We will go over all the Planets, their aspects to each other, the Houses and Signs in your chart and clearly explain the meaning of each and how it may be showing up in your life. I will send the recording to you via email so you can go back through it at any time for further insights.


Wow, what an eclipse period! For me at least it’s been one of the biggest initiations of my life. So much so that I had to skip the quarter MOON written report! As usual, for all of us, it has been a mix of miracles and tragedies, “good” and “bad” experiences, but with what seems of the more profound subjects amplified by the eclipse. Choppy waters the first part of OCTOBER with all the tense oppositions and awkward/annoying quincunx, squares and heavy planet retrogrades. Jangly and hectic and manifestly violent with Mars leading the planetary charge into uncompromising SCORPIO.

The partial lunar eclipse arrives on Oct 28th. It’ll be another peak in the long process we are all in which got really fired up at the Solar eclipse, 2 weeks ago.
Full MOON in sensuous, earthy TAURUS, the opposing SUN in extreme and intense SCORPIO. A few hours later expand-o-matic Jupiter Rx at the civilizing 11th degree of TAURUS is touched by the Full MOON as they are opposing aggressive/assertive MARS and mental/tricksy MERCURY, also in reactive SCORPIO. Might generate calls for harmony or it could be explosive, probably both, with so much tension of oppositions present, plus the extended dis-regulating quincunx between foggy/dreamy NEPTUNE and the SOUTH NODE; custodian of the past. Makes it so we can’t easily choose our path yet.

OCT 29th the MOON triggers a week-long TRINE between URANUS Rx and VENUS adding the possibility of unexpected and/or innovative shifts in our values, relationships or finances. Hopefully for the better!

OCT 30th the agitated SUN, MARS, MERCURY cluster continue to oppose exuberant JUPITER Rx without much to temper it, as we wind up for the portals to open on Samhain the 31st. It might be a janky HALLOWEEN so don’t get attached to a smooth time and have a few safe back up plans, just in case.

NOVEMBER starts with more of the same: JUPITER exactly opposite the SUN NOV 2 might make us feel more confident, just don’t overdo it.

Nov 3rd will be interesting as there is a MYSTICAL RECTANGLE (Stabilizing, with hidden tensions under a smooth exterior) formed by the MOON, VENUS, PLUTO and NEPTUNE and given some generous degrees, a GRAND TRINE/nearly a KITE between MOON, NEPTUNE, and MERCURY with a URANUS, MERCURY axis which might facilitate some upgrade of our consciousness. Also, a GRAND CROSS forms involving the MOON, PLUTO and the N and S NODES (a strong push to get our collective life on course or suffer the consequences).  Let’s just be curious how things move in the world on that day. Eh?

NOV 4 might have some tricky hours in it as the MOON swings through an inciting square to JUPITER on its way to squaring the SUN for the…

NOV 5 WANING QTR MOON. It might be a good idea to plan a pleasant time of music, art, dance or a quiet evening alone with a good book if you can pull it off, while VENUS OPP NEPTUNE is in effect for a few days. We all deserve it and it’s a necessary survival technique these days.

Wheee! NEW MOON Eclipse!! Yep, it’s a big deal. I feel like it is a major event on our journey through 2023. The SUN eclipses in LIBRA, squishing in with the SOUTH NODE (The past) and MERCURY (mind, thoughts, ideas, communications). It’s a rather PLUTO (power, shadow, the hidden/repressed and unconscious) compelled time as PLUTO is squaring all those planets in LIBRA one after another, forcing us to face the music of our shadows. MARS just explosively finished its Square to PLUTO too, and it’s just moved into SCORPIO, home sign of both planets now. More snags from the past might be brought up by the opposition of CHIRON to MERCURY over the next few days.   Challenging, yes but painful only to the degree we resist stepping up and dealing responsibly and compassionately with whatever arises. Its time to get to those dumpster fires in your life. Not with gasoline or also the expectation of quick resolutions. But a noble movement towards grace will pay off in times to come. It can and should be an opportunity to initiate or continue healing and strengthening our positions in life in some small or big way.  For some of us this will not be such a big deal and for some it may feel overwhelming. It very much depends on your chart and how you handle pressure.

Some aid is there too. MARS is closely trine SATURN stabilizing our reactions and helping us be more strategic, especially as the MOON does it too on Sunday, though hat can make us feel willful and stubborn too. Monday morning the Moon does an opposition to JUPITER then URANUS in the afternoon/eve requiring us to show a little restraint and patience despite our urges. Tuesday may be a bit confusing or uncertain while the MOON trines NEPTUNE and squares SATURN. There is actually a moment of possible loving and compassionate energy on Friday as the MOON forms a short Grand Trine with VENUS and JUPITER. Try to turn that into something lasting amidst all the chaos and corrections this week.

Its kinda crazy how MERCURY (speech, writing, communication, the rational mind, opinions) conjuncts the SUN + SOUTH NODE as it squares heavy PLUTO for the whole week. An eclipse to remember as there is a janky SOUTH NODE quincunx to NEPTUNE that goes on and on until December. It might be very hard to discern the truth or have clarity and consensus of opinion during the next few months. It will be risky it is to jump into hasty action based on what is likely confusion if not outright deception.

PS I wrote this before the tragic events in the world this week. WTF?!


HAPPY EQUINOX! Sep 22, 2023, 11:49 PM PT

These are some strange days eh? The end of week after the NEW MOON had the potential to feel a bit off, moody crunchy and maybe overwhelming, for a lot of us, prompting some kind of change, redesign or resolution in the way things are going, as the MOON opposed all the retrograding planets on by one. At the same time it may not be clear exactly what or how that is to be accomplished because of the dreamy and/or confusing NEPTUNE opposite SUN which is waning but still influencing everything. Might be bringing either inspirations and/or ungroundedness. Meanwhile PLUTO trine SUN, which is still squaring the MOON’S NODES makes sure we are plumbing the depths of what needs to be transformed or what we have repressed.  Powerful karmic times. Especially as the MOON triggers PLUTO on Sunday.

MARS opposes CHIRON all this week as it approaches the SOUTH NODE.  Days for facing, and perhaps an opportunity, to heal some past karma for sure. Fortunately, SATURN in spiritual PISCES is in harmonic trine with the goddess of sacred ritual and commitment, VESTA, in nurturing CANCER this whole week, so my suggestion to support ourselves navigating these days is through ritual practices that are dedicated to our spiritual and psycho-physiological wellbeing, whatever that might look for you.

Just before next weeks FULL MOON, retrograde NEPTUNE gets the MOON’S activation, emphasizing again the spiritual and inspirational, or possibly the delusional, side of our emotions.

It’s a lot these days as we are clearing and cleaning up so much we have had to skip or do half-assed the last few years just to keep our heads above water. We are getting things ready for the next big waves of 2024 in order for us to surf those waves into a better future. It’s taking a lot of self-awareness, patience and courage. We will be strengthened if we can just realize this is good and necessary, no matter what our little ego says. Make it voluntary, and in responsible service to the future you, as best you can, and you will grow.

It is vital that we keep in mind all this is just the general world horoscope, the underlying vibe if you will. Simply put, each of us is always experiencing life through the lens of the houses and aspects of our unique birth charts, which lays out the fundamental characteristics of us. That is all continuously modified by current transits and the karma we have created by our attitudes, choices and actions, both positive and negative. To really get a more precise and useful picture of how all this affecting you and how you might best dance with it, you must look to your own charts and what harmonics are occurring there. Remember as well that astrology is not deterministic. We all have the power and opportunity to choose how we dance to the music of the stars. That makes all the difference.

An overview of the intuitive energies and the astrological aspects we are all going through around the New Moon in September. Phina and I decided to start making our usual bi-weekly written forecast collaborations into a video format. Stepping outside our comfort zones, lol for personal readings from Phina go to her FB at Zana Healing or on IG at Flux_and_Zana

A short video from my YouTube channel “Intimacy Arts” about the Jupiter Square Venus aspect that was in effect for an unusually long time.

Well, its a retrograde-y time for sure. Lots of feeling like we are swimming hard but not getting very far yet. Though we did have VENUS start her journey forward again on the 4th, Yay! Now we can theoretically begin clearing and completing some of the issues around themes of what we value and hold dear that may have come up in the last month or so. But wait! The MOON rings JUPITER’s bell just as it stations Rx that same day. JUPITER is also synergistically Trine with The SUN and MERCURY Rx right now. Expansive and positive JUPITER is always close to Trine the SUN when it goes retrograde; adds a personal note to the potentiality of eventual good fortune from JUPITER Rx. MERCURY will trine it again on the way out of its shadow Sept 25th giving us the third and positive, optimistic boost to our thoughts, travels and communications.

Jupiter Rx in Taurus has us going inward to examine what spiritual and philosophical conceptions or misconceptions we believe will bring us positive outcomes in the areas of our possessions, stability, finances and pleasures. It will bring us events and experiences which highlight where these propositions or choices, conscious or unconscious, may not be in alignment with our natal design and are handicapping our progress. It might even look like bad luck if we’re depending on the dice rolling a certain way right now. If you can trust and graciously, courageously roll with the punches and keep going forward through the disappointments, setbacks and slow-downs that might occur, the planet of good fortune will shine on you again anon. If you see these experiences as blessings in disguise you will go far in seeing this Rx with less fear and resentment. Its only 4 months of getting tested a bit to see how your inner character is developing.

Of course, everything else is happening everywhere, all at once too. URANUS is Rx bringing us a chance to innovate an inner revolution or realization that may free us of interior and the interdependently connected exterior restraints. Gotta keep an open, quiet mind and heart to listen to those radical inspirations. Another long-term outer planet aspect is NEPTUNE sextile PLUTO both Rx for now, opening up the highest realms to the deepest. This augers a mild chance of powerful inspirations, revelations, soul dreams and sacred, fearsome healing journeys through the underworld for the next 10 weeks. Actually, this is a light initial touch of an aspect that will pulse more powerfully again and again from now into the 2030’s. Outer planets don’t mess around!

The inner planets are pretty quiet this week in the general, mundane astrology I’m doing here, except the MOON. The MOON after activating JUPITER and URANUS moves on to trine PLUTO Tuesday: emotional deep truths revealed.

Wednesday it squares the SUN and MERCURY Rx impelling us to be creative in our communication of feelings and to practice keeping our equanimity with all the Rx shenanigans.

Thursday we may get a positive touch on our attitudes towards our life direction and dharma with the MOON’S NODES in trine and sextile to the MOON.

It trines Saturn and then squares Mars on Friday: You might get some clarity and motivation on tasks but take a break from it in the afternoon if it gets frustrating.

Saturday will likely be a good day to play, but be home by midnight and watch for overindulgence in recreational “activities” because the MOON sextiles MERCURY Rx and the SUN early in the day then moves to trine and opposite of NEPTUNE sextile PLUTO while squaring the NODES and Chiron all through the dark hours.

Sunday, if you are not hungover, write any dreams down and journal your inspirations: likely to be significant with MOON trine NEPTUNE and opposite PLUTO all Saturday night and through Sunday. It all finishes off with the MOON conjunct VENUS Monday: Romance, maybe morning sex, and if nothing else, likely a pleasant feelings day, YAY!

Astrology Chart for Aug 30

A big fat BLUE FULL MOON in PISCES arrives Wednesday giving us all a watery wake up call to slow down a bit and pay attention to the more intuitive perspectives of all this SUN in VIRGO, earthy analysis and to-do lists vibe. It will still be practical enough though, as the MOON tripped over responsible SATURN just a few hours before. A good time to access creative, out of the box solutions to some of the challenges all these retrogrades are instigating for everyone. Maybe see it all from a bigger, less personal,more inter-dependent perspective or ask for some support, divine or earthly. Sincere, accountable and non-egoic prayers and/or a sympathetic friend can work wonders when you’re overwhelmed.

The next day the MOON moves on to Neptune and a nice sextile to Uranus..Prayers answered?? By the weekend its all about healer CHIRON and the NORTH NODE of our collective future direction. Perhaps listen to a wise, inspirational teacher this weekend because by early next week change is gonna come.

A strong onset of revisions of your thoughts, communications and ideas will be spurred Monday. Maybe long held and stubborn core beliefs will begin to loosen up, triggered by a fairly complex aspect occurring that will have ramifications later in the month. To wit, JUPITER is stationing Rx near URANUS, that just turned Rx and both are more or less stopped near each other in stubborn and sensual TAURUS. The MOON bridges them Monday, and all those three will form a harmonizing trine to MERCURY Rx and the SUN, who will be melting into exact conjunction on Wednesday in flamboyant LEO.

Ok, so archetypal keywords for this; Sun: ourselves, Mercury Rx: reviewing our thoughts, communications, beliefs, Uranus: Sudden inexorable change, Jupiter: expansion, optimism, good luck. TAURUS: Earth, ruled by VENUS, and LEO: Fire, ruled by SUN. This energy will likely reconcile around the NEW MOON Sept 14th as the trine will still be in effect and MERCURY stations D. ALSO, Notice that PLUTO is still sprinkling karmic coal and dark fairy dust on things AND now ALL the planets are retrograde except MARS. A great time to review, rethink, reimagine and renew your visions, hopes and fears of the future.

It just might work out great. Likely with that trine. A lot depends on how agile and wise you are this week. A lot more depends on what your natal and progressed charts are aspecting to all this. Just ask me and I’d be happy to give you a personal reading.



weekly astrology forecast

August 24-30

Here’s a half moon report for this week for ya-all. The MOON swings around to its waxing square on Aug 24th heading to full on Aug 30th. It’s already been an interesting week, as the weekend and most of the week had MERCURY and then MARS trining heavy PLUTO and the close pairing of disruptive URANUS and expansive JUPITER while opposite foggy NEPTUNE. A complex and pretty strong activation for manifesting our deeper impulses and thoughts. Relationships and feelings coulda been a little crunchy then, or possibly beneficially clearing, as the Sun opposed restraining/responsible SATURN while VENUS Rx squared JUPITER too.

By next Monday we have a lot of that still going on though fading. It then gets a definite kick on its way when the Moon activates PLUTO. Holding back those aggressive impulses and thinking about how to express yourself to get the best outcome you are really wishing for will be rewarded. Blowing up and letting it rip…Probably not. Though also defending yourself against attacks (real or imagined) will be strengthened. It’s all about clarity and discernment, as always, which unfortunately the aspects to NEPTUNE will NOT be helping you achieve. So go slow and consider your words, actions and thoughts well. Meanwhile, expect turbulence from those less self aware, but listen mindfully, it still might be a truth you need to hear.

Late morning on the 30th the MOON triggers SATURN as its finishing up it opposition to the SUN just 6 hours before the FULL MOON: A point where you might feel really restrained or repressed and want to wait until a more auspicious moment like Sept 2nd. (More on that in next weeks FULL MOON reading)

The only other strong aspect that day is an unpredictable and slightly irritating quincunx between MERCURY (communication and travel) and the healer CHIRON. Try to bring a sense of humor to any brief gitchyness in those areas.

Thats all for now. If you want to find out this all lands in your particular chart, reach out for a reading.
Blessings Shivoso

ASTROLOGY for Week of Jul 31 to Aug 6


Ok, The focus this week is on the Moon as it hits full on Aug 1st. The Moon (our emotional body) swings around the whole zodiac each month and acts as a trigger for each of the planets it aspects as it whips along. The Full Moon is of course opposite the Sun (our Self both personally and collectively). This is well known to heighten our emotional responses, both positive and negative. It also represents a fruition of intentions and things set in motion at the New moon 2 weeks before.

This full moon in Aquarius has a particularly expansive/explosive quality to it because the Sun is in its home sign of fiery Leo shining its beam on the Aquarian themes of seriousness, love of personal freedom and of experimentation. Authentic confidence or cocky asshole? It is up to you and your awareness of your ego. Mars (the ego with its assertive or aggressive tendencies) is synergistically trine big ol’ “expand everything” Jupiter this week too.

With Mercury opposing Saturn all week, as well, there is the distinct possibility of either some great direct communication or a scrappy blow up around values, relationships or finances that will, either way, have ramifications arrive probably by Thursday when the moon hits the ‘I told you so” consequences of Saturn.

Remember we still have Venus retrograding through Leo into September and Pluto square the moons nodes going on the rest of 2023, as I mentioned in last weeks post and will again as those powerful aspects bring a focus to profound changes in our relationships to others and our own soul the next few months. So it’s another “Big” full moon. It looks huge too because its a “Super Moon” that is at a closer point in its orbit to the Earth.

Enjoy the inspirations and motivations this week, but keep it responsible and in check for best results. Keep in mind that everyone is feeling this fire and you may very well find yourself on the receiving end of someone else’s manifestations of these energies for good or ill.

So I know the Astrological forecast I do can be pretty long. My intention is to help you all who are interested get a deeper insight into the archetypal energies involved so you can sense them in your own life. And for those who TL;DR I’ll also post the bullet points for you each week. Ergo, 😉

Week of July 19-26

  • Another highly emotional and variable week because of lunar conjunctions to Mercury, Mars and Venus.
  • Venus goes retrograde for 7 weeks. Review and reset our relationships and personal values ( e.g. money) Pluto, Neptune and Saturn also retrograde.
  • Venus quincunx Pluto and Neptune, challenging us to bring our higher self and creativity to the challenge of facing the dark inner energies that must be mastered to achieve our collective visions of a better world.
  • Nurture the body and mind to support creative inspirations. Follow your true-true intuitions. Engage in practices to cultivate inner peace and wisdom. Slow down. Breathe. Know that this week is a necessary though challenging part of the journey we are all on that will inevitably help us grow, if we let it.

astrology forecast july 20

HMU for more personal analysis with your chart. 💛


P.S. Here is the weekly energy reading from my dear friend and collaborator Phina Kemper We do a combined reading on IG each week. Phina is an intuitive psychic and I do the astrology. We never try to coordinate what we write. Each of us work separately yet each week is so in alignment and synchronicity. I love the validation of both methods and perspectives. Reach out to her if you want more of her services.

General energy reading: Week of July 19-26

Taking the time to rest and balance out the work and the play is still futile at this time. We are challenged to stay in our energy and not be too influenced by the energy of others. Staying in your truth while hearing the other’s perspective is still an ongoing topic. Challenging situations might occur.
Twin flame reading:
  • New phases✨
  • The divine feminine collective is moving more and more out of attachment connecting to happiness and fulfillment from within. The divine masculine collective is working through ego patterns and processing happenings from earlier cycles.
  • Hearts can be closed up out of fear or anger as ego layers are being shed.
  • Trust that the twin flame connection is a process toward self-love and spiritual growth. Don’t get fixed on the physical connection anymore. The Higher love is always there❤
  • Anger and fear are low vibrations. Stay out of them as much as you can by taking good care of yourself. Go on a walk or run yourself a bath.
  • If you are in a situation where it is hard to clear these feelings then don’t try to bypass them. Feel them, express them, and then move into your relaxation rituals.
  • If this is a challenge for you then there is an invitation to go into the practice of detachment. From outcome and your connection to other people’s energy field.
  • This is a very important topic for at least the next week and probably for life. So let’s step into training…
  • I feel us moving into softer and lighter energy during the last week of July ✨
  • Moving into a more dreamy vibe with a good energy for manifestation.”