Frost on the pond, ashland 11/25/23

Full MOON aspects 11/27/23I kind of left it in a cliffhanger last week about relationships and all things Venusian (money, love, beauty and harmony etc.), advising ya-all to take it slow and cautious until after the FULL MOON, and that holds true, but be aware things are slow to get more flowy as Dec gets rolling. More on that below.
We’ve been experiencing a lot of karmic stuff this autumn, some of it quite difficult and some of it beneficent. Especially the last few weeks as our having chosen to responsibly deal with the particular twists of our plot, or not, has its natural outcome. The sky, unfortunately, starts off this period with some of the same vibe, but it gets better as we go along. The FULL MOON on the Monday the 27th emphasizes responsibility and consequences as it squares stern SATURN in PISCES while it opposes MARS + SUN still rolling together in SAG. This brief T-Square with the MOON can put the brakes on the expected exuberance of the SUN+MARS in sunny SAG and lead to some snappy mood swings. It can be a good thing if you commit to move forward in a responsible way and stay prudent and discerning about balance. It just slows things down, which can be frustrating or even depressing. Don’t let it bring you down. We may also be experiencing a lingering feeling of brain-fog and weariness because MERCURY is coming on to square NEPTUNE until Wed. Through the end of Nov. it might be a good idea to give ourselves the gift of nurturing and soothing activities along with getting things done. It’s a hard balance to find. So maybe alternate focused work with little retreats and do something nice for yourself. Rest and reflect and digest if you can, but don’t brood or fret, Life just might just possibly compel you to rest for a few days with a bug or something if it hasn’t already. SATURN is tricky like that.
As promised, VENUS in LIBRA gets a short lift with a lunar trine on Tuesday-28th, but its fraught by the MOON’s simultaneous opposition to MERCURY: reactive conversations. Sooo…
By the 1st we start to get some oncoming helpful breaks with a sextile between MERCURY and SATURN facilitating our planning abilities. Also, oncoming aspects with VENUS synergistically trine SATURN, bringing focus on positive boundary resolutions in our relationships and money issues. That will likely be facilitated by VENUS square PLUTO if you use that dark power wisely. The first wisps of an incipient MERCURY trine JUPITER gives us a needed shot of optimism (exact on Dec 7 as Jupiter slows down to turn direct at the end of the year). As well as a growing trine betwixt the SUN and the healer CHIRON as we reach the WANING QTR MOON on the 5th. A lot of these trines and sextiles are auspicious as they wax during the first part of the month. A welcome vibe after the last few months of uphill work. This could be the mopping up after the storm phase. Still work, but potentially more satisfying and relatively pleasant.