MERCURY by the 24th comes waltzing in to replace it in its tail position in the Kite and so brings our mercurial attributes (mind, thinking, ideas, communication, to transport, connect etc.) into that powerful vortex of transformation opposite NEPTUNE Rx, the planet of imagination, spiritual realms, ideals, dreams, timelessness, the immaterial, confusion delusion and directionlessness. Probably not comfortable for the left brain but the right brain totally relates.

Like an intense medicine journey, the next few years might be a rough ride for the strict materialists and pure atheists, the spiritually closeminded and those who haven’t the bandwidth to roll with the changes that are inevitable. It can be a time filled with a panicky uncertainty. But the potential is there to enhance our intuitions, psychic powers and creative communications to get insights and conceive of a more ideal story to live in. Be aware it may also manifest as fuzzy thinking and a sense of directionless disorientation too. Trust in the self and the divine perfection of the big movements, with wise discernment is key as is some non-attachment to outcomes. Be skeptical of charismatic leaders who have “THE ANSWER!” over the next few years. You know; the good ol’ standard spiritual journey skills. Remember, there is always an element of the unexpected and unforeseeable mystery in the way the universe unfolds these revelations and revolutions. We may be pleasantly surprised by some of the elements coming into being in the world. There will be some who collapse into apathy and nihilism, some who will be convinced they have THE answer and must save everyone or force them to comply. We will probably see all of that, all over the world. as this Kite and eclipse cycle and all the other upcoming epic aspects unfold over the next few years affecting the rest of our lives.