HAPPY EQUINOX! Sep 22, 2023, 11:49 PM PT

These are some strange days eh? The end of week after the NEW MOON had the potential to feel a bit off, moody crunchy and maybe overwhelming, for a lot of us, prompting some kind of change, redesign or resolution in the way things are going, as the MOON opposed all the retrograding planets on by one. At the same time it may not be clear exactly what or how that is to be accomplished because of the dreamy and/or confusing NEPTUNE opposite SUN which is waning but still influencing everything. Might be bringing either inspirations and/or ungroundedness. Meanwhile PLUTO trine SUN, which is still squaring the MOON’S NODES makes sure we are plumbing the depths of what needs to be transformed or what we have repressed.  Powerful karmic times. Especially as the MOON triggers PLUTO on Sunday.

MARS opposes CHIRON all this week as it approaches the SOUTH NODE.  Days for facing, and perhaps an opportunity, to heal some past karma for sure. Fortunately, SATURN in spiritual PISCES is in harmonic trine with the goddess of sacred ritual and commitment, VESTA, in nurturing CANCER this whole week, so my suggestion to support ourselves navigating these days is through ritual practices that are dedicated to our spiritual and psycho-physiological wellbeing, whatever that might look for you.

Just before next weeks FULL MOON, retrograde NEPTUNE gets the MOON’S activation, emphasizing again the spiritual and inspirational, or possibly the delusional, side of our emotions.

It’s a lot these days as we are clearing and cleaning up so much we have had to skip or do half-assed the last few years just to keep our heads above water. We are getting things ready for the next big waves of 2024 in order for us to surf those waves into a better future. It’s taking a lot of self-awareness, patience and courage. We will be strengthened if we can just realize this is good and necessary, no matter what our little ego says. Make it voluntary, and in responsible service to the future you, as best you can, and you will grow.

It is vital that we keep in mind all this is just the general world horoscope, the underlying vibe if you will. Simply put, each of us is always experiencing life through the lens of the houses and aspects of our unique birth charts, which lays out the fundamental characteristics of us. That is all continuously modified by current transits and the karma we have created by our attitudes, choices and actions, both positive and negative. To really get a more precise and useful picture of how all this affecting you and how you might best dance with it, you must look to your own charts and what harmonics are occurring there. Remember as well that astrology is not deterministic. We all have the power and opportunity to choose how we dance to the music of the stars. That makes all the difference.