Moon over Trees

Well, its a retrograde-y time for sure. Lots of feeling like we are swimming hard but not getting very far yet. Though we did have VENUS start her journey forward again on the 4th, Yay! Now we can theoretically begin clearing and completing some of the issues around themes of what we value and hold dear that may have come up in the last month or so. But wait! The MOON rings JUPITER’s bell just as it stations Rx that same day. JUPITER is also synergistically Trine with The SUN and MERCURY Rx right now. Expansive and positive JUPITER is always close to Trine the SUN when it goes retrograde; adds a personal note to the potentiality of eventual good fortune from JUPITER Rx. MERCURY will trine it again on the way out of its shadow Sept 25th giving us the third and positive, optimistic boost to our thoughts, travels and communications.

Jupiter Rx in Taurus has us going inward to examine what spiritual and philosophical conceptions or misconceptions we believe will bring us positive outcomes in the areas of our possessions, stability, finances and pleasures. It will bring us events and experiences which highlight where these propositions or choices, conscious or unconscious, may not be in alignment with our natal design and are handicapping our progress. It might even look like bad luck if we’re depending on the dice rolling a certain way right now. If you can trust and graciously, courageously roll with the punches and keep going forward through the disappointments, setbacks and slow-downs that might occur, the planet of good fortune will shine on you again anon. If you see these experiences as blessings in disguise you will go far in seeing this Rx with less fear and resentment. Its only 4 months of getting tested a bit to see how your inner character is developing.

Of course, everything else is happening everywhere, all at once too. URANUS is Rx bringing us a chance to innovate an inner revolution or realization that may free us of interior and the interdependently connected exterior restraints. Gotta keep an open, quiet mind and heart to listen to those radical inspirations. Another long-term outer planet aspect is NEPTUNE sextile PLUTO both Rx for now, opening up the highest realms to the deepest. This augers a mild chance of powerful inspirations, revelations, soul dreams and sacred, fearsome healing journeys through the underworld for the next 10 weeks. Actually, this is a light initial touch of an aspect that will pulse more powerfully again and again from now into the 2030’s. Outer planets don’t mess around!

The inner planets are pretty quiet this week in the general, mundane astrology I’m doing here, except the MOON. The MOON after activating JUPITER and URANUS moves on to trine PLUTO Tuesday: emotional deep truths revealed.

Wednesday it squares the SUN and MERCURY Rx impelling us to be creative in our communication of feelings and to practice keeping our equanimity with all the Rx shenanigans.

Thursday we may get a positive touch on our attitudes towards our life direction and dharma with the MOON’S NODES in trine and sextile to the MOON.

It trines Saturn and then squares Mars on Friday: You might get some clarity and motivation on tasks but take a break from it in the afternoon if it gets frustrating.

Saturday will likely be a good day to play, but be home by midnight and watch for overindulgence in recreational “activities” because the MOON sextiles MERCURY Rx and the SUN early in the day then moves to trine and opposite of NEPTUNE sextile PLUTO while squaring the NODES and Chiron all through the dark hours.

Sunday, if you are not hungover, write any dreams down and journal your inspirations: likely to be significant with MOON trine NEPTUNE and opposite PLUTO all Saturday night and through Sunday. It all finishes off with the MOON conjunct VENUS Monday: Romance, maybe morning sex, and if nothing else, likely a pleasant feelings day, YAY!