Well, this should be good. The initiatory and inspirational energy of the NEW MOON, SUN combination on the 11th will be synergistically trine innovative, inspiring and shocking URANUS, supercharging possibilities and plans. As I mentioned last week, the NEW MOON on the 11th is in the mix with a Minor Grand Trine that started earlier in the week involving an amplifying trine between happy-go-lucky JUPITER and Get-er-done MARS. Both are in creative and 3d manifesting Earth signs: Taurus and Capricorn, each of which is sextile to responsible and disciplined SATURN, (the ruler of Capricorn). Minor Grand Trines are one of the talent triangle geometries in astrology. The potential is there but one has to go for it, use it, or it will just pass with very little effect.
Now, in the best vibe this augers an opportunity to get a lot of shit done and feel really inspired and productive. The caution is that the shadow side of all this is stressing out by overdoing it, taking on too much and getting all grumpy or defeated (SATURN in Pisces), impatient or angry (MARS in Capricorn) with any glitches, holdups or delays. Stay centered, get organized, focus on authentic priorities and make yourself slow down occasionally to enjoy the ride. Don’t let yourself get too wound-up. You will likely see others around you and the world in general going through the same gyrations and things can easily escalate. With an attitude of gratitude for playing in a big exciting game that is finally “on” and a stepped back sense of humor, you’ll be able to get the most out of this period and assist others in keeping their balance at this accelerated pace as well. As Always, your experience is going to be channeled by what houses these aspects fall in for you from your Natal chart, how it all aspects you personally and, strongly, by what response patterns you are running.
At the NEW MOON, VENUS will be strongly trine to CHIRON, which will tend to be about healing interrelations with something you value or maybe invoking some welcome TLC for yourself and/or with others.
That auspicious beginning goes on all week as MARS smoothly hands off the Trine with JUPITER for a Trine with mental and talkative MERCURY over the week, peaking in ANOTHER Minor Grand Trine with SATURN and JUPITER, that perfects just after the January 17th WAXING QUARTER MOON. This will potentially emphasize articulation of practical ideas and step by step planning. The caution with this one too is to not overdo it or under do it. VENUS is coming on to Square dreamy NEPTUNE so watch for things like impulsive spending, shady deals or ungrounded beliefs. More on that in the current Bi-weekly YouTube forecast with Phina Kemper and I, and the WAXING QUARTER MOON written report next week.