FULL MOONs have an energy of our experiences ripening and bearing fruit, of fertility. This FULL MOON on the Aries/Libra axis is the last week of the SUN and a few other bodies in VENUS ruled Libra and opposing CHIRON. It is wrapping up a number of the recent upticks in themes of relationship, partnership, justice, fairness, power and psychological shadow that we have been experiencing for quite some time. Of course, the show goes on and these themes are always going to be a core throughline of our reality and so perpetually reflected in the stars in one way or another. It has been a particularly turbulent time lately though for sure

Dear Love and Beauty oriented VENUS itself is passing through the last degrees of Scorpio and just finished an opposition to anarchic and impetuous URANUS Rx and a trine to dreamy NEPTUNE Rx that may have stirred the pot on the relationship front last week. Just before it heads to cross over into happy-go-lucky Sagittarius on the 17th it exactly sextiles PLUTO in the last degree of Capricorn that is also in a synergistic aspect with those two generational planets, weaving transformational passion and power into the VENUS vibe. Strong love that may be a little out of control? Secrets revealed? Maybe it is still subtly rumbling in the distance for some but there is a definite disturbance in the Force out there moving to bring things into the open and into balance in our relationships. Facing and dealing with it ASAP is best as these issues tend to come back more distressingly if avoided.

As dire as that sounds all this is probably long term positive for the general Good as the other big factor right now is the months long favorable sextile between buoyant JUPITER Rx and the healing influence of CHIRON Rx that is near exact and beaming its signal of a long-needed healing crisis. This may not feel great at first with the opening of the wound, but with wisdom, it can augur eventual healing to chronic conditions personal or global. This all gets a bump as the MOON crosses CHIRON Rx just hours before the FULL MOON. In the mix at the FULL MOON is a conjunction of the SUN and JUNO which indicates this is going to be related to committee partnerships in some way especially as active MARS is in a provoking square to JUNO for several days as it comes off a recent square to CHIRON Rx.

Speaking of MARS it is just initiating a week or two long sextile with explosive URANUS Rx and the first of 3 oppositions to PLUTO due to MARS’s upcoming retrograde motion that will be exact first on November 3. This is a rather foreboding combination foreshadowing the possibility of something like aggressive power plays and violent overreactions and/or the initiation of or exposure of hidden, secret actions that affect us all. Ominously, the last MARS retrograde that was in opposition to PLUTO was in 2007/08 as PLUTO just entered Capricorn and the 2008 financial crisis got rolling. Now it’s happening just as PLUTO is leaving Capricorn. Spooky!  Whatever events manifests out of this will not be clear until the final opposition in April 2025. Though this is scary looking as an isolated aspect and a lot of astrologers may feel compelled to cry “the sky is falling!”, it is really hard to say how it will manifest personally. PLUTO’s moves are more concerned with the biggest big picture and generational transformations.  It is part of a dance of infinite influences both malefic and favorable. Still, it is not a great thing to see so enmeshed with the already bizzarro US elections.

MERCURY is trine SATURN Rx from about the 17th to the 25th giving our thoughts and movements some helpful structure and discipline if we can avoid low vibe the trap of pessimism and mental rigidity. Plan ahead and use your “No” so you don’t feel over-burdened with tasks. Simultaneously the SUN will be moving through a square to PLUTO from the 15th to the 27th or so, as it moves from Libra into Scorpio on the 22nd. This PLUTO transit can lend us a sense of power to actions or throw us under the bus of unconscious patterns, ours or others. Squares are challenging and testing of our manner and poise under pressure.

Its important to notice that during this week we have MARS moving through a Minor Grand Trine “talent triangle” with URANUS Rx sextile to both MARS and NEPTUNE Rx and so trine itself to NEPTUNE Rx from the 16th to Nov 1. This might be a harbinger of some genius moments. epiphanies or spiritual awakenings for us all. This is combined with the ongoing Minor Grand Trine with NEPTUNE synergistically sextile to PLUTO AND URANUS which is opening an oscillating portal from July 2024 to May 2029 that is inexorably transforming our relationship to the transcendent nature of the universe. I’ve mentioned this before and will again as it is an influence on every life and forecast for the next number of years.

All n All a full-on FULL MOON and week after. Something the 2020’s decade seems abounding in. We’re in such a world churn its sometimes tempting to ask “When will it end?!” particularly when things seem so uncertain and unstable.  Well, the good news and the bad news is encompassed in the full ramifications of the term “never”. The overall balance will be kept while our individual lives ride the waves of chaos and order, strife and peace, abundance and scarcity. We need to be aware that all this is just the Wheel turning and we are all on it until we are not. Do your best.